
Chemical Peel in Zurich

Let your skin shi­ne with a new glow! With a che­mi­cal peel, you can vita­li­ze and reju­ve­na­te your com­ple­xi­on. Whe­ther gent­ly or inten­si­ve­ly – just as you wish. The che­mi­cal peel sti­mu­la­tes skin rene­wal, making it firm­er and more even, and giving it a won­derful glow.


With your che­mi­cal peel in Zurich, you can redu­ce the signs of skin aging. Lines and wrink­les are sof­ten­ed – the skin appears clea­rer and more refi­ned over­all. The method is ide­al for acne scars, fine lines, and irre­gu­lar pig­men­ta­ti­on. And also if you suf­fer from age spots or after inten­se sun exposure.



Other Pee­lings:

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At the Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich, we use highly effective fruit acids for the chemical peel. Typical ingredients are lactic acid, citric acid, or malic acid. We adjust the concentration and pH value exactly to your skin type and your treatment wishes.


The ideal time for your chemical peel at our clinic in Zurich is during the autumn and winter months. Make your appointment today - for your refreshing and very personal fountain of youth treatment.


Questions about the chemical peel in Zurich? Call us, we look forward to your contact.


The Chemical Peel – Effective for Scars, Acne, and Wrinkles

Smooth and radiant skin - that's what most of our patients long for. Sun damage, acne, and an irregular skin structure are very common. From the age of 30, the decline in collagen production becomes apparent. Fine lines appear, areas of the face become saggy. If these are slightly pronounced, amazing effects can be achieved with the chemical peel.


The chemical peel with concentrated fruit acids is also perfect for patchy pigmentation. After the summer, the skin color often appears blotchy and unattractive. At the Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich, we have the most modern methods available to quickly and sustainably beautify and rejuvenate your skin.


Not sure if the chemical peel is the optimal treatment for your skin? Let our practice team advise you comprehensively.


Strong in Wrinkle Treatment – the Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich

When it comes to wrinkle treatments, rejuvenation, and a more beautiful complexion, we are the first address in the Zurich area. Our specialist, Mrs. Georgouli, is an expert in the field of aesthetic dermatology and will inform you about your personal options during your consultation. Depending on the depth of the wrinkles, we perform combined treatments with hyaluronic acid filler, thread lifting, laser, or mesotherapy.

chemisches peeling


chemisches peeling

What is a Chemical Peel?

A chemical peel is an effective intensive treatment. The top layer of skin is gently exfoliated and renewed. This process takes a few weeks - after this time, your skin will appear significantly more vital and younger.


At the Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich, we apply highly effective fruit acids to your skin in several consecutive sessions. Dead skin cells are removed, thus activating regeneration (cell renewal). There are different types of chemical peels - these differ in their composition and concentration. Which peel is suitable depends on the skin type, the depth of the wrinkles, and individual sensitivity.


With your chemical peel in Zurich, you give your skin a fresh kick. Pores become visibly smaller, wrinkles appear flatter, and the skin surface gets an attractive shimmer. The treatment is perfect for scars and spots as a result of acne.


Note: The chemical peel should be performed in a specialized practice for aesthetic and cosmetic dermatology. This way, you can expect the best possible result.

Why are Chemical Peels so Popular?

Chemical peels are among the most effective methods for fresher, shimmering, and youthful skin. Surgery or a minimally invasive procedure is not required. And there are no long downtimes.


By peeling off the upper layers of skin, we also remove impurities and comedones. In addition, collagen production and cell renewal are stimulated. We can gently alleviate patchy pigmentation and fine lines in the cheek area, on the chin, or in the nasolabial area (marionette lines).


We treat very deep wrinkles additionally with a skin booster (Link) or with hyaluronic acid, if desired.

What are the Benefits of a Chemical Peel?

The chemical peel, or fruit acid peel in Zurich, is a great solution if you want to treat yourself to something good after the summer months. Dead skin cells are removed and the production of new cells is activated. As a result, your skin becomes smoother and more even. Here are your benefits at a glance:


  • Smoother skin surface through comprehensive skin renewal
  • Reduced wrinkle depth for fine lines
  • Refined pores
  • An even skin structure
  • Even pigmentation
  • Subtle lightening of age spots and melasma
  • Reduced scars (acne scars)
  • Fewer comedones and pimples
  • No surgery and hardly any side effects

What are the potential risks and side effects that I should be aware of?

The most common side effects include redness, slight swelling, and a burning sensation during and immediately after the treatment. These effects are completely normal and are part of the treatment, so there is no cause for concern. As the chemical peel treatment is performed by experienced cosmeticians and medical professionals, the risks are minimal.


After your chemical peel, it is important to take some precautions. For example, avoid intense sunlight or heat (such as saunas) for a few weeks.

How does the Chemical Peel work in Zurich?

First, our cosmeticians and medical professionals discuss your expectations and wishes with you and inform you about possible side effects. Before the actual treatment, we clean your skin. Then comes the chemical peel. This is applied with a special brush to the areas to be treated. Depending on the type of peel, there may be a slight or moderate burning or tingling sensation. This is temporary. After a short exposure time, we remove the peel. The next step is a soothing mask. Your skin relaxes, the tingling disappears, redness is reduced. And your skin is intensively supplied with moisture and nourishing active ingredients.


The entire treatment duration is approximately 40 minutes. Afterwards, the actual regeneration begins. In the coming days and weeks, the top layer of skin (stratum corneum) peels off slightly. After a short time, you can look forward to initial results and an increasingly radiant skin.

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Cosmetic Fruit Acid Peeling 1 Zone 30min
Cosmetic Fruit Acid Peeling with Cleansing (Full Face) 60min
Cosmetic Fruit Acid Peeling (Face, Neck & Décolleté) 90min
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Cosmetic Fruit Acid Peeling 1 Zone 30min
Cosmetic Fruit Acid Peeling with Cleansing (Full Face) 60min
Cosmetic Fruit Acid Peeling (Face, Neck & Décolleté) 90min