
Acne and rosacea treatment in Zurich

Acne usual­ly peaks in teen­agers, but can per­sist into adult­hood. It typi­cal­ly appears with black­heads, pimp­les or inflamm­a­to­ry nodu­les. Acne often leads to per­ma­nent scarring.


At Swiss Der­ma Cli­nic, we pre­vent scar­ri­ng by start­ing the tar­ge­ted tre­at­ment of acne ear­ly on. Rosacea (which is also cal­led cou­pe­ro­sis) is a chro­nic inflamm­a­to­ry skin dise­a­se caus­ing red­ness, inflamm­a­ti­on, blis­ters or nodu­les on the skin, main­ly of the face. It most­ly affects adults.

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Treatment options range from creams and tablets to laser therapy. We also offer detailed advice on cleansing and caring for your skin, avoiding trigger factors, and medical cosmetic treatment.


Acne scars can be treated with laser therapy, medical microneedling with mesotherapy, or PRP (platelet-rich plasma). Fractional CO2 laser treatment is being increasingly used to improve or heal acne scars.

Akne und Couperose behandeln


Akne und Couperose behandeln

What is acne and how does it develop?

Annoying pimples, blackheads and pustules on your face, décolleté or back? Acne is not only a problem of teenagers - more and more adults suffer from the various forms of acne. The triggers are different. First and foremost, hormonal fluctuations play a role. This is also the reason why acne mainly occurs during puberty and at the beginning of the menopause. But environmental toxins, medications, cornification disorders and an overgrowth of certain bacteria (Propionibacterium acnes) can also promote acne.


The good news is that acne is usually easy to treat.


In acne, the follicles of the sebaceous glands become inflamed. The sebaceous glands are hyperactive, so to speak, and produce an excessive amount of sebum (oil). In acne, the sebum cannot drain through the pores, it accumulates in the skin, resulting in pimples and inflammation. In most forms of acne, the skin surface is very horny. In addition, the so-called acne bacteria promote the inflammatory processes.


If left untreated, acne often leads to unsightly scarring. Today, there is also a remedy for acne scars. At the Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich, we work with concentrated fruit acid peelings, the fractional CO2 laser, mesotherapy or medical microneedling, depending on the severity.


Typical appearance of acne:


  • Blackheads
  • inflamed pimples, pus pustules
  • Nodular inflammation in the skin
  • Acne scars
  • Large-pored oily skin

How is the diagnosis made?

In most cases, a visual diagnosis by a specialist is sufficient to reliably diagnose acne. In a detailed consultation, we discuss possible triggers and causes with you. The therapy depends on the type of acne and the severity. At the Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich, we work with medical cosmetic treatments and special laser applications, among other things.

What helps with acne?

As a sufferer, you want to see a rapid improvement in your skin problems. Since acne mainly occurs on the face, most patients feel that their quality of life is significantly impaired. In a consultation, our specialists will explain to you all the options for a quick and targeted treatment.


Every acne is different - that is why we adapt your therapy exactly to your skin condition. In the case of mild acne with only a few pimples, optimised skin care can already help. Medical cosmetic treatments are a good and very effective option here. These treatments heal existing pustules quickly and also prevent new pimples and acne scars from developing. If the acne is very severe, there are various medications available. These are usually only used for a certain period of time. Special active ingredients reduce sebum production and inflammation.


Since acne often occurs in combination with acne scars, we use fractional CO2 laser treatment, medical needling and mesotherapy (also in combination with PRP) with great success.

How does fractional laser treatment for acne scars work?

At the Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich, we successfully use fractional laser therapy to reduce acne scars. The affected skin is treated with targeted and precisely dosed laser pulses. Only a part of the skin area is exposed to the laser light and not the entire skin. The results are shorter regeneration times and fewer side effects. With the laser, we lightly remove the top layer of the epidermis. The connective tissue is stimulated - the skin renews itself faster and produces collagen and elastin fibres. As a result, scars fill in naturally and the overall appearance of the skin becomes smoother and more fine-pored. Fractional CO2 laser therapy is also used in the treatment of wrinkles and to reduce age spots.

What is couperosis (rosacea)?

Couperosis and, in its more severe form, rosacea, are among the most common chronic skin diseases in adults. It occurs in the facial area and is therefore clearly visible. As with acne, this has a particular impact on well-being and quality of life. Most of the time, those affected suffer greatly from the external consequences of the skin disease. Couperosis occurs mainly in women and men over the age of 40. Women are affected slightly more often than men. A typical feature of couperosis are the fine, bluish-red veins that shimmer through the skin or stand out clearly on the cheeks. Causes of couperosis include a genetic predisposition, too much sun exposure, high blood pressure and excessive consumption of nicotine, alcohol or coffee.


If couperosis is more severe, it is accompanied by blotchy redness and sometimes inflammatory nodules. Couperosis is then more commonly called rosacea (facial rosacea, copper rosacea). Rosacea mostly affects women from the 4th decade of life onwards. The redness and nodules occur mainly in the so-called T-zone, on the cheeks, nose, chin and forehead. A fair skin colour is an additional risk factor. If men are affected, in some cases the typical nodular thickened nose (rhinophyma, bulbous nose) occurs.


Typical symptoms of rosacea


  • Reddened skin areas
  • dilated veins in the facial area (mainly cheeks): Couperose
  • Sensitive and irritated skin
  • Burning and itching of the skin (depending on the severity)
  • Nodules and inflammation (only in more severe cases, grade 2 rosacea)
  • Thickened sebaceous glands (only in severe cases, grade 3 rosacea)

What treatment for couperose and rosacea?

Depending on the skin condition and the severity of your skin disease, we can treat couperosis with skin creams, special ointments (magistral formulations) or tablets. Skin care advice is of great importance in the therapy, as the appropriate products often lead to a rapid improvement. In addition, a deterioration can often be effectively prevented.

Another option is professional medical-cosmetic treatments. Here, skin-soothing active ingredients, a suitable massage or lymphatic drainage and cooling moisturising masks are used. The choice of ingredients and moisturising factors is crucial. The wrong skin care can do more harm than good - especially if rosacea is present.


An overview of treatments for couperosis:


  • adapted skin care with suitable ingredients.
  • medical cosmetic treatments
  • dermatological ointments or gels (also extemporaneous preparations).
  • avoidance of irritating substances.
  • under certain circumstances, medically suitable make-up (camouflage)
  • in the case of pronounced inflammations, sometimes temporary antibiotics
  • in the case of mild couperosis, laser therapies.


Which treatment is suitable in your case depends on the individual skin condition and on many accompanying factors. The prerequisite for an effective therapy of couperosis (rosacea) is a well-founded diagnosis by a specialist. At the Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich, we treat all forms of couperosis and rosacea.

Can I alleviate my couperosis myself?

Avoid so-called triggers that increase blood flow to the skin. These are, for example, hot spices, hot baths or compresses, solariums, saunas and alcoholic drinks. Unsuitable skin care (cosmetics) can also have a vasodilatory effect, as can certain medications. Very hot or very cold temperatures are also not beneficial for couperosis.


Sports and outdoor exercise, on the other hand, support the immune system and relieve mental tension. Relaxation techniques, yoga and leisurely walks can also reduce your symptoms and improve your personal well-being. Use a mild skin cleanser and a light skin care adapted to the needs of your skin.

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