
Couperose treatment in Zürich

Do you suf­fer from red spots on your skin and dila­ted veins in the cheek area? Then it’s pos­si­ble that you have cou­pe­ro­se. Typi­cal sym­ptoms include fine visi­ble ves­sels that are easi­ly reco­gnizable to the naked eye. Bes­i­des the cheeks, the nose area or chin are often also affected.


The skin is „over-cir­cu­la­ted“. The face tingles, it beco­mes quick­ly irri­ta­ted and red­den­ed. If cou­pe­ro­se pro­gres­ses, it can deve­lop into rosacea – with inflamm­a­to­ry pus­tu­les and thi­c­ke­ned sebace­ous glands. It’s best to tre­at cou­pe­ro­se as ear­ly as pos­si­ble; the soo­ner it’s trea­ted, the bet­ter the chan­ces of suc­cess. The­re are very effec­ti­ve der­ma­to­lo­gi­cal the­ra­pies and modern aes­the­tic tre­at­ments available today. So, you don’t have to put up with the bother­so­me symptoms!

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Our specialists are focused on the comprehensive treatment of skin conditions like couperose. Before the right therapy that suits your skin and your expectations, a precise diagnosis and an analysis of your skin condition are essential.


Treating Couperose at the Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich: Your Benefits

  • Wide range of services including therapy, aesthetics, and modern treatments
  • Beautiful ambiance that invites you to feel comfortable
  • Modern diagnostics
  • Latest technology
  • Certified operating room on-site
  • Convenient location and good accessibility
  • Flexible opening hours for working professionals


Schedule your appointment now for your couperose treatment in Zurich and benefit from individual services and options. Our friendly team is available to assist you – for questions and special appointment requests. Online, via email and phone, or directly on-site at our premises in Zurich.

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What is Couperose?

Couperose is a skin condition primarily characterized by fine, red to bluish, thread-like vessels on the face, neck, or sternum. However, couperose mainly occurs on the face. The causes are diverse and individual, often involving a genetic weakness in the blood vessel walls and connective tissue.

Certain foods, environmental factors, intense heat or cold, and sun exposure can exacerbate couperose. Additionally, caffeine, nicotine, or alcoholic beverages can also influence the circulation of superficial skin vessels.

If you suffer from couperose, you can try to identify your personal triggers, for example, by keeping a skin diary. Here, you should regularly note when and where redness or other symptoms occur, which cosmetics you use, and what you have eaten. Don't forget stress and other strains, as these can also trigger unwanted skin redness. Over time, you will most likely recognize a pattern.

How Does OxyGeneo Treatment for Couperose Work?

OxyGeneo is a modern, cosmetic anti-aging treatment suitable for sensitive and reddened skin like couperose. The reason: individual treatment steps and active ingredient mixtures can be tailored to the skin's appearance.

The focus of couperose treatment is on calming the skin and reducing dilated veins. A wonderful side effect: the skin texture is smoothed, small wrinkles and lines are reduced, and pores are refined. Your skin appears overall rejuvenated and more beautiful.

OxyGeneo consists of 5 coordinated steps:

  • Radiofrequency,
  • Microdermabrasion, for intensive peeling and active ingredient preparation,
  • Oxygen activation of the deeper skin layers,
  • Introducing active ingredients suitable for couperose,
  • Cosmetic ultrasound to deeply infuse these into the skin.


Note: Not all these steps are useful for every couperose case. Therefore, discuss all options with our dermatologists before your treatment. Additional applications can be combined if necessary—cosmetically, aesthetically, and dermatologically.

More about OxyGeneo treatment can be found here.

How Can Biostimulation Help with Couperose?

Biostimulation is also one of our focuses for treating couperose in Zurich. Here, we stimulate regeneration, i.e., skin renewal.

Typical applications include microneedling, laser, PRP (plasma), and specific fillers that are injected directly under the skin. All these techniques stimulate the production of collagen and elastin in the skin in different ways. The skin becomes smoother, retains more moisture, and is significantly less dry. At the same time, the skin is strengthened from the inside, reducing the telangiectasias typical for couperose.

Can Couperose Be Treated with Laser?

Lasers play a special role in modern aesthetic therapy. At the Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich, we treat couperose with the latest devices currently available on the market. This allows for effective and simultaneously skin-friendly treatments.

With the CO2 laser, our dermatologists lightly remove the top layer of skin, but only in specific skin areas. This is a significant advantage in treating the usually sensitive couperose. Generally, the skin appears stronger and "renewed" after just a few treatments. The laser light affects the red blood pigment (hemoglobin). It coagulates, causing the inner walls of the vessels to shrink, reducing redness.

Can Medications and Certain Ointments Help?

For pronounced couperose, anti-inflammatory creams or ointments can be helpful, at least for a certain period. Tablets are rarely used; most symptoms can be well managed with the mentioned therapies. Additionally, cosmetic products like masks, moisturizing fluids, or gels with calming active ingredients like D-panthenol or hyaluronic acid may make sense. However, you should discuss this first with our specialists.

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