
Hyaluronic acid filler treatment in Zurich

Hyalu­ro­nic acid has the abili­ty to bind mois­tu­re. As the human body loses its own hyalu­ro­nic acid, our skin beco­mes thin­ner and drier, and wrink­les form. We use hyalu­ro­nic acid to lar­ge­ly res­to­re the face’s ori­gi­nal shape and full­ness. The enti­re skin is tigh­ten­ed, as can be seen from the impro­ve­ment of the con­tours. The face­lift effect and impro­ved skin qua­li­ty will bring back your radiance.


At Swiss Der­ma Cli­nic, it goes wit­hout say­ing that we only use hyalu­ro­nic acid pre­pa­ra­ti­ons of the hig­hest qua­li­ty. Num­e­rous medi­cal stu­dies con­firm their las­ting effect and their lack of side-effects. The choice of pro­duct (thin and soft or firm and volu­mi­zing) and the injec­tion tech­ni­que are decisi­ve for a per­fect, natu­ral result.

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Our experienced dermatologist Dr Evangelia Georgouli has been certified as an expert by the Global Health Academy and the biggest producers of hyaluronic acid (Allergan, Galderma). She’s also a member of the advisory board of the aesthetics and neurotoxin company Merz.

Hyaluron Filler Behandlung Zürich


Hyaluron Filler Behandlung Zürich

Why Hyaluron Filler for wrinkles and sagging, thin skin?

Injections with hyaluronic acid (filler) smooth wrinkles, bind moisture in the skin and make lips or cheeks appear plumper, more defined and firmer. At the Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich, we use the highest quality hyaluronic acid for various wrinkle treatments and for modelling and injecting the lips and facial contours.


Treatments with hyaluronic acid (filler) at the Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich:



Hyaluronic acid is one of the most powerful moisture binders in aesthetic medicine. The substance is a natural component of the human body and is very well tolerated. Hyaluronic acid is found in the eyes, the skin and in the joints and muscles. In wrinkle treatment, the moisturising all-rounder ensures an attractive and rejuvenated appearance. With fine injections, we restore lost volume to facial areas such as cheeks, nasolabial folds or the chin area. With targeted injections, we can gently sculpt your facial contour. Furthermore, hyaluron is a natural anti-inflammatory and is also well tolerated by sensitive skin.

How do hyaluron fillers work in the skin?

Hyaluronic acid can bind many times its own weight in moisture - because of this property, it is no longer possible to imagine medical cosmetics, wrinkle treatment and dermatology without it.

In the course of life, facial skin loses elasticity and fullness, it becomes increasingly dry and thin. The cheeks sink in, the contours of the cheekbone and chin become blurred and are no longer as defined as they used to be. Sometimes deep wrinkles and lines appear. Creams and serums can initially soften fine lines and moisturise dry skin. The flabbier the skin and the deeper the wrinkles become, the less effective this becomes. The solution is filigree injections to fill wrinkles and give volume and contour to the facial skin. With special hyaluron fillers we can also tighten and rejuvenate large areas of skin or soften deep wrinkles such as the frown line. You will see the results immediately after the application. Our dermatologist Ms Georgouli is a recognised specialist in the field of medical wrinkle treatment - you can rely on optimal results.

Which filler for which application?

At the Swiss Derma Clinic we specialise in treatment with hyaluronic fillers. We work with highly viscous and gel-like hyaluronic acid for deep wrinkles such as the corner of the mouth or the nasolabial fold.

We pad fine wrinkles or sunken skin areas over a large area with a cross-linked hyaluronic acid. This is evenly distributed in the skin barrier and supplies it intensively with moisture. The result is a visibly smoothed skin structure.

Striking contours such as the jawline (chin contour) are modelled with a compact hyaluronic gel that integrates optimally into the skin. This can also be used to even out depressions or asymmetrical dents.

With the highest quality products available in aesthetic dermatology, we can ideally treat every area of skin at the Swiss Derma Clinic. This means that we have the right product for every treatment requirement. For lip injections and aesthetically shaped lips, our specialist Ms Georgouli also uses highly effective special preparations.

What wrinkles with hyaluron?

You can either have the entire face, only pronounced wrinkles or the facial contour injected. We will discuss your options with you in a preliminary consultation. Sometimes even the smallest changes, such as injecting the corners of the mouth, can bring about major changes. Hyaluron fillers can be used to model or correct the entire shape of the face. In the liquid facelift, our specialist Mrs Georgouli places small hyaluron deposits in different places, for example on the cheekbone, on the chin or in the nose area, in order to optimise the overall facial contour.

Which is better, hyaluron or botulinum toxin?

Whether a treatment with hyaluronic acid or botulinum toxin is more suitable depends on the skin structure, the skin area and the desired result. Deep wrinkles and sunken areas such as the cheeks or the nasolabial folds can be evened out well with hyaluronic fillers. Botulinum toxin is a muscle relaxant that is particularly suitable for treating wrinkles caused by continuous muscle tension. For example, in the area of the eyes and forehead. Sometimes it makes sense to combine both methods. This gives us the best results that look natural and last a long time. At the Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich, we provide you with personalised advice.

In addition to hyaluronic acid and botulinum toxin, thread lifting or laser treatments are also possible. The consultation and individual treatment should always be carried out by a specialist practice. This way, you can be sure that the treatment is low-risk and ideally tailored to your skin type, age and personal expectations.

How long do the effects last after a hyaluron (filler) treatment?

Hyaluronic acid is a biological substance that is broken down again by the body. This process depends on the individual metabolism and takes between three and twelve months. The more often you have a follow-up treatment, the longer the result will last. The injection with hyaluron filler can be repeated as often as you like. The side effects are very minor. Apart from a slight reddening or temporary swelling, no problems should occur. Since our preparations largely correspond to the body's own hyaluronic acid, incompatibilities or allergies occur only extremely rarely.

What are the costs for a treatment with hyaluron?

The costs are very different and depend on the amount of product and the treatment. For a liquid facelift we need larger quantities of hyaluronic acid, and at the same time the time required is greater. Injecting a single wrinkle such as the frown line is usually very quick. The treatment costs are correspondingly lower. Before your filler treatment at the Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich, we will advise you on the injections and the costs involved.

Table of contents
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Option auswählen
Specialist Consultation (paid)
Hyaluronic Acid 2 Zones
Hyaluronic Acid 3 Zones
Hyaluronic Acid Liquid Facelifting
Hyaluronic Acid Lips & Mouth Corners
Hyaluronic Acid Undereye Circles
Hyaluronic Acid Jawline
Hyaluronic Acid Chin
Hyaluronic Acid Marionette Lines
Hyaluronic Acid Nasolabial Fold
Hyaluronic Acid Cheek Augmentation
Select your option
Specialist Consultation (paid)
Hyaluronic Acid 2 Zones
Hyaluronic Acid 3 Zones
Hyaluronic Acid Liquid Facelifting
Hyaluronic Acid Lips & Mouth Corners
Hyaluronic Acid Undereye Circles
Hyaluronic Acid Jawline
Hyaluronic Acid Chin
Hyaluronic Acid Marionette Lines
Hyaluronic Acid Nasolabial Fold
Hyaluronic Acid Cheek Augmentation