
TCA Peeling in Zurich: The Refresh for Skin with Pigmentation Spots, Sun Damage, and Acne Scars

The TCA Pee­ling in Zurich is a high­ly effec­ti­ve medi­cal cos­me­tic tre­at­ment. As a refresh for sun-dama­ged skin, scars, and uneven skin tex­tu­re – it’s espe­ci­al­ly popu­lar as an autumn and win­ter boos­ter. This is becau­se the many hours of sun and the hot sum­mers strain our skin. Pig­men­ta­ti­on spots, chro­nic dama­ge from sun­b­urns, melas­ma, and unsight­ly dis­co­lo­ra­ti­ons are the results. And even pre­ma­tu­re skin aging.

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TCA Peeling is among the chemical peels that can penetrate deeper skin layers and unfold its effects exactly where skin damage and pigmentation disorders occur. Depending on your skin type, we combine your TCA Peeling with other applications for the best possible results and completely refreshed and radiant skin. A small but fine side effect: Your skin becomes firmer through the activation of collagen and elastin.

Treat your skin to an intensive course with TCA Peeling and book your appointment today at the Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich.


Application areas:

  • Pigmentation disorders and skin spots
  • Acne and acne scars
  • Premature skin aging and wrinkles
  • Calloused skin (hyperkeratosis, actinic keratosis)
  • Warts and age spots
  • Sun-damaged skin


Combinations include ultrasound treatments (LDM-Med). After a peeling treatment, the skin is particularly receptive to protective and strengthening agents that can be introduced via ultrasound. TCA Peeling is also excellent for the hands, décolleté, and neck. Because the sun also leaves its marks here.


Deep-Acting TCA Peeling

TCA stands for trichloroacetic acid. A substance that is well-tolerated, penetrates deeply, and can be precisely dosed. In our clinic in Zurich, we tailor the concentration and exposure time exactly to your skin condition. This way, we can perform relatively superficial peelings or medium to deep peelings with TCA Peeling. Crucial are the skin damage and individual sensitivity. For example, deeper acne scars may require higher concentrations than for light calluses or an uneven complexion. After treatment, the skin is initially sensitive to the sun. A good and high sun protection is recommended.




How does TCA Peeling work?

TCA Peeling is among the medium-depth chemical peelings. These ensure intensive peeling of the epidermis (stratum corneum), the top layer of skin. They are not comparable to mechanical peelings – they are much more intense. Highly concentrated chemical peelings should always be performed in specialized medical practices.


TCA Peeling is based on the active ingredient trichloroacetic acid. This initially causes moderate irritation and thus stimulates the wound mechanisms in the skin. The top layer of skin begins to peel and forms new cells in the deeper layers. The regeneration itself is a completely natural process that is merely intensified and accelerated by the treatment. Additionally, more collagen and elastin are formed. These ensure a tighter skin relief.


Regeneration can last several weeks - afterwards, your skin appears as if renewed. Slight irregularities, as well as more severe changes, can thus be well eliminated or reduced. The result: A fresh, smoother, and more even skin texture.

What is the treatment process of TCA Peeling at the Swiss Derma Clinic?

First, we examine your skin and decide together which dosage and treatment are best suited. The treatment itself then takes place in three steps:

  1. On the treatment date, the skin is thoroughly cleaned. Greasy residues from makeup or a care cream are gently removed.

  2. The TCA solution is applied to your skin. Depending on the treatment in one or more layers. During the exposure time, you may experience tingling, itching, or burning. These side effects are normal and disappear after removing the solution. At the Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich, we use a very well-tolerated preparation that often leads to the desired result even in low concentrations.

  3. After a few days, the actual regeneration of the skin begins. First, the top horny layer gradually peels off. The skin itself is slightly reddened. This process is temporary and lasts about a week.

Do I need special preparation for TCA Peeling?

If a TCA Peeling is planned, it can be helpful to prepare the skin for the treatment a few weeks in advance. Here, you apply a special care product to the area to be treated at home. During this time, refrain from further cosmetics such as mechanical peelings, active ingredient concentrates, or masks. If possible, also avoid perfume products, do not shave on the day of treatment, and refrain from visiting swimming pools, solariums, and saunas for a few days. If possible, you should not wear makeup on the day of treatment.

What side effects can I expect after a TCA Peeling?

Directly after the TCA Peeling, redness and some irritation are normal. It's also possible that you look like you have a severe sunburn. One to three days after the treatment, the so-called flaking begins. This is also part of the application and a sure sign that the skin has begun to renew itself.


In rare cases, there can be temporary darkening (hyperpigmentation) of the treated area. By protecting yourself from intense sunlight for a certain period, you prevent this side effect. We will inform you about the correct sun protection measures on the day of treatment. Let us know if you are prone to herpes infections or other skin problems. By appropriate pre-treatment, we can address this and avoid unwanted reactions.


In the case of vitiligo (white spot disease) or a tendency to keloids, the peeling treatment is not suitable. Directly after a micromermabrasion or a treatment with highly concentrated vitamin A acid, you should wait at least half a year before undergoing TCA Peeling.

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Cosmetic Fruit Acid Peeling 1 Zone 30min
Cosmetic Fruit Acid Peeling with Cleansing (Full Face) 60min
Cosmetic Fruit Acid Peeling (Face, Neck & Décolleté) 90min
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Cosmetic Fruit Acid Peeling 1 Zone 30min
Cosmetic Fruit Acid Peeling with Cleansing (Full Face) 60min
Cosmetic Fruit Acid Peeling (Face, Neck & Décolleté) 90min