
Botulinum toxin treatment in Zurich

Youthful Skin through Mini­mal­ly Inva­si­ve Wrink­le Treatment

The acti­ve ingre­di­ent botu­li­num toxin is clo­se­ly asso­cia­ted with aes­the­tic anti-wrink­le medi­ci­ne. Hard­ly any other wrink­le tre­at­ment is car­ri­ed out as fre­quent­ly world­wi­de as injec­tions with botu­li­num toxin. The tre­at­ment usual­ly only takes a few minu­tes – the skin appears smoot­her and fres­her wit­hout any surgery.


Botu­li­num toxin is a mus­cle rela­x­ant. Pri­ma­ri­ly, it is used to smooth out expres­si­on lines. Typi­cal appli­ca­ti­ons include injec­tions for the gla­bel­lar lines (frown lines), hori­zon­tal fore­head wrink­les, or so-cal­led cro­w’s feet (laugh lines) at the outer eye area.

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At the Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich, we specialize in treatments with this muscle relaxant. For this, our specialists use Japanese needles with the smallest diameter available on the market. The tiny punctures generally cause less swelling and redness than conventional needles.


Would you like a short-notice appointment for botulinum toxin wrinkle treatment?
Then book it online right now. We look forward to your visit to our practice in Zurich! For online appointment scheduling.


Are you concerned about looking "over-injected"? With careful dosing and professional application by our dermatologists, Dr. Georgouli and Dr. Hatzipouflis, this risk does not exist. The amount of active substance is minimal, and lasting restrictions are very unlikely. After a few months, when the effect fades, the treatment can be repeated upon request.


Combinations with Botulinum Toxin

Botulinum toxin can be effectively combined with other methods such as hyaluronic acid fillers or biostimulators. For example, to fill forehead wrinkles.


And after the treatment? Generally, you can resume your daily activities immediately and without downtime. Since the session lasts no longer than 20 minutes, it can also serve as a "wrinkle treatment to go" during your lunch break.

Botulinumtoxin Behandlung


Botulinumtoxin Behandlung

What is botulinum toxin, and when is it used?

Botulinum toxin is a protein extracted from specific bacteria (Clostridium botulinum) and processed for wrinkle treatment. The exact active ingredient designation is Botulinum toxin type A. At the Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich, we use botulinum toxin for expression lines and also for severe axillary sweating.


Botulinum toxin can relax the fine facial muscles – and thus smooth the skin. The treatment is minimally invasive. Application areas include the famous frown lines and laugh lines (eye wrinkles).

How does botulinum toxin work against wrinkles?

Many wrinkles are caused by excessive tension in the facial muscles. Examples include the so-called frown lines or forehead wrinkles. Botulinum toxin resolves the increased muscle tension, and the facial muscles relax slightly – the wrinkles smooth out. Depending on how pronounced the wrinkles are, they can be significantly reduced. The natural facial expressions do not change with proper and accurately dosed treatment with the muscle relaxant!


The active substance is injected directly into the muscle. On average, the effect lasts about five to eight months. The effect is not immediately visible after the injection – the wrinkles gradually smooth out over the following days. The maximum effect occurs after about two to three weeks.

For which wrinkles is botulinum toxin injection suitable?

Botulinum toxin is well suited for reducing expression lines. These are caused by continuous and repeated tension of the fine facial muscles. Sometimes, these lines can appear even at a young age. The forehead or the area around the eyes is often affected. Unconscious frowning or raising the eyebrows can be the cause. When the skin's elasticity decreases with age, these wrinkles can intensify.

What should I consider before and after the treatment?

Before the treatment, you should ideally avoid blood-thinning medications like aspirin to reduce the risk of bruising around the injection site.


Immediately after the botulinum toxin treatment, you are generally fully socially presentable and can carry out your daily activities as usual. In some cases, depending on individual sensitivity, minor swelling and redness might occur as a result of the injections. These can last for one to two days and will disappear on their own. You should avoid excessive rubbing of the treated areas or facial massages for around five days.


Treatments with the muscle relaxant should only be performed by qualified medical professionals. This is the only way to ensure a low-risk application and a good result. Our specialists at the Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich have years of expertise and regularly participate in medical congresses and training sessions.

Can botulinum toxin cause long-term damage?

When applied professionally by specialized physicians, the risk of such side effects is very low. The substance has been used for many years in wrinkle treatment – the medical experience is accordingly extensive.


The "frozen faces" described in the past resulted from excessive dosing. Nowadays, due to professional medical application, these effects hardly occur. Instead, the results are a natural soft focus, relaxed, and smoother facial features.

When does the effect of botulinum toxin begin, and how long does it last?

The effect of the botulinum toxin injection starts after about 48 hours, with the maximum effect reached after two to three weeks. The result lasts approximately five to eight months.


The effect can often be extended by combining it with cosmetic applications or additional injections of hyaluronic acid fillers. Aesthetic treatments such as ultrasound treatment with cosmetic active ingredients can further improve the skin structure.

How often can the treatment with botulinum toxin be repeated?

The effect of botulinum toxin in the skin lasts only a few months. Then the treatment can be repeated. As the fine facial muscles are less tense during this time, we often need less active substance afterward.

What are the costs for a botulinum toxin treatment?

The costs depend on the type of wrinkle treatment and start at 300 CHF for one facial area or 750 CHF for three facial areas. The prices may vary in individual cases and depend, among other things, on the skin structure.

The costs for treatment of excessive sweating in the underarm area range between 700 CHF and 1,200 CHF depending on the body region. At the Swiss Derma Clinic, we will provide you with detailed advice on the various treatment options and, if you wish, create an individual calculation for you.

Our Q&A texts are by no means a substitute for a medical consultation. For an individual and well-founded medical assessment, we recommend a personal consultation at the Swiss Derma Clinic. We are happy to take the time for you!
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Specialist Consultation (paid)
Botulinum 1 Zone
Botulinum 2 Zones
Botulinum 3 Zones
Botulinum Armpits (Hyperhidrosis)
Botulinum Feet (Hyperhidrosis)
Botulinum Hands (Hyperhidrosis)
Botulinum Head (Hyperhidrosis)
Botulinum Crow’s Feet
Botulinum Forehead Wrinkles
Botulinum Frown Lines
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Specialist Consultation (paid)
Botulinum 1 Zone
Botulinum 2 Zones
Botulinum 3 Zones
Botulinum Armpits (Hyperhidrosis)
Botulinum Feet (Hyperhidrosis)
Botulinum Hands (Hyperhidrosis)
Botulinum Head (Hyperhidrosis)
Botulinum Crow’s Feet
Botulinum Forehead Wrinkles
Botulinum Frown Lines