
Hair loss treatment for women in Zurich

The­re are seve­ral pos­si­ble cau­ses of hair loss, such as nut­ri­ent defi­ci­en­cy, hor­mo­nes, exter­nal fac­tors or an under­ly­ing ill­ness. We con­duct an exami­na­ti­on and an ana­mne­sis inter­view with each pati­ent to deter­mi­ne the exact cau­se of their hair loss.


In the case of per­sis­tent hair loss in other­wi­se healt­hy peo­p­le, apart from medi­ca­ti­on-based the­ra­py, at Swiss Der­ma Cli­nic we also use the fol­lo­wing two modern methods of treatment:

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Skin-rejuvenating mesotherapy has long been successfully applied. Using very fine needles, high-quality preparations are injected into the skin. Mesotherapy also has a rejuvenating effect on the scalp. It stops hair loss and encourages new hair to grow.


Platelet-rich plasma (PRP)

The patient’s own blood is centrifuged, leaving platelet-rich blood plasma. Being rich in growth factors, PRP promotes cell renewal without any risk of side-effects. The hair follicles are stimulated, prompting new, improved growth. PRP is also suitable for supporting the success of a hair transplant.

Haarausfall bei der Frau behandeln


Haarausfall bei der Frau behandeln

Why is PRP and mesotherapy the method of choice for hair loss?

With PRP and mesotherapy we combine two of the most effective treatments against hair loss. Both treatments involve fine superficial injections on the hairy and hairless scalp. Through tiny micro-injections, we introduce both hair growth stimulating agents (mesotherapy) and processed blood plasma (PRP) into the area of the hair follicles.


PRP therapy and mesotherapy are particularly suitable when there are still living hair roots. If this is no longer the case, hair transplantation is a possibility. In such a case, both therapies also ensure better hair growth. The effects of both treatments reinforce each other. As a result, there is better blood circulation in the scalp and the activity of the hair roots is stimulated. The new hair grows faster and has a stronger hair structure.

How does mesotherapy for hair loss work?

In mesotherapy, we inject concentrated active ingredients that promote hair growth directly under the skin. These are, for example, natural trace elements, minerals and vitamins. The cocktail of active ingredients stimulates the activity of the hair follicle and thus hair growth. If the hair follicle is still active, the hair grows back. Positive side effects: The hair structure is usually much stronger and the hair becomes thicker.


Mesotherapy is the method of choice for hereditary or hormonal hair loss. In order to stop the hair from falling out in the long term and to promote regrowth, we use, for example, an active ingredient concentrate consisting of dexpanthenol, coenzyme Q10 and biotin. These ingredients stimulate the hair roots and stimulate the blood circulation in the scalp.


Overview of the special features of mesotherapy for hair loss:


  • tailor-made active substance concentrates
  • small amount of active ingredient, as it is applied locally directly to the hair root
  • hardly any side effects
  • one application takes a maximum of 20 minutes
  • Long-lasting results due to manageable treatment sessions.

What does PRP (platelet-rich plasma) do for hair loss?

PRP treatment is a dermatological form of so-called autologous blood therapy. First, some blood (about 15 millilitres) is taken from the patient, which we centrifugally prepare on site. In the third step, the now concentrated plasma is injected directly into the area of the hair roots. The prepared blood plasma is very rich in platelets (thrombocytes) and natural growth factors. These support cell renewal and activate hair growth. Depending on the application, we can enrich the plasma with further active substances or vitamins.


The background of PRP therapy: Platelet-rich plasma obtained from the patient's own blood is known from wound healing and bone regeneration - it increases the body's own cell regeneration many times over. PRP therapy is also used in other medical fields, such as orthopaedics, oral and maxillofacial surgery and pain therapy.


In aesthetic medicine, we also use the regeneration-promoting effect of PRP therapy in wrinkle treatment. PRP stimulates the formation of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid in the skin and thus has a skin-smoothing effect.

How many applications are necessary and when will I see the first results?

When treating hair loss with PRP, four to six treatments at 14-day intervals are the rule. Through the combination with mesotherapy, these treatment intervals can be extended under certain circumstances. Which intervals are ideal in individual cases and how many sessions make sense also depends on the extent of the hair loss and the cause.


After about two to three months, the regrowing hair can be seen. After about half a year, the treatment should be refreshed. In some cases, an annual interval is sufficient.

What are the advantages of combining PRP and mesotherapy?

Both methods, mesotherapy and PRP (platelet-rich plasma) injections, slow down hair loss, strengthen hair quality and stimulate new hair growth. Both treatments work directly on the hair follicle. The prerequisite: there must still be active hair roots. The technique is also the same: the active ingredients are injected superficially and with the finest cannulas (mesopistol) directly under the scalp. In practice, we can see that the combination of both treatments significantly increases the effect against hair loss. The intervals between the individual applications are longer, and fewer sessions are necessary overall.


The results speak for themselves: PRP supports the regeneration of the hair roots and stimulates the growth of new hair. In mesotherapy, we inject individually formulated active ingredients that strengthen the regrowing hair and demonstrably stop hair loss. The hair is often thicker and fuller.

When should I decide to have hair loss treatment?

Men in particular suffer from hormone-induced hair loss. The so-called androgenetic alopecia is very common. In this case, there is a genetic predisposition that makes the hair roots more sensitive to male hormones. Especially in the initial phase of hair loss, when there are still enough hair follicles, the success of aesthetic therapies is good. Mesotherapy and PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) treatment have proven to be particularly effective.

Which complementary therapies are recommended?

At the Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich, we work with supplementary tinctures or tablets to be taken internally. The combination with local treatment methods directly on the scalp leads to quick and lasting results in many cases. It is particularly important to start treatment early if the hair loss is not yet far advanced.

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