
Rosacea treatment in Zurich

Rosacea: „When the skin beco­mes a burden“

The face is our cal­ling card, as it’s the first thing others noti­ce about us. The eyes, mouth, and our skin are par­ti­cu­lar­ly in the spot­light. Skin con­di­ti­ons like rosacea can quick­ly beco­me bur­den­so­me – as they pri­ma­ri­ly mani­fest on the face. The red­ness and inflamm­a­ti­on are not only phy­si­cal­ly bother­so­me, but they can also affect one’s self-con­fi­dence. The­r­e­fo­re, an effec­ti­ve tre­at­ment tail­o­red to the skin and the indi­vi­du­al is cru­cial. So you can feel com­for­ta­ble and con­fi­dent in your skin again!


Rosacea is a chro­nic der­ma­to­lo­gi­cal con­di­ti­on. It usual­ly occurs in fla­re-ups and pri­ma­ri­ly affects women over the age of 40. Bes­i­des skin red­ness, pus­tu­les, and itching, per­ma­nent­ly dila­ted blood ves­sels, known as telang­iec­ta­si­as, are cha­rac­te­ristic symptoms.

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At the Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich, we treat rosacea based on the latest findings. And always individually. Our dermatologists specialize in chronic skin diseases, outpatient procedures, and aesthetic treatments. Our entire range of services is always available to you. Feel free to schedule your first appointment right here.


To treat rosacea effectively in the long term, we also use medical cosmetics. For example, gentle laser treatments or specific peeling applications.


Your Rosacea treatment in Zurich

  • Modern treatment methods based on the latest research
  • Treatment by experts in chronic skin diseases and aesthetic therapies
  • Medical cosmetics for supportive rosacea treatment if needed
  • Laser treatments (innovative technology)
  • Medical peeling
  • Medication therapy
rosazea behandlung


rosazea behandlung

What is Rosacea?

Rosacea is among the inflammatory and chronic skin diseases. It's also known as facial rose or copper rose. The forehead, nose area, and chin are often affected, and in rare cases, the eye area. Rosacea progresses in flare-ups. Thus, phases with more inflammation can alternate with calmer phases. Symptoms vary from patient to patient. Some complain only about slight skin redness and increased sensitivity, while others have dilated veins in the cheek area, and yet others suffer from acne-like issues with pustules. Some patients exhibit thickened and enlarged sebaceous glands.


Rosacea is fundamentally incurable – but in general, the symptoms can be well managed. First, it's essential for the disturbing skin manifestations to heal. In mild cases and during phases with a more calm skin appearance, medical cosmetic applications can be helpful. Relaxation techniques can also be beneficial, as one's emotional state can also affect the skin.

Which symptoms occur with Rosacea?

Rosacea is very diverse. It can easily be confused with couperose or acne in the initial phase, as these skin conditions resemble each other in many areas.


Typical symptoms of rosacea include:

  • Redness due to dilation of fine veins
  • Inflammatory nodules
  • Pustules
  • Enlarged sebaceous glands, often in the nose area
  • Burning and itching of the skin
  • Sensitive and irritated skin appearance


Note that these symptoms can also occur with other skin diseases. A skilled doctor must always diagnose rosacea.

How is Rosacea treated in Zurich?

Depending on which skin problems (pustules, redness, veins) predominate, specific medications or ointments are used. Ointments with pharmacological active ingredients are individually prepared in the pharmacy – and are thus optimally adapted to the skin condition. In more pronounced and very acute cases, antibiotic therapy may also be indicated. In most cases, rosacea improves quickly with the right treatment.


If desired and as needed, we also provide cosmetic treatments for your skin at our practice in Zurich. With skin-soothing masks, manual lymphatic drainage, or special massages. Another treatment option is the laser. Modern laser devices are powerful yet gentle on the skin. They can be adjusted to the blood vessels and skin type (Link to laser treatments).


Rosacea therapy includes, for example:

  • Skin-relaxing creams and gels
  • Anti-inflammatory ointments
  • Medical cosmetics
  • Special active ingredients
  • Medications like antibiotics
  • Laser applications
  • Medical peeling treatments


A thorough diagnosis and consultation by a specialist are always prerequisites for effective treatment.

Which lifestyle factors influence Rosacea?

Certain factors can trigger disease flare-ups. During a flare-up, symptoms worsen. Known triggers include intense sunlight, stimulants like alcohol, nicotine, or caffeine, spicy spices, or hot drinks. Stress and emotional strains can also exacerbate rosacea. Here, yoga or small relaxation exercises in everyday life can be very beneficial. And of course, a healthy lifestyle with adequate sleep, a balanced diet, and regular exercise.

What causes are known?

The exact reasons why some people develop rosacea are still not fully understood today. Genetic predisposition may play a role, as might environmental factors like sunlight or very high or low temperatures. Food or a deficiency of certain trace elements and vitamins are also discussed. Besides stress, hormonal influences are also possible. In general, an early diagnosis and treatment of rosacea are essential to positively influence the course.

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