
Pigmentation Spots Treatment

Are you trou­bled by unsight­ly pig­men­ta­ti­on marks? Such as sun­spots, melas­ma, or dis­co­lo­ra­ti­on from acne scars? They can often be per­sis­tent and chal­len­ging to address. Regu­lar cos­me­tics tend not to help. With Der­ma­me­lan, we can now effec­tively redu­ce and often enti­re­ly remo­ve the­se pig­men­ta­ti­ons. This paten­ted depig­men­ta­ti­on tre­at­ment boasts out­stan­ding cli­ni­cal results and is very well-tole­ra­ted even by sen­si­ti­ve skin.


Pig­men­ta­ti­on spots and skin dis­co­lo­ra­ti­ons are­n’t always the result of direct sun expo­sure. Fac­tors like gene­tic pre­dis­po­si­ti­on, hor­mo­n­al chan­ges, heal­ing acne, and cont­act with irri­ta­ting sub­s­tances also play a role. Often, the­se marks beco­me more pro­no­un­ced during meno­pau­se, puber­ty, or pregnancy.


At the Swiss Der­ma Cli­nic in Zurich, we use Der­ma­me­lan to tre­at your pig­men­ta­ti­on in stages. Addi­tio­nal­ly, Der­ma­me­lan acts as a pre­ven­ta­ti­ve measure.

To book a tre­at­ment appoint­ment, an advan­ce pay­ment of 650 CHF is requi­red – this can be made as part of the consultation.

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Dermamelan is effective against:

  • Age spots
  • Melasma (including large, dark pigment spots)
  • Freckles
  • Lentigines (commonly known as sunspots)
  • Uneven skin tone
  • Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (dark marks due to skin inflammation, such as post-acne)

Dermamelan is generally suitable for all skin types. Its natural ingredients are gentle on the skin yet highly effective against pigmentation. Excess melanin is broken down directly in the skin, resulting in a more even and radiant complexion. Ingredients include kojic acid, phytic acid, vitamin C, and retinyl palmitate. Unlike fruit acid peels or exfoliation treatments, this treatment can be done year-round.


Want to rid your skin of discolorations and pigmentation? Schedule your appointment at the Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich today. You can book online through our digital calendar or by phone. We look forward to hearing from you.


Your Dermamelan Treatment in Zurich – The Benefits

Expert Care: Our doctors specialize in aesthetic medicine and dermatology and continually update their knowledge.


Safety: At the Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich, we prioritize efficacy, treatment safety, and comfort. That's why we specialize in the most modern and effective methods.


Aftercare: We're always available for any questions or concerns. We regularly check the results of your Dermamelan treatment and can provide ongoing support or follow-up treatment.


Dermamelan: Two-Phase Pigmentation Treatment


Phase 1: Intensive Treatment

The first phase at our Zurich clinic starts with a sort of "intensive peel." Our specialists will apply high-concentration masks with depigmentation effects. After application, you can go home. After a set duration, you will remove the mask combo as instructed.


You may experience a slight tingling or itching sensation as your Dermamelan mask works. This is normal and indicates the treatment's effectiveness.


In the days that follow, your skin will gradually peel. At the same time, you may notice some redness and tightness. Major discomfort is rare, allowing you to continue your daily activities as usual.


You'll continue the treatment at home with specialized products in the subsequent weeks.


Phase 2: Maintenance Treatment

After the intensive treatment, the second phase begins. This phase lasts about four months. You'll apply specific products to your skin, which we'll discuss in our Zurich clinic, every 48 to 72 hours. These products enhance the intensive mask's effects and aid in depigmentation and regulation.

pigmentflecken behandlung


pigmentflecken behandlung

How does the Dermamelan treatment in Zurich work?

Dermamelan is a medical depigmentation treatment designed to reduce and eliminate pigmented disorders and uneven skin discolorations. We apply specialized masks (mixtures of potent ingredients) to the affected skin areas. These inhibit melanin production, helping fade dark spots.


The treatment comprises two steps (phases). The first takes place at the Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich; the second at home. Over several weeks, you'll apply a product combo daily. The patented treatment is offered only in medical-aesthetic clinics and is performed by trained medical professionals.

What results can I expect from the Dermamelan treatment?

Most of our clients see a significant improvement within four weeks post-treatment. In some cases, it might take up to five months for full results. Keep in mind that every skin type is unique, and results will vary depending on the severity of pigmentation.

Are there any side effects after the Dermamelan treatment?

Like any cosmetic or medical procedure, Dermamelan can have side effects. The most common ones include redness, mainly right after the first session, skin dryness, and peeling. The redness can resemble sunburn. These effects are temporary, mainly appearing during the first two weeks. As the Dermamelan treatment progresses, the skin may occasionally feel tight and become more sensitive to external factors. If you have concerns or questions, always feel free to consult our doctors in Zurich.

What should I be aware of before and after the Dermamelan treatment?

Before the treatment, avoid sunbathing and refrain from using irritating cosmetics like fruit acids or exfoliating products.


The Dermamelan intensive mask contains bleaching agents and can potentially stain clothing. On the treatment day, wear clothing that doesn't require pulling over the head.


During and after treatment, your skin will be more sensitive to the sun. Always ensure sufficient sun protection (at least SPF 50) and avoid direct sunlight. This should be a long-term practice as the skin will retain its predisposition to pigmentation. Additionally, avoid exfoliation and irritating skin treatments during the treatment phases.

How often should I undergo a Dermamelan treatment?

Most of our patients only need a single treatment to reduce pigmentation spots. However, in some cases, a second treatment may be necessary, for example, if the desired result has not yet been achieved. Our specialists will work with you to create a treatment plan that is tailored to your skin and your individual needs.

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