HI-EMMS: Build Mus­cle & Burn Fat 
What if: You lie rela­xed on our loun­ger, per­haps lis­tening to your favo­ri­te play­list – while your body com­ple­tes 500 trai­ning sessions. 
Ozem­pic Face: When the dream of losing weight quick­ly lea­ves its mark 
You have final­ly rea­ched your desi­red weight, but when you look in the mir­ror you noti­ce sun­ken cheeks, sag­ging skin and signi­fi­cant­ly deeper wrinkles? 
Alma Lasers Suis­se and Swiss Der­ma Clinic 
In the world of aes­the­tic medi­ci­ne, pro­gress never stands still – and the Swiss Der­ma Cli­nic under the direc­tion of Lia Geor­gouli is no exception. 
Beau­ty trends 2025 
The year 2025 is kno­cking on the door, and Swiss Der­ma Cli­nic is rea­dy to accom­pa­ny you into the new year – fres­her, more radi­ant and more youthful than ever. 
The future of aes­the­tic medi­ci­ne: A con­ver­sa­ti­on with Kevin Sternberg 
In the ele­gant pre­mi­ses of the Swiss Der­ma Cli­nic, sur­roun­ded by sta­te-of-the-art tech­no­lo­gy and an atmo­sphe­re that exu­des calm and pro­fes­sio­na­lism, I speak with Kevin Stern­berg, MD. 
Miss Uni­ver­se Switzerland 
Lia Geor­gouli, our medi­cal direc­tor, repre­sen­ted Swiss Der­ma Cli­nic as a beau­ty expert on the jud­ging panel, play­ing a key role in sel­ec­ting this year’s Miss Uni­ver­se Switzerland. 
Pre­ven­ting Skin Can­cer: A Visi­on Bey­ond Treatment 
Inspi­red by Ber­nard Acker­man’s lega­cy, Swiss Der­ma Cli­nic high­lights their approach to proac­ti­ve skin can­cer pre­ven­ti­on through digi­tal der­mo­sco­py and advan­ced treatments. 
Artic­le from the Tagesanzeiger 
Dr. Evan­ge­lia Geor­gouli, FMH der­ma­to­lo­gy and vene­reo­lo­gy spe­cia­list, explains in an inter­view how light the­ra­pies are used to impro­ve the health and beau­ty of the skin. 
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