
Treatment of Occupational Dermatological Diseases in Zurich

In our fast-paced world, an incre­asing num­ber of peo­p­le are expo­sed to occu­pa­tio­nal hazards, lea­ding to occu­pa­tio­nal der­ma­to­lo­gi­cal dise­a­ses. The hand­ling of bio­lo­gi­cal and che­mi­cal sub­s­tances can cau­se num­e­rous issues, as can envi­ron­men­tal fac­tors like heat, UV radia­ti­on, or cold. Red­ness, ecze­ma, and inflamm­a­ti­on can signi­fi­cant­ly impair both appearance and over­all health.


If you expe­ri­ence any sym­ptoms, regard­less of their natu­re, it is important to con­sult a der­ma­to­lo­gy cli­nic. An accu­ra­te dia­gno­sis is essen­ti­al for appro­pria­te and effec­ti­ve tre­at­ment, which is the only way to pre­vent long-term skin dama­ge. Our doc­tors at the Swiss Der­ma Cli­nic in Zurich spe­cia­li­ze in this field.


Do you have skin pro­blems that you attri­bu­te to your pro­fes­sio­nal acti­vi­ties? Or do you have ques­ti­ons about pre­ven­ti­on? Then cont­act our team of doc­tors at the Swiss Der­ma Cli­nic in Zurich with con­fi­dence — and book your appoint­ment now!

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Treatment Methods

Some of the most well-known occupational dermatological diseases include:

Dermatitis: This is a general term for various inflammatory skin conditions triggered by external irritants, allergens, or genetic factors. The most common forms include contact dermatitis, atopic dermatitis (also known as eczema), and seborrheic dermatitis. Triggers can include moisture, chemicals, allergens of any kind, or lubricants. Symptoms vary widely, ranging from skin redness, swelling, and itching to blistering, scaling, or pain.


We aim to alleviate your symptoms quickly while simultaneously identifying potential triggers. Common therapies include topical steroids, moisturizing creams, antihistamines, and other medical interventions that we plan with you individually.


Occupational Acne: This sometimes very persistent form of acne occurs relatively frequently in individuals exposed to dirt and oil in their professions. Treatment depends on the cause and severity, ranging from medical and cosmetic products to specific medications.


Hand Eczema: Typically, irritant contact eczema is caused by exposure to solvents, cleaning agents, liquids, or disinfectants. Treatment focuses on reducing inflammation and soothing the skin, as well as providing advice on skin protection and care.


Occupational Skin Cancer: Skin tumors such as squamous cell carcinoma and its precursors, as well as basal cell carcinoma (non-melanoma skin cancer), are recognized by the Swiss National Accident Insurance Fund (SUVA) as occupational diseases in sun-exposed skin. This recognition requires fulfilling criteria like engaging in outdoor work over several years. Regular preventive screenings and qualified advice on effective protective measures are crucial.


At the Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich, we provide modern diagnostic and treatment methods, comprehensive expertise, and empathetic care. With proven prevention strategies and treatments tailored to your needs, we help you maintain your skin health—over the long term.



Preventive measures are crucial in avoiding occupational dermatological diseases. Pay attention to the following points:

  • Appropriate Protective Equipment: Whenever possible, wear suitable protective gloves, goggles, or other safety gear at work to avoid direct contact with irritating substances.
  • Skin Protection Measures: Use specialized skin protection products that act as a protective barrier between your skin and harmful substances or external irritants.
  • Proper Cleaning and Care: Regularly wash contaminated skin with mild cleansers and keep it well-moisturized to strengthen its resistance to external influences.
  • Avoiding Irritating Substances: Identify potentially irritating substances in the workplace or try to minimize contact. If possible, use alternative products or techniques that are less irritating to the skin.
Dermatologische Berufskrankheiten


Dermatologische Berufskrankheiten

What are occupational dermatological diseases?

Occupational dermatological diseases are skin conditions triggered by various professional activities, especially through exposure to certain substances. These can include harmful chemicals, irritating plant substances, physical stressors like heat or moisture, or skin infections of any kind. A thorough medical history and diagnosis by a specialist are necessary to confirm an occupational dermatological disease.

What are the most common occupational dermatological diseases?

The most common occupational dermatological diseases include contact dermatitis. This includes various forms of eczema, which often appear on the hands or face. These reactions can significantly affect the well-being and quality of life of those affected and their ability to work. If you are experiencing symptoms of skin irritation, make an appointment at the dermatology clinic of your choice.

How are occupational dermatological diseases diagnosed in Zurich?

At the Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich, you will receive comprehensive and thorough examinations. Diagnostic steps include a detailed medical history and a thorough inspection of your skin to assess changes such as redness, blisters, scaling, or skin thickening. Depending on the case, various skin tests, blood tests, photographic documentation of your skin conditions, microscopic examination of skin particles, and, in very rare cases, a skin biopsy may be performed.


With an individualized diagnostic approach, we can provide accurate diagnoses and targeted therapy and prevention strategies. Contact us to schedule a personal appointment in Zurich.

How can occupational dermatological diseases be treated in Zurich?

At the Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich, we offer personalized treatment using various methods. The most common include:

  • Topical Therapies: These include corticosteroids for external application, moisturizers, creams, and ointments, as well as antibiotic and antifungal ointments.
  • Systemic Therapies: These may include phototherapy or laser treatments.
  • Surgical Procedures: These may involve curettage or cryotherapy to remove skin lesions, warts, or cysts.
  • Hygiene and Protective Measures: This includes advice on specific and individualized skincare programs.
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