
Fat lipolysis Injections for the abdomen in Zurich

Are you tired of strugg­ling with stub­born abdo­mi­nal fat that won’t dis­ap­pear despi­te diet and exer­cise? In this case, fat-dis­sol­ving injec­tions for the abdo­men may be an effec­ti­ve opti­on. This mini­mal­ly inva­si­ve tre­at­ment can signi­fi­cant­ly redu­ce abdo­mi­nal fat, hel­ping you achie­ve a firm­er and slim­mer sil­hou­et­te wit­hout sur­gery and with mini­mal side effects.

At Swiss Der­ma Cli­nic, lipo­ly­sis is one of our spe­cial­ties. We are hap­py to offer you a non-bin­ding con­sul­ta­ti­on with our spe­cia­lists to learn more.

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What Are Fat-Dissolving Injections for the Abdomen?

Fat-dissolving injections, also known as lipolysis, are used to reduce localized fat deposits. This involves using an innovative active ingredient that effectively destroys fat cells in targeted areas. These “inactive” fat cells are then naturally metabolized and eliminated by the body.

This method is ideal for body areas where stubborn fat deposits tend to accumulate. These include the abdomen, thighs, upper arms (“bat wings”), buttocks, and even pronounced double chins.

Your Treatment in Zurich

Consultation and Planning:
Your journey to a slimmer abdomen begins with a personal consultation at our clinic in Zurich. During this appointment, we will assess your situation and discuss your goals and expectations. Together, we’ll plan the treatment process tailored to your needs.

The Treatment:

Your lipolysis treatment will be carried out in a relaxed and private setting. At Swiss Derma Clinic, we prioritize a calm atmosphere and beautifully designed treatment rooms. After a brief disinfection, small amounts of the active ingredient are injected into the fat tissue using fine needles. The treatment usually takes about 30 minutes, depending on the area being treated.

The Results:

In the hours and days following the treatment, mild swelling, redness, or bruising may occur in the abdominal area. These typically subside within a few days. Your ability to work is usually not affected. Results develop gradually over several weeks, and multiple sessions are often necessary to achieve the desired outcome.

Would you like more detailed information about reducing abdominal fat with fat-dissolving injections? Book your consultation at Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich today, and we will create a treatment plan tailored to you.

Fett Weg Spritze Bauch


Fett Weg Spritze Bauch

Is the fat-dissolving injection for the abdomen painful?

Most patients report mild discomfort during the injection, comparable to a small pinch. If desired, a local anesthetic cream can be applied, which takes about 20 minutes to take effect. Afterward, the injection is usually painless. However, in most cases, no anesthetic is necessary.

How many treatments are needed for visible results?

The number of treatments required depends on the amount of fat to be reduced, your body’s individual response, and your treatment goals. Typically, around four or more sessions are needed to achieve a significant reduction in abdominal fat.

Are the results of fat-dissolving injections for the abdomen permanent?

Partially, yes. The fat cells destroyed during the treatment are permanently removed. However, if significant weight gain occurs afterward, new stubborn fat deposits may form in other areas. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise, physical activity, and a balanced diet is essential for sustaining the results.

What side effects are possible with fat-dissolving injections for the abdomen?

As with any medical or cosmetic procedure, side effects are possible. These may even indicate that skin regeneration and tissue improvement are underway. Common side effects include redness, mild skin peeling, or temporary skin sensitivity.


The injection itself may also lead to side effects, such as mild pain at the injection site, small bruises, or, in very rare cases, infections around the injection points. Most of these side effects resolve on their own within a few hours or days.

What causes abdominal fat, and can it be prevented?

Abdominal fat, also known as visceral fat, accumulates around internal organs and is more than just a cosmetic concern. It is often caused by genetic predisposition, hormonal imbalances, an unbalanced diet, lack of physical activity, or certain lifestyle choices. Prevention focuses on these areas and includes regular exercise, increased physical activity, and a conscious lifestyle. In cases where abdominal fat persists despite these measures, fat-dissolving injections can be an effective solution.

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Aesthetic Consultation
Fat Lipolysis Injection
Fat Lipolysis Injection Abdomen
Fat Lipolysis Injection Chest (Men)
Fat Lipolysis Injection Double Chin
Fat Lipolysis Injection Flanks
Fat Lipolysis Injection Jowls
Fat Lipolysis Injection Love Handles
Fat Lipolysis Injection Inner Thighs
Fat Lipolysis Injection Saddle Bags
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Aesthetic Consultation
Fat Lipolysis Injection
Fat Lipolysis Injection Abdomen
Fat Lipolysis Injection Chest (Men)
Fat Lipolysis Injection Double Chin
Fat Lipolysis Injection Flanks
Fat Lipolysis Injection Jowls
Fat Lipolysis Injection Love Handles
Fat Lipolysis Injection Inner Thighs
Fat Lipolysis Injection Saddle Bags