
Autoimmune diseases and skin treatments in Zurich

Sus­pi­cious sym­ptoms need to be dia­gno­sed as soon as pos­si­ble so that tre­at­ment can be star­ted ear­ly on. In an auto­im­mu­ne dise­a­se, an abnor­mal immu­ne respon­se cau­ses the immu­ne sys­tem to attack the body’s own cells and tis­sue. This mal­func­tion of the immu­ne sys­tem can impact any organ.

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Although the skin may be the only organ to be affected, skin problems are often the first indications of a systemic autoimmune disease affecting other organs, too. Diagnosis is aided by the presence of certain autoantibodies in the patient’s blood. A skin biopsy can frequently be very helpful.


Exactly why autoimmune diseases occur isn’t yet fully understood. Sometimes they run in families. Other possible causes include environmental factors, infections, stress and medication.

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