
Frown line removal Zurich

The so-cal­led frown line bet­ween the eye­brows is very pro­no­un­ced in some peo­p­le. It makes the face look serious, thoughtful or even grum­py. Quite wron­gly, becau­se a deep frown line is not neces­s­a­ri­ly rela­ted to fre­quent frow­ning. Often it is sim­ply gene­ti­cal­ly par­ti­cu­lar­ly pronounced.


The good news is that this annoy­ing wrink­le can be remo­ved easi­ly and effec­tively – with a mini­mal­ly inva­si­ve wrink­le tre­at­ment. The rem­oval of frown lines is one of the most com­mon aes­the­tic treatments.

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Remove frown lines - your treatment at the Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich:


  • Effective removal of the frown line
  • Natural and youthful appearance
  • High level of expertise in the field of aesthetic medicine
  • No downtime. You can have your frown line removed during your lunch break.


Would you like to have your frown line removed? It can be done in just a few minutes. The most effective method is injection with botulinum toxin (botulinum therapy). The muscle relaxant relaxes the mimic muscles - wrinkles are effectively smoothed out. If the frown line is very pronounced, a combination with hyaluronic acid fillers is an option. Hyaluronic acid gently fills the frown line, the result is immediately visible.


Our experienced specialist Mrs Georgouli uses the most effective methods to successfully remove your frown line. If you wish, you can combine the injections directly with a complete treatment of the forehead wrinkles. The results speak for themselves - your face looks more relaxed, younger and friendlier. If you decide to have the frown lines removed, you will benefit from further effects: Often headaches and even migraine attacks are reduced.

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What is a frown line?

The frown line is actually called the glabellar line. It is located directly above the root of the nose, right between the eyebrows. It usually runs horizontally, sometimes it appears as a transverse wrinkle - in some cases as a combination of both. Glabellar wrinkles develop during life as a result of facial expressions, but they are often genetic. They can appear at a very young age, sometimes very pronounced. As so-called frown lines, they easily convey a stern or grumpy impression.

Which method can be used to remove the frown line?

The most common method to remove frown lines is botulinum toxin injections. The muscle relaxant is injected into the fine muscles around the wrinkle. You will see the first effects after a few days, and you can expect the maximum result after about two weeks. The session only takes a few minutes. At the Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich we also use hyaluronic acid filler for deep wrinkles. The hyaluronic filler gently fills the tissue. Your advantage from the combination of botulinum toxin and filler: the skin is clearly smoothed immediately after the treatment.

How does the treatment work?

To remove your frown lines, we place pinpoint injections of botulinum toxin into the muscle tissue around the depressions. The active ingredient blocks special nerves and thus causes the fine muscles to relax. As a result, the skin smoothes out - wrinkles disappear. Our specialist, Mrs Georgouli, is an expert in the field of aesthetic medicine - apart from a slight prick, you will not feel anything from the treatment. If you wish, we will also numb the skin area with an anaesthetic ointment. We often combine the injection of your frown line with wrinkle treatment for crow's feet and forehead wrinkles.

How quickly do I see an effect and how long does it last?

If the frown lines are removed with botulinum toxin, you will see the first effects after a few days. It takes an average of two weeks to achieve the optimum result. We achieve an immediate effect with an additional filler treatment. We will discuss which method is best suited to you before your treatment at the Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich.


Injections with botulinum toxin and hyaluronic acid are effective for several months. Depending on your constitution, the active ingredient is broken down by the body more quickly or later. The treatment can be repeated after four to six months. In most cases, we need less active ingredient in further sessions to achieve the desired result. After all, the forehead muscles were significantly less tense for several months. As a positive side effect, the smoothing of wrinkles lasts longer from treatment to treatment.

What do I have to consider after removing the frown line?

Immediately after we have removed your frown lines, you can usually go about your everyday activities as usual. The treated areas should not be massaged or irritated intensively for the next few days. In some cases, slight bruising or swelling may occur after the treatment. If you wish, you can lightly cover the areas with make-up. If possible, refrain from sweat-inducing sports, sauna and solarium visits for a few days.

The optimum treatment result is achieved after around two weeks. The treatment can be refreshed as required.

What costs should I expect?

The cost of injecting the frown line at the Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich is CHF 300. Our dermatology doctor will inform you in detail before the treatment.

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