
Using light to treat skin cancer, itching and wrinkles

Phot­ody­na­mic the­ra­py (PDT) uses cer­tain wave­lengths of light to tre­at can­cer tumours (basal cell car­ci­no­mas) and pre­can­ce­rous lesi­ons (acti­nic kera­to­ses, Bowen’s dise­a­se). For this pur­po­se, a pho­to­sen­si­tiz­ing cream is rub­bed into the tumour tis­sue, which is then expo­sed to light. The com­bi­na­ti­on of light and pho­to­sen­si­ti­zer des­troys the tumour cells. PDT is a tis­sue-con­ser­ving pro­ce­du­re which doesn’t distress the pati­ent. The cos­me­tic results are usual­ly excellent.

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PDT can also be used as a gentle skin rejuvenation method to bring about flawless skin.


Phototherapy is suitable for treating psoriasis and neurodermatitis as well as other eczemas – skin diseases that are unpleasant for both body and soul.


Ergonomically optimized devices with an open design reduce the feeling of constriction and provide homogeneous all-round exposure. The resulting uniform exposure makes for short treatment times and thus comfortable therapy with good exposure results on any part of the skin.

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