
Tightening Sagging Cheeks in Zurich (with HArmonyCA)

Hybrid Injec­tions with HArmonyCa

Loo­king for instant lift effects for your sag­ging cheeks with long-las­ting results? With our new hybrid injec­tions, this is now pos­si­ble! At Swiss Der­ma Cli­nic in Zurich, we use two powerful sub­s­tances: pre­mi­um hyalu­ro­nic acid and cal­ci­um hydro­xyla­pa­ti­te. Hyalu­ro­nic acid tigh­tens your skin in seconds and builds volu­me. Cal­ci­um hydro­xyla­pa­ti­te streng­thens the skin from within and sti­mu­la­tes col­la­gen pro­duc­tion – sus­tain­ab­ly. The effects last up to 20 months.


Hybrid injec­tions are sui­ta­ble for:

  • Sag­gy con­nec­ti­ve tissue
  • Light to seve­re wrinkles
  • Sag­ging cheeks
  • Dro­o­ping mouth corners
  • Mouth wrink­les
  • Pro­no­un­ced naso­la­bi­al folds
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2 powerful effects: more volume and collagen

Do you know the main reason for sagging cheeks, wrinkles, etc.? It's the lack of collagen! As we age, our body produces less of these skin-tightening fibers. But we can counteract this. Calcium hydroxylapatite gradually forms a stable collagen framework. The skin’s elasticity returns. And for an immediate lifting effect post-treatment, we fill wrinkles and depressions with cross-linked hyaluronic acid.


CAHA Microspheres
The production of new collagen fibers starts just a week after treatment, strengthening the skin structure.

Cross-Linked Hyaluronic Acid
Hyaluronic acid is integrated between collagen fibers, padding the skin.


Want to gently and effectively tighten your sagging cheeks? Book your appointment now at our Zurich clinic. We look forward to your visit.




What are the benefits of hybrid injections for sagging cheeks, etc.?

The innovative method offers several advantages:

  • Significant improvement of skin texture
  • Instant lifting
  • Long-lasting effects due to collagen build-up
  • No surgery, minimally invasive treatment
  • Minimal downtime
  • Few side effects
  • Treatments possible during a “lunch break”
  • Pain-free treatment

At Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich, we specialize in firming hybrid injections and other wrinkle treatments like thread lifting or the injection of biostimulators.

What is HArmonyCa?

HArmonyCa is one of the most effective methods for tightening sagging cheeks, chin areas, and filling deep wrinkles. Our specialists inject a combination of calcium hydroxylapatite (CaHA) and cross-linked hyaluronic acid (HA) directly into the affected areas.

The special thing about HArmonyCa hybrid injections: We achieve two effects in one session. Immediate lifting through volume building and sustainable strengthening of skin structure, lasting several months – much longer than filler injections.

With this method, we tighten saggy tissue in the lateral cheek area (mandibular branch), the middle cheek area (zygomatic arch), and the chin contour.

How does the cheek tightening with hybrid injections work?

The cross-linked hyaluronic acid deeply pads your skin, smoothing wrinkles and depressions. Some may disappear entirely. Calcium hydroxylapatite, in turn, activates the body's own collagen production. While the hyaluronic acid eventually degrades, a firm and dense collagen network forms, providing long-lasting smoothing and tightening of skin and cheeks.

What is the process for cheek tightening in Zurich?

Our specialists first assess whether "cheek tightening" with HArmonyCa is suitable for your skin. Then they inject the mixture of active substances into the area to be treated. The treatment usually takes just a few minutes.

Is cheek tightening with HArmonyCa painful?

The hybrid injection includes the mild anesthetic lidocaine. As with all injections, you may feel the pricks, possibly a slight burning during the treatment. Generally, they are slightly uncomfortable but not painful.

What should I consider before and after tightening my cheeks?

After tightening your cheeks, avoid sports, direct sunlight, or tanning beds for at least two days. Your skin may be slightly red or swollen for a few hours or days after the session. Bruising around the injection sites is common and not a concern.

To minimize these side effects, use cooling compresses or ice packs in the first few hours after treatment. Avoid direct skin contact. Wrap the ice compress in a cloth and ensure it stays on the treated area for only a few minutes. We provide comprehensive advice before and after your treatment at Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich and offer helpful tips.

How long do the results of hybrid injections last?

Thanks to the unique combination of two powerful substances, the firming results last even after the hyaluronic acid degrades. Most patients are satisfied with the effects up to 19 months post-treatment. You can repeat the treatment anytime if you feel the effects diminishing.

Who is suitable for hybrid injection treatment?

Hybrid injections are ideal for saggy skin in the cheek and chin areas – especially for sagging cheeks. The treatment strengthens and tightens the skin structure from within. During our consultation, we'll examine your skin and assess whether the treatment suits you and what results you can expect.

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