
Stretch marks treatment in Zurich

Stretch marks, also known as striae dis­ten­sae, are a com­mon skin issue affec­ting many of our pati­ents. They occur when the skin stret­ches rapidly, caus­ing the ela­s­tic fibers in the midd­le skin lay­er, also known as the der­mis or cori­um, to break irrepa­ra­b­ly. While stretch marks are harm­less, they can signi­fi­cant­ly impact self-con­fi­dence. At the Swiss Der­ma Cli­nic in Zurich, we offer various effec­ti­ve methods to redu­ce stretch marks and firm the skin sustainably.

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Stretch marks typically appear on the abdomen, thighs, upper arms, breasts, and buttocks and affect men as well. Causes include hormonal changes, weight fluctuations, connective tissue weakness, or certain medications, like cortisone intake.


Want to get rid of your stretch marks? Then make an appointment at our clinic in Zurich. Our specialists, Dr. Georgouli and Dr. Hatzipouflis, have extensive experience in aesthetic medicine and can provide comprehensive advice on your individual options.


Your Benefits at the Swiss Derma Clinic

Today, stretch marks can be effectively treated. Our procedures offer several advantages:

  • We can improve both light and pronounced stretch marks with modern treatments.
  • Skin tightening procedures can enhance the overall skin appearance.
  • Skin regeneration is activated, refining the skin surface.


Treatments for Stretch Marks

At our clinic in Zurich, we treat stretch marks using various methods, including:


  • Laser therapy: Modern lasers are used for skin tightening, collagen production, and smoothing wrinkles.
  • Mesotherapy: Microinjections of active substances into deeper skin layers for skin tightening and reduction of stretch marks.
  • Lipolysis: For instance, for stretch marks associated with pronounced cellulite in the thigh area.


Results vary from person to person and may take some time to appear.

Dehnungsstrafen behandeln in Zürich


Dehnungsstrafen behandeln in Zürich

What are stretch marks?

Medically referred to as striae, stretch marks indicate overstretched connective tissue. Skin overstretched results in micro-injuries beneath the surface, appearing as grooves or lines, sometimes with a slight reddish hue. They mainly form in areas subjected to significant stretching, like the abdomen, thighs, upper arms, breasts, or buttocks. Men can also develop stretch marks, often after rapid muscle growth or weight gain.

What is the most common treatment for stretch marks in Zurich?

The suitable treatment varies based on the stretch marks' severity and the skin area. CO2 laser treatment is very effective. It creates micro-injuries in the skin, stimulating the production of collagen and elastic fibers. This process rejuvenates the connective tissue and tightens the skin, improving the skin surface. Generally, multiple sessions spaced a few weeks apart are necessary. We will discuss the exact process and the best method for you during your consultation at our clinic in Zurich.

How does CO2 laser treatment for stretch marks work?

CO2 laser treatment involves several steps. First, the skin is cleaned and disinfected to prevent infections. Then, the CO2 laser targets the affected areas, deeply penetrating the tissue to boost collagen production.


The laser's heat removes old, damaged skin cells, allowing new cells to form, which diminishes the appearance of stretch marks and results in tighter, smoother skin. Depending on the stretch marks' extent, multiple sessions might be required.


Post-treatment, you may experience redness, swelling, or slight crusting, which typically subsides quickly. You should protect the treated areas from sun exposure for a few weeks and apply special skin regeneration products. We will advise you on all these aspects before and during your treatment in Zurich.

What costs should I expect for stretch mark removal?

For an accurate cost estimate, we recommend scheduling an appointment at the Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich. Stretch marks vary greatly, with some extending deep into the tissue and others less pronounced. A few sessions may suffice to effectively reduce them in some cases. We need to assess your problem areas to provide a reliable cost estimate and decide on the best treatment for you.

How does mesotherapy work for treating stretch marks?

In mesotherapy, we inject small amounts of active substances, such as vitamins, retinol, or minerals, into the skin. Other options include circulation-boosting substances or hyaluronic acid. This intensely moisturizes the skin and stimulates tissue regeneration, resulting in skin tightening in the treated area. Mesotherapy is particularly suitable for treating light stretch marks, like those on the breasts or upper arms.


This treatment is relatively painless and gentle on the skin. If desired, we can numb the skin surface with a special cream.

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