HI-EMMS: Build Muscle, Burn Fat – The New Path to Your Dream Body

What if you could sim­ply lie back, lis­ten to your favo­ri­te play­list, and let your body com­ple­te 500 trai­ning ses­si­ons – all wit­hout lif­ting a fin­ger? Sounds like sci­ence fic­tion? At Swiss Der­ma Cli­nic in Zurich, this is now a rea­li­ty. Intro­du­cing HI-EMMS (High-Inten­si­ty Elec­tro­ma­gne­tic Mus­cle Sti­mu­la­ti­on), a ground­brea­king inno­va­ti­on in body contouring.


Muscle Building 2.0 – No More Excuses

We all know the strugg­le: the abs won’t tigh­ten the way we want, and no mat­ter how many squats we do, our thighs remain “resistant to trai­ning.” This is whe­re CRISTAL Fit comes in. It’s desi­gned for tho­se who want to shape their body but lack the time for end­less gym ses­si­ons, as well as for indi­vi­du­als under­go­ing reha­bi­li­ta­ti­on or loo­king to enhan­ce their dai­ly workouts.


What Makes HI-EMMS Unique?

Unli­ke EMS (Elec­tri­cal Mus­cle Sti­mu­la­ti­on) devices, HI-EMMS works with high-inten­si­ty magne­tic sti­mu­la­ti­on. The gene­ra­ted magne­tic fields trig­ger mus­cle con­trac­tions – up to 500 trai­ning ses­si­ons in just 30 minu­tes. No effort, no dis­com­fort, no pain.


This is how the session works: Relax & Build

What do you need to do? Lean back – in our beau­tiful tre­at­ment room at the Swiss Der­ma Cli­nic in Zurich. While you lie in a rela­xed posi­ti­on on the couch, we place the appli­ca­tors on the desi­red body are­as. Then the pro­gram begins:


  • Magne­tic fields sti­mu­la­te deep mus­cle contractions
  • A ses­si­on lasts bet­ween 15 and 40 minu­tes.
  • Many pati­ents fall asleep during the tre­at­ment – tha­t’s how rela­xing it is!


And the next day? Sore mus­cles that feel like you’­ve been working out inten­si­ve­ly – tha­t’s a good sign and con­firms to us that your mus­cles are working as they should.


Build muscle, lose fat – two birds with one stone

With HI-EMMS (high-inten­si­ty elec­tro­ma­gne­tic mus­cle sti­mu­la­ti­on), we can achie­ve even more than just buil­ding mus­cle and hel­ping the body to achie­ve its „dream shape“. Very gent­ly, of cour­se. The high­light: while the mus­cles are working at full speed, fat is being bro­ken down at the same time. The inten­se con­trac­tions increase the ener­gy requi­re­ment local­ly, which sti­mu­la­tes the break­down of fat cells in the tre­at­ment zone. Per­fect for:

  • Tum­my – for a defi­ned body center
  • Buttocks – for a firm silhouette
  • Thighs & flanks – Bye-bye saddlebags
  • Arms & cal­ves – defi­ned con­tours, wit­hout weight training


Also for athletes & rehab patients: When training (high) is not possible

Sports inju­ries? Rehab? Strength trai­ning is often not pos­si­ble after an acci­dent or an ope­ra­ti­on. But mus­cles need acti­vi­ty to main­tain mus­cle mass and fit­ness. With HI-EMMS we can at least coun­ter­act this:

  • Tar­ge­ted mus­cle buil­ding wit­hout phy­si­cal exertion
  • Acti­va­tes mus­cle cells, increa­ses den­si­ty and volume
  • Ide­al for ath­le­tes, to impro­ve performance



Are you alre­a­dy fit? If the­re is still room for impro­ve­ment, magne­tic sti­mu­la­ti­on can be the ide­al com­ple­ment to sport. This is becau­se it can opti­mal­ly sup­port mus­cle buil­ding after inten­si­ve trai­ning and signi­fi­cant­ly shor­ten the rege­ne­ra­ti­on time. The result? Even bet­ter and, abo­ve all, fas­ter progress.


The best for last: Our unique introductory offer

Test the effec­ti­ve­ness of elec­tro­ma­gne­tic mus­cle sti­mu­la­ti­on in Zurich! The sub­scrip­ti­on offer of 6 ses­si­ons is valid until March 5, 2025. Only during this time 2000 CHF ins­tead of 2280 CHF! A sin­gle ses­si­on cos­ts CHF 450. 

https://swissdermaclinic.ch/en/contact/ and see for yourself.


Your shortcut to a defined body

In sum­ma­ry, we see HI-EMMS (high-inten­si­ty elec­tro­ma­gne­tic mus­cle sti­mu­la­ti­on) as a new era in body con­tou­ring and body aes­the­tics. Very effi­ci­ent, rela­xed and effec­ti­ve. And a gre­at opti­on for our pati­ents. Whe­ther they want to sup­port their trai­ning, as a rehab opti­on or to final­ly get a grip on stub­born pro­blem are­as – with a total of 500 trai­ning ses­si­ons in fast motion

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