The male of the species

Skin rejuvenation for men in Zurich

Did you know that appro­xi­m­ate­ly 30 per­cent of aes­the­tic tre­at­ments are boo­ked by men? You’­re not alo­ne in your desi­re for healt­hy, vital, and attrac­ti­ve skin.


The most com­mon request from our pati­ents is to enhan­ce their natu­ral appearance, gent­ly redu­ce wrink­les and scars, wit­hout loo­king „over­do­ne.“ Modern skin reju­ve­na­ti­on methods make this pos­si­ble. Men’s skin reju­ve­na­ti­on is one of our specialties.

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Maybe you want to give your chin area a more pronounced contour and remove fat deposits on your cheeks or under your chin? Then, in addition to laser treatment, you might consider the so-called 9 Point Lifting and Face Sculpting. These treatments define the facial contour gently and without surgery – through very targeted injections at individual points. With lasting and convincing results. These methods usually take less than an hour in our clinic in Zurich. Downtime is rare – you can typically return to work immediately after your men's skin rejuvenation in Zurich. Treatments are possible even during your lunch break.


Want to feel comfortable in your skin again? Then make an appointment at the Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich and get advice from our specialists. To highlight your natural attractiveness.


At the Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich, we treat:

  • Dark circles
  • Sagging skin
  • Wrinkles
  • Large-pored skin and scars
  • Chin and cheekbone contour
  • Pigmentation and age spots
  • Red veins in the facial area
  • Drooping mouth corners
  • Frown lines and forehead wrinkles
  • Premature skin aging


Men's Skin Rejuvenation: What's Special?

The skin structure and male facial features differ in several ways from our female patients. Men's facial skin is thicker, less dry, and often larger-pored. The contour is more angular.


Following the approach of Mauricio de Maio and the specially developed 9 Point Lifting for men, we restore your face's distinctive silhouette. Additionally, we reduce expression lines with botulinum toxin and replenish lost volume with special skin-compatible fillers. We consider your entire face as a unit – not just individual wrinkles.


Cheekbones and the chin-jaw line are especially accentuated in men, and nasolabial folds, marionette lines, and dark circles are gently corrected. Our dermatologist Mrs. Georgouli has been specifically trained in this injection technique by plastic surgeon Dr. Mauricio de Maio, an authority in the field. Depending on the skin condition, we combine the 9 Point Lifting with modern laser technology and fat-dissolving injections.

Hautverjüngung Männer Zürich


Hautverjüngung Männer Zürich

Which treatments do you recommend for men's skin rejuvenation?

At the Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich, we offer various treatments for men's skin rejuvenation. For example:


  • Fillers and hyaluronic acid to immediately and visibly soften facial wrinkles and restore volume. We sculpt the facial contour with targeted injections of high-quality hyaluronic acid.
  • Another method is Profhilo® – an innovative treatment for skin tightening without surgery. Here, a special gel is injected into the affected areas to stimulate the skin's natural collagen and elastin production. The results are very natural and last for several months.
  • To define a sharp jawline or give your face an overall distinctive expression, Face Sculpting with MD Codes in combination with fat-dissolving injections is recommended. Specific points on the face are injected to correct sagging cheeks and double chins, achieving a harmonious proportioning of the entire face, chin line, and cheekbone area.
  • Scars, red veins, and age spots can also be successfully treated – with targeted injections or laser treatments improving the skin texture and reducing scars. In Zurich, we work with the CO2 laser, which allows for very gentle treatments.

What is Face Sculpting in Zurich, and what effects can I expect from the treatment?

Using so-called MD Codes, the facial features are accentuated, more sharply contoured, and gently modeled. The face is divided into specific zones and "anchor points" such as the mid-face, temple region, and chin area, which are precisely emphasized – all without surgery and downtime!


Cheekbones and the chin area are sharply accentuated, and nasolabial folds, chin folds, and dark circles are gently corrected with hyaluronic acid. Fat deposits in the face, for example, in the area of a double chin or on the cheeks, can be treated with modern fat-dissolving injections. The result? A youthfully fresh and exceptionally natural appearance.

Do I have to expect downtime and side effects?

In most cases, there is no downtime. Slight redness and swelling around the injection site are completely normal right after the treatment, and they may intensify slightly over the following days – then subside on their own. However, they are usually so mild that you can continue your professional and private obligations. If your skin is rather sensitive, then schedule your skin rejuvenation cautiously on a Friday or during your vacation time.

How long does the treatment take?

In general, a comprehensive men's skin rejuvenation takes about one hour, including skin cleaning and preparation. However, for laser treatments, fat-dissolving injections, or injections for deeper wrinkles with hyaluronic acid, we only need a few minutes.


Overall, the duration depends on the type of treatment (simple injection or Face Sculpting), the desired result, and your skin condition.

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