
Tattoo Removal in Zurich

Die Swiss Der­ma Cli­nic und ihre erfah­re­ne Der­ma­to­lo­gin ent­fernt sanft und haut­scho­nend mit der inno­va­ti­ven Tech­no­lo­gie von Alma Lasers ihr uner­wünsch­tes Tat­too. Je nach zu ent­fer­nen­der Tat­too­far­be wer­den ver­schie­de­ne Wel­len­län­gen ein­ge­setzt. Mit den vier Wel­len­län­gen des Alma Lasers wer­den alle ent­fern­ba­ren Tat­too­far­ben wirk­sam und sicher ent­fernt oder auf Cover-Up-Moti­ve vor­be­rei­tet. Die­se durch­drin­gen die Epi­der­mis und zer­stö­ren gezielt die unlieb­sa­men Farb­par­ti­kel des Tat­toos. Das Laser-Hand­stück bie­tet sie­ben Spot­grös­sen von 1 bis 7 mm und somit wird die Prä­zi­se auch Teil­ent­fer­nung einer Täto­wie­rung ermög­licht. Auch Per­ma­nent Make-Up, Con­ture Make-Up und Micro­bla­ding kön­nen wir mit unse­rem hoch­wer­ti­gen Alma Laser entfernen.

tattoo entfernen


tattoo entfernen

How does tattoo removal with laser work?

At the Swiss Derma Clinic we work with the Alma laser system, a diode laser of the latest generation. This allows the complete removal of light, coloured or dark tattoos - and is particularly gentle on the skin.


Our dermatologist, Mrs Georgouli, will carry out the tattoo removal on you. Targeted and precisely adjusted laser impulses heat the pigments in the skin and dissolve them into tiny particles. The resulting pigment residues are finally broken down by the body's own immune system. Even very delicate tattoos can be removed very precisely. The bundled laser energy creates a small skin wound, and a slight crust formation is also possible. These effects disappear by themselves after a few days. Depending on the size of the tattoo, just a few sessions are sufficient. The removal of your tattoos with our diode laser is almost painless in contrast to conventional lasers.

Which colours can be removed by tattoo laser treatment?

We remove tattoos of all colours with the diode laser. Very light tattoos, multi-coloured and large drawings or very dark and finely drawn tattoos can be easily removed in a few sessions. Colours in red, orange and yellow tones can also be treated well with the diode laser. Likewise blue, green and grey-black tones. With our laser, light pulses in different wavelengths are possible. In this way we can reach all colour pigments in different skin depths. The risk of side effects is extremely low when removing tattoos with the diode laser and under expert application.

What are the advantages of the diode laser in tattoo removal?

At the Swiss Derma Clinic, we use a diode laser for tattoo removal, which is one of the best models on the market. With several wavelengths simultaneously, we can reach all colour spectra in one pass. The laser specifically dissolves the colour particles in the skin without causing lasting damage to the tissue. With a spot size of one to seven millimetres, we can place the laser pulse in a concentrated and very precise manner. The diode laser is also suitable for removing finely drawn permanent make-up or so-called microblading.
We perform tattoo removal with laser in the entire facial area and on the body. We can also work on hard-to-reach areas with millimetre precision.

How long does the removal of a tattoo take and how many laser treatments are necessary?

As a rule, only a few sessions are necessary. The duration of the laser treatment depends on the extent of the tattoo, the age and the pigmentation (colouring). With our diode laser, we need fewer treatments than with a conventional laser (e.g. ILP).
Example: A single session for a tattoo of about 8 centimetres in size takes about 20 minutes. Usually, between three and seven laser treatments are sufficient to completely remove a tattoo. You will already see a change after the first session.


In most cases, we remove your tattoo without leaving any residue within a few months.
The application with the laser has few side effects and is painless and extremely gentle due to the integrated cooling system. The treatment is carried out on an outpatient basis and is scar-free. The laser application often improves the skin's appearance at the same time.

What side effects can occur?

Side effects include slight swelling, crusting and reddening of the skin, depending on the sensitivity and size of the tattoo. All side effects disappear within a few days as the wound heals. The skin reactions caused by a treatment with a diode laser are very low. To make the treatment as comfortable as possible, we apply an anaesthetic ointment to the skin area or use a local anaesthetic if desired. If necessary, you can slightly cool the treated skin after the treatment.

Can old tattoos also be removed with laser?

The colour pigments increasingly reach the surface of the skin over the years. Older tattoos fade over time. Removing an older tattoo is usually easier and possible in fewer sessions than with newer tattoos.

What about permanent make-up?

At the Swiss Derma Clinic we work with a laser handpiece that has seven different spot sizes. This means that even hard-to-reach areas and delicate tattoos such as permanent make-up are no problem.

Can I get a new tattoo on the same spot?

After the complete removal of the old tattoo and after the skin has regenerated, this is no problem. If desired, we will then remove your tattoo only to a certain extent so that the colouring can be incorporated into a new motif. Even after a complete removal, a new tattoo on the same skin area after a certain time is unproblematic.

What should I pay attention to before and after tattoo removal?

Avoid extensive sunbathing and solarium visits in the weeks before tattoo removal. Your skin should be as untanned as possible and the tattoo should not be too fresh. Very fresh tattoos can have stronger skin reactions due to the laser. Usually the pigments are in deeper skin layers than with older tattoos. In case of doubt, please consult us.


After the laser treatment you should keep the skin area clean and, if necessary, cool it slightly to support the wound healing. Avoid unnecessary contact with perfumes, skin creams and shower gels and refrain from visiting the sauna and solarium for about a week.

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