
Jawline injections in Zurich

The jaw­li­ne is the chin-jaw line that empha­si­s­es the face and gives it pro­fi­le. Many of our pati­ents desi­re a pro­mi­nent con­tour, as this is often asso­cia­ted with attrac­ti­ve­ness and ele­gan­ce. Whe­ther the chin line is pro­no­un­ced depends pri­ma­ri­ly on gene­tic predisposition.


In some peo­p­le it is pro­mi­nent and angu­lar, in others it is rather soft, irre­gu­lar or slight­ly blur­red. Age also plays a role. For exam­p­le, the con­nec­ti­ve tis­sue wea­k­ens over the years, the so-cal­led sack­ing effect occurs.

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The result is slightly sagging cheeks, the supposed sagging cheeks. By the way, only very few people have an evenly defined jawline. To give the chin line contour, we inject the skin in this area with a special hyaluronic acid (filler). With the right technique, the shape of the face can be aesthetically modelled.


Jawline injections at the Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich mean for you:


  • A youthful appearance
  • A clear chin contour
  • Treatment with immediate effect
  • fast results: The treatment takes around 20 minutes
  • You are fit for work again immediately after treatment
  • high professional competence and low-risk treatment due to many years of expertise
jawline unterspritzen


jawline unterspritzen

Who is Jawline injecting suitable for?

A pronounced jawline is perceived by many people as attractive and youthful - it corresponds to the so-called ideal of beauty. Often the chin line is rounded, the cheeks sag slightly and the transition to the chin becomes blurred. In the course of life, the contour increasingly loses its profile as the supporting connective tissue becomes slack. This can be counteracted with special hyaluron fillers. The jawline is accentuated and redefined (modelled) by small injections. Sagging cheeks can be tightened and dents in the chin and cheek area padded - the profile appears clearer and more sharply defined. The treatment is suitable for all age groups. As hyaluronic acid is broken down again by the body over time, the treatment result is not permanent. It lasts up to one year.

How long does the Jawline injection last?

The result lasts between 12 and 18 months - individually even longer. You can have the chin contour touched up at any time, even earlier if you wish. As a rule, we need less filler for subsequent treatments, as the skin forms its own new elastic fibres through the injections. These additionally strengthen and tighten the connective and supporting tissue. In this way, the success of the treatment is maintained for longer and longer.

How does the treatment of the chin line (Jawline) proceed?

We use a special filler for injecting the jawline. This is not only particularly skin-friendly, the compact hyaluron gel can be used to model the jawline with great precision. Our specialist, Mrs Georgouli, has many years of experience in aesthetic medicine and wrinkle treatment. She places the injections precisely along the jawline - always individually and in accordance with the desired result. The effect is already visible after the treatment - a tightened and straightened profile.


Irregularities and dents in the chin contour are also gently evened out. The skin of the cheeks is also smoothed slightly and the face gets a fresh glow from the intensive moisture. As the hyaluron filler is injected under the skin with a very delicate needle, there is practically no pain, at most a slight pricking sensation. If desired, we can treat the area around the injection with a light anaesthetic ointment. The session itself takes about 20 to 30 minutes, depending on the skin condition and the desired effect.

If I have the Jawline injected, when will I see the result?

The chin contour is strengthened and tightened immediately after the injection. The treatment stimulates the production of collagen and elastin in the skin - the treated skin area gradually becomes firmer. The filler needs a few days to "set" in the skin. The optimal result is achieved after about two weeks. After this time, further optimisation can be carried out if desired. As a rule, the success of the treatment lasts for several months. Sometimes even up to a year or longer. If you have the impression that your chin line is losing its contour again, you can refresh the treatment at any time.

What do I have to pay attention to after the jawline treatment?

Do not massage or stress the chin area for at least three days after the treatment. Also avoid peeling treatments or skin-irritating products during this time.


Sometimes there is minor swelling or bruising around the injection sites immediately after the procedure. These disappear by themselves after a few days. You can apply moderate cooling to the chin area to help. Cover bruises with a little make-up or tinted day cream as needed.


Refrain from sports, sauna and solarium visits for a few days. Otherwise the skin will be unnecessarily irritated and activated. If you have individual questions or if you are taking certain medications, let us advise you at the Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich. You will have plenty of time to ask all your questions during our consultation hours. The specialist Ms Georgouli is a proven expert in the field of aesthetic wrinkle treatment.

Is Jawline injecting also something for men?

Jawline injections - or jawline contouring - are in almost equal demand by all genders. For men, too, a prominent and sharp jawline symbolises clarity, masculinity and charisma. A great advantage of the treatment is that it can be individually adapted to any face shape. In this way, even sharp-edged contours can be modelled. At the Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich, we see your face as a whole and adapt each treatment step harmoniously and proportionally. The important thing for us is: to aesthetically emphasise the natural appearance.

How much does it cost to have my Jawline injected?

Jawline injections are not a necessary medical intervention - the costs for the treatment must therefore be borne privately. These start at CHF 500 and can vary in individual cases. Among other things, the amount of filler and the individual expense play a role here. At the Swiss Derma Clinic we will inform you in detail about the expected costs before the treatment.

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