
If you suf­fer from cou­pe­ro­se or rosacea, you are not alo­ne! Cou­pe­ro­se is one of the most com­mon skin con­di­ti­ons in women and men – alt­hough women are more likely to be affec­ted . It is cha­rac­te­ri­zed by slight red­ness or bluish-red­dish veins in the face, neck and décol­le­té area. The most pro­no­un­ced form and the­r­e­fo­re the result of cou­pe­ro­se is a chro­nic inflamm­a­to­ry skin dise­a­se cal­led rosacea. At the Swiss Der­ma Cli­nic in Zurich, we tre­at rosacea accor­ding to the latest stan­dards. Rosacea is a chro­nic con­di­ti­on. It is usual­ly rel­apsing with typi­cal sym­ptoms such as pro­no­un­ced red­ness and inflamm­a­ti­on in the T‑zone (fore­head, nose, chin). Tar­ge­ted tre­at­ment and sui­ta­ble skin care can often pre­vent wor­sening and unde­si­ra­ble fur­ther mani­fes­ta­ti­ons. Do you suf­fer from cou­pe­ro­se or rosacea? Then book your appoint­ment in Zurich now


If you suf­fer from cou­pe­ro­se or rosacea, you’­re not alo­ne! Cou­pe­ro­se is one of the most com­mon skin con­di­ti­ons in both women and men, alt­hough women are more fre­quent­ly affec­ted. It is cha­rac­te­ri­zed by mild red­ness or bluish-red veins on the face, neck, and décol­le­té. The more seve­re form, and a con­se­quence of cou­pe­ro­se, is a chro­nic inflamm­a­to­ry skin con­di­ti­on cal­led rosacea. At Swiss Der­ma Cli­nic in Zurich, we tre­at rosacea accor­ding to the latest standards.
Rosacea is chro­nic, usual­ly pre­sen­ting in fla­re-ups with typi­cal sym­ptoms such as pro­no­un­ced red­ness and inflamm­a­ti­on in the T‑zone (fore­head, nose, chin). With tar­ge­ted tre­at­ment and pro­per skin­ca­re, wor­sening sym­ptoms and fur­ther unwan­ted deve­lo­p­ments can often be prevented.


Do you suf­fer from cou­pe­ro­se or rosacea? Book your appoint­ment in Zurich now!

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Treatment Methods
Depending on your skin condition, we treat couperose with creams, special ointments (magistral formulas), or tablets. Skincare advice plays a crucial role in both treatment and prevention.

One of our specialties is medical-cosmetic treatments, which may include soothing active ingredients, special massages or lymphatic drainage, ultrasound therapies, and, if necessary, cooling, moisturizing masks. The key to success lies in the choice of ingredients and moisturizers.

Optional treatments for couperose include:

  • Tailored skincare with suitable ingredients
    Proper skincare products are essential for maintaining healthy skin and preventing conditions. Products that provide enough moisture are particularly beneficial.
  • Medical cosmetic treatments
  • Dermatological ointments or gels (including magistral formulas)
  • Avoidance of irritating substances
  • In some cases, medical makeup (camouflage)
  • Antibiotics for severe inflammation
  • Laser treatments & IPL
    These treatments are especially suitable for sagging, slightly wrinkled skin, large pores, and spots. Even sensitive skin types can benefit from this method.


New in Zurich: Modern Ultrasound
With this gentle treatment using therapeutic ultrasound, we can strengthen the skin barrier and also treat inflammation. The treatment is customized to your skin condition and can be combined with other procedures, especially laser treatments.


Which treatment is right for you depends on many factors. Effective therapy for both couperose and rosacea requires a thorough diagnosis by a specialist. At Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich, we treat all forms of couperose and rosacea.

Couperose und Rosacea behandeln Zürich


Couperose und Rosacea behandeln Zürich

What is couperose and what is rosacea?

Couperose is one of the most common skin conditions in women and men over the age of 40, with women being more frequently affected. The symptoms primarily appear on the face, neck, and décolleté. In severe cases, couperose can develop into rosacea, also known as "facial rose" or "copper rose."
Rosacea occurs in flare-ups, and due to its visible nature, it can have a significant impact on a person’s confidence and quality of life.

How do couperose and rosacea differ?

Couperose is a precursor condition that primarily affects the superficial layers of the skin. In its early stages, couperose can sometimes completely resolve with the right skincare.
In contrast, rosacea can cause severe skin irritation that penetrates deeper layers of the skin. While treatments can significantly alleviate these symptoms, it is crucial to prevent further flare-ups.

What triggers couperose and rosacea?

Genetic predisposition can be a cause of couperose. While blood vessel dilation is a normal process, as people age (often over 40), these vessels may lose their ability to contract fully. This is due to the skin losing elasticity and firmness over time. In severe cases, blood vessels may rupture.
External factors such as excessive sun exposure or cold weather can aggravate both conditions. High blood pressure, medications that dilate blood vessels, or the consumption of nicotine, alcohol, coffee, or spicy food can also contribute.

What are the typical symptoms of couperose and rosacea?

Couperose presents with skin redness, which may disappear in phases depending on its severity. Fine, bluish-red veins are also typical, often visible on the face or prominently on the cheeks.
In more severe cases of couperose, patchy and persistent skin redness occurs.
Rosacea is characterized by flare-ups that primarily cause redness in the face—on the cheeks, chin, nose, and forehead. Additional symptoms may include papules, pustules, itching, tightness, burning, or dryness. In severe cases, rosacea can lead to nodules, inflammation, and skin thickening. In men, this thickening may sometimes occur on the nose (rhinophyma).

Can I alleviate couperose myself?

You can take some preventative measures by supporting your immune system or alleviating early symptoms. Relaxation techniques such as yoga, as well as fresh air and outdoor activities, can help reduce stress and improve well-being.
Avoid anything that could increase blood flow to the skin, such as alcohol, hot baths, or spicy food. With appropriate skincare products tailored to your skin’s needs, you can strengthen the skin barrier and reduce flare-ups.

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Couperose/Vascular Changes