Pricing & Vouchers

Pricing & Vouchers

Botu­li­num toxin Face

Botu­li­num toxin 1 zone 
from CHF 350 
Botu­li­num toxin 2 zones 
from CHF 600 
Botu­li­num toxin 3 zones 
from CHF 750 
Botu­li­num toxin M. Masseter 
from CHF 600 

Botu­li­num toxin Hyperhidrosis

Botu­li­num toxin hyper­hi­dro­sis (Arm­pits)
from CHF 700 
Botu­li­num toxin Hands 
from CHF 950 
Botu­li­num toxin Head 
from CHF 950 
Botu­li­num toxin Feet 
from CHF 1200 
*Auf­preis 10 Fr./Btx-IE, wenn >100IE

Hyalu­ro­nic acid tre­at­ment (Fil­ler)

Hyalu­ro­nic Acid Undereye Circles 
from CHF 650 
Hyalu­ro­nic Acid Lips 
from CHF 650 
Hyalu­ro­nic Acid Cheek Augmentation 
from CHF 980 
Hyalu­ro­nic Acid Naso­la­bi­al Fold 
from CHF 600 
Hyalu­ro­nic Acid Mario­net­te Lines 
from CHF 600 
Hyalu­ro­nic Acid Jawline 
from CHF 980 
Hyalu­ro­nic Acid Chin 
from CHF 600 
Sha­ping- Con­tou­ring Jaw­li­ne & Chin area 
from CHF 1350 
Liquid Lifting 
from CHF 1350 
Liquid Lif­ting 450 Fr. pro Ampul­le, ab 3 Ampullen 


Lipo­ly­sis face 
from CHF 550 
Lipo­ly­sis body 
from CHF 950 

Meso­the­ra­py (Mikro-injec­tions with Vit­amin Boosters)

Meso­the­ra­py Hair 
from CHF 550 
Meso­the­ra­py Décolleté 
from CHF 500 
Meso­the­ra­py Face 
from CHF 550 
Meso­the­ra­py Neck 
from CHF 550 
Meso­the­ra­py Neck & Décolletage 
from CHF 880 
Bio­sti­mu­la­ti­on / Radiesse 
from CHF 750 

Poly­nu­cleo­ti­des (Phil­art)

A total of 3 ses­si­ons, every 2 to 4 weeks. 
from CHF 1600 

Prof­hi­lo (the injec­ta­ble Glow)

Prof­hi­lo 1 zone 
from CHF 450 
Prof­hi­lo each addi­tio­nal area 
from CHF 350 
Prof­hi­lo Body (1 vial) 
from CHF 500 
Prof­hi­lo Face, Neck, Décolletage 
from CHF 1100 
Prof­hi­lo Body (2 vials) 
from CHF 850 
Prof­hi­lo Struc­tu­ra 1 session 
from CHF 550 
Prof­hi­lo Struc­tu­ra 2 sessions 
from CHF 1000 
Prof­hi­lo Clas­sic 2 Sit­zun­gen pro Zone (Geschenk: Prof­hi­lo Antioxidans-Creme) 
from CHF 900 

PRP (Plate­let-Rich Plas­ma) treatment

PRP Décolletage 
from CHF 550 
PRP Face 
from CHF 550 
PRP Hair 
from CHF 550 
PRP Neck & Décolletage 
from CHF 880 

Thread Lif­ting

from CHF 1500 to CHF 2000

Laser Harm­o­ny XL Pro

Redu­cing spots, pig­men­ta­ti­on, acne and redness

Spots, Pig­ments, Acne 
from CHF 350 
Harm­o­ny Full-Face 
from CHF 450 
Harm­o­ny Cheeks 
from CHF 350 

Laser Pixel CO2

Tre­at­ment of wrink­les and scars by pixel-like ablation

Wrink­le treatment 
from CHF 650 
from CHF 1250 
Lip area 
from CHF 650 
Eye area 
from CHF 650 
from CHF 950 
from CHF 950 
from CHF 350 
Stretch marks 
from CHF 650 

Hair rem­oval with Laser Sopra­no ICE Pla­ti­num
(ICE tech­no­lo­gy for low-pain treatment)

long-las­ting hair rem­oval with tri­ple laser power (three wavelengths) 
Full-Face (Hair removal) 
from CHF 350 
Face 1 Area (Upper lip, Chin or Sideburns) 
from CHF 150 
Face 2 Are­as (e.g. Upper lip and Chin) 
from CHF 250 
Face Cheeks 
from CHF 200 
Face Beard Con­tour (m)
from CHF 200 
from CHF 300 
Upper arms 
from CHF 350 
from CHF 350 
Full Arms 
from CHF 550 
Full Back with Shoulder 
from CHF 650 
Men’s Chest 
from CHF 450 
from CHF 300 
Neck and Dou­ble chin 
from CHF 300 
Should­er Belt 
from CHF 450 
from CHF 300 
Full Buttocks 
from CHF 350 
Full Inti­ma­te Area 
from CHF 350 
Legs, Biki­ni incl. Armpits 
from CHF 850 
Legs and Intimate 
from CHF 850 
Full Legs 
from CHF 650 
Upper Legs/Thighs
from CHF 500 
Lower Legs/Shins
from CHF 400 
Legs Inti­ma­te & Armpits 
from CHF 950 
Full Arms & Armpits 
from CHF 650 

Laser Harm­o­ny QS-ND YAG

Tat­too, pig­ment removal 
from CHF 250 
Harm­o­ny Tat­too depen­ding on size 
from CHF 250 
Harm­o­ny Pigmentation 
from CHF 250 

Laser Harm­o­ny Erbium

Age warts, benign skin changes. 
from CHF 200 
Medi­cal need­ling 1 zone 
from CHF 650 
Need­ling + Mesotherapy 
from CHF 750 
Need­ling + PRP 
from CHF 850 
Need­ling + Meso­the­ra­py + PRP 
from CHF 900 
Geni­us full-face radio­fre­quen­cy needling 
from CHF 1250 
Geni­us neck or décol­le­té radio­fre­quen­cy needling 
from CHF 950 
Geni­us s zone radio­fre­quen­cy needling 
from CHF 650 
Geni­us l zone radio­fre­quen­cy needling 
from CHF 1250 
60 Min Oxy­Ge­neo Facial Treatment 
from CHF 295 
90 Min Oxy­Ge­neo Face, Neck, and Décolletage 
from CHF 395 
Ultra­so­nic tre­at­ment (approx. 6–10 treatments) 
from CHF 90 
Med. Fruit acid pee­ling per zone 30min 
from CHF 170 
Med. Fruit acid pee­ling / mask 60min 
from CHF 250 
Med. Fruit acid pee­ling / mask incl. neck and décol­le­té 90min 
from CHF 320 
Vit­amin C tre­at­ment fruit acid pee­ling 90min 
from CHF 350 
Signa­tu­re tre­at­ment (60min)
from CHF 300 
Eye­brow model­ling 30min 
from CHF 40 
Pedi­cu­re 60min 
from CHF 120 
Tre­at­ment 60min 
from CHF 170 
Tre­at­ment 90min 
from CHF 250 
Tre­at­ment 120min 
from CHF 320 
Exo­so­me with Dermapen 
from CHF 850 
Need­ling + Exo­so­me Skin 
from CHF 1000 
Exo­so­me Hair 
from CHF 650 


Geni­us full-face radio­fre­quen­cy needling 
from CHF 1250 
Geni­us neck or décol­le­té radio­fre­quen­cy needling 
from CHF 950 
Geni­us s zone radio­fre­quen­cy needling 
from CHF 650 
Geni­us l zone radio­fre­quen­cy needling 
from CHF 1250 


Sof­wa­ve Face, Neck, or Décolleté 
from CHF 2850 
Sof­wa­ve per Facial Zone 
from CHF 950 
Sof­wa­ve per Body Zone s 
from CHF 950 
Sof­wa­ve per Body Zone m 
from CHF 1900 
Inte­res­ted in pay­ing in installments?

CHF 100 Coupon

This vou­ch­er may be used for any desi­red aes­the­tic tre­at­ment at the Swiss Der­ma Clinic.

CHF 200 Coupon

This vou­ch­er may be used for any desi­red aes­the­tic tre­at­ment at the Swiss Der­ma Clinic.

CHF 300 Coupon

This vou­ch­er may be used for any desi­red aes­the­tic tre­at­ment at the Swiss Der­ma Clinic.

CHF 400 Coupon

This vou­ch­er may be used for any desi­red aes­the­tic tre­at­ment at the Swiss Der­ma Clinic.

CHF 500 coupon

This vou­ch­er may be used for any desi­red aes­the­tic tre­at­ment at the Swiss Der­ma Clinic.

CHF 800 Coupon

This vou­ch­er may be used for any desi­red aes­the­tic tre­at­ment at the Swiss Der­ma Clinic.

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pri­ces, cos­ts, how much

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