
Nail fungus treatment in Zurich

Nail dise­a­ses can be cau­sed by a varie­ty of fac­tors. The most com­mon cau­se is a fun­gal dise­a­se. Howe­ver, chro­nic dise­a­ses, cer­tain medi­ca­ti­ons, and nut­ri­ent defi­ci­en­cy may also lea­ve their mark on nails on both the hands and feet.


Nail fun­gus can be dia­gno­sed and the patho­gen pre­cis­e­ly iden­ti­fied by means of micro­sco­pic exami­na­ti­on and the ana­ly­sis of gene­tic mate­ri­al of fungi.

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At Swiss Derma Clinic, Nd:YAG laser is often used to treat nail fungus. The laser beam penetrates the nail plate and the nail bed, and stops fungal growth. The laser doesn’t destroy the nail or the nail growth zone. To support this treatment, the use of nail polish is recommended. Advanced cases require a course of tablets, although a lower dose is required if supplemented by laser therapy.


Treatment has a very high success rate. This has been proven in studies based on data from more than 100,000 patients.

Nagelpilz behandeln


Nagelpilz behandeln

What is nail fungus?

Nail fungus is a fungal disease, a so-called mycosis, which particularly affects the toenails. Here, preferably the big toes. The fungus attacks the keratin (the horny substance) of the nail and enters the nail bed through the nail edge. The nail plate thickens and is gradually destroyed. A nail with nail fungus is often fissured, strongly thickened and has a typical yellowish colour. If the fungus has been present for a long time, the nail will grow back in a crooked shape. Nail fungus occurs frequently - about 20 percent of all Western Europeans suffer from this disease.


Basically, we are constantly exposed to various fungal spores. For example, in swimming pools and saunas, in the garden or through close contact with pets. As a rule, fungi only penetrate the skin and nails if these are already damaged. Circulatory disorders, diabetes mellitus, certain medications or a lack of vitamins and minerals and also increasing age favour a fungal disease. In addition, some people are simply more sensitive to nail fungus.


The diagnosis and treatment of nail fungus should always be carried out by a specialist. At the Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich we have excellent possibilities to treat nail fungus effectively. With a lasting therapy, a new infection is usually avoided. The treatment options range from conventional local therapy with special lotions to taking tablets and laser treatment. Treatment with the Nd: YAG laser offers a particularly high success rate. At the Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich, we specialise in this method.

What are the typical symptoms of nail fungus?

The appearance of nail fungus is complex and depends on many factors. Among other things, it depends on the extent of the fungus and the affected nail. Symptoms include:


  • brittle nails
  • soft nails, cracks, splitting layers of nail
  • whitish, yellowish-brown discolouration
  • Nails partly clearly thickened
  • Inflammations under the nail plate
  • characteristic odour of the nails
  • in the case of more severe manifestations, also pain in the affected feet


Note by the Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich: As these symptoms can also be an expression of other diseases or have harmless causes, you should always consult a specialist.

Is nail fungus contagious?

In principle, a nail fungus is contagious. However, the risk of infection is relatively low. In most cases, favouring factors such as high humidity, pre-damaged nails, intensive contact with the fungal spores and a personal susceptibility must be added. Nail fungus can also affect the fingernails, but this is much less common.


For most people, fungal disease of the nails is an unpleasant and unsightly but harmless condition. Special caution is advised for people with a weakened immune system.

Why does nail fungus often occur on the big toe nails?

Nail fungus primarily affects nails that are already damaged in some way. Big toes are exposed to greater stress due to tight shoes or movements. Sports such as squash, dancing, mountain climbing or extreme cold put particular stress on the toes.


A nail that grows very slowly is more susceptible to fungal disease. This is also the reason why toenails are mainly affected. They grow only about half as fast as fingernails. As we get older, our nails grow more slowly. Damage to the nail substance, for example due to moisture, does not grow out of the nail plate as quickly. The nail thus automatically becomes susceptible to fungal spores.

How can nail fungus be treated?

Experienced specialists recognise a fungal nail disease very quickly. A microscopic examination or the cultivation of the fungal spores through a small nail sample can provide clear evidence. It is important for this examination that no treatment of the fungus has been carried out in the weeks before. At the Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich, we can specify the pathogens with great accuracy.


The treatment ranges from local lotions to laser application. We are particularly specialised in treatment with the Nd:YAG laser. Targeted laser pulses penetrate the damaged nail plate and nail bed and stop the growth of the fungus. The nail structure, the nail growth are not affected by the laser beams.


If the nail fungus is advanced, then tablets can be taken in addition to the laser treatment. Laser treatment is one of the most effective treatments for nail fungus. The success rate is extremely high.


Conventional local therapy is usually very lengthy and unsuccessful. Antifungal tablets for internal use often help, but have many side effects due to the high dosage. If tablets are needed in connection with the laser treatment, for example in very pronounced cases, then these can be dosed so low that undesirable side effects are largely absent. At most, there may be a slight tingling sensation.


Regular pedicures can also help to prevent a recurrence of nail fungus. In our affiliated cosmetic department, we shorten nails, grind and mill thickened nails, remove calluses from the foot and remove corns.

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