
Spider Veins? Modern Treatment in Zurich

Do you have spi­der veins? The­se fine, visi­ble veins that appear on the legs—and par­ti­cu­lar­ly bother us during the sum­mer when we wear shorts or dres­ses. They are pri­ma­ri­ly a cos­me­tic issue. You are not alo­ne: more than half of our pati­ents are affec­ted by the­se bluish ves­sels. For­t­u­na­te­ly, today the­re are effec­ti­ve tre­at­ment opti­ons. At the Swiss Der­ma Cli­nic in Zurich, we use methods that are both high­ly effec­ti­ve and gent­le on the skin. One such method is the Harm­o­ny XL laser, which is beco­ming incre­asing­ly popu­lar along­side the tra­di­tio­nal sclerotherapy.

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Removing Spider Veins with a Modern Laser

Spider veins are delicate, dilated blood vessels that shimmer through the skin. Medically, they are usually harmless—even though they can be quite visually bothersome. The classic treatment for spider veins is sclerotherapy. This procedure takes only a few minutes and is highly effective in the long term. An innovative alternative is laser treatment, which also provides permanent results. With modern lasers, we can additionally treat pigmentation disorders, acne scars, and sagging skin, significantly improving the overall appearance of the skin—without damaging the surrounding tissue! Treatment at our clinic in Zurich is quick, nearly painless, and typically involves no downtime.

How the Treatment Works

We treat the fine veins with precisely targeted laser pulses. The laser energy is absorbed by the hemoglobin (red blood pigment) and converted into heat. This heat destroys the vessels, which are then naturally broken down by the body’s metabolism. It’s simple yet highly effective.

Sclerotherapy for Spider Veins

Of course, we can also treat your spider veins with sclerotherapy. In this procedure, our doctors inject a special solution directly into the blood vessels, causing them to shrink and eventually be metabolized, similar to laser treatment. The most suitable method for you depends on the size and location of the spider veins and your skin type. During your consultation in Zurich, we will work together to determine the best approach!

Your Consultation at Swiss Derma Clinic

Our team will create a treatment plan tailored to your needs and skin type. To help you make an informed decision about the treatment method, you’ll have plenty of time to ask any questions you may have—book your appointment with us in Zurich today.

Besenreiser behandeln  Zürich


Besenreiser behandeln  Zürich

What exactly are spider veins, and how do they differ from varicose veins?

Spider veins are typically small, superficial blood vessels that appear as branched patterns or fine lines on the skin. They often occur on the legs and range in color from reddish to bluish. In contrast, varicose veins are much larger, more prominent, and can sometimes even be painful. Spider veins are usually harmless and primarily a cosmetic concern.

Who is a good candidate for laser treatment of spider veins?

At Swiss Derma Clinic, we use new and modern laser systems like the Harmony XL Pro. This treatment is ideal for individuals who:

  • Seek a quick and effective solution for their spider veins
  • Have sensitive skin
  • Want to improve their overall skin appearance
  • Desire a short recovery time

Laser treatment for spider veins is generally long-lasting. However, new veins may develop after the procedure, especially if risk factors such as genetic predisposition or standing professions are present. Periodic touch-ups may be necessary to maintain the results.

Is the treatment uncomfortable?

Most patients tolerate the treatment of spider veins very well. Some report a slight pinching sensation or a feeling of tiny heat pricks during the procedure. To minimize discomfort, we cool the skin during the treatment. The integrated cooling system is a significant advantage over traditional laser treatments.

How many treatments are necessary to remove spider veins?

The number of treatments varies from patient to patient and depends on:

  • The number of spider veins
  • ➔ Their size and branching
  • ➔ Your skin’s response to the treatments

Typically, two to three sessions are needed, spaced about 8 weeks apart. If you would like a personalized consultation, schedule an appointment at our clinic in Zurich.

Are there any side effects or risks associated with spider vein treatment?

Side effects can occur with any medical or cosmetic treatment, and this includes the removal of spider veins. Possible side effects include:

  • Redness and swelling in the treated area
  • Minor bruising and crusting
  • Temporary pigmentation changes
  • Rare cases of overheating or blistering. At Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich, we use state-of-the-art lasers with integrated cooling systems to minimize these risks.

How much does spider vein treatment cost in Zurich?

The cost of treating spider veins varies from case to case. It depends on the number of treatment sessions required, the appearance of the veins, and the method used (sclerotherapy or laser). During your consultation, we will provide a transparent cost estimate. If you’d like a preliminary assessment, feel free to give us a call.

Are the results of spider vein treatment permanent?

Spider veins can be effectively treated today. At Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich, we use modern lasers to achieve long-lasting results. However, periodic touch-ups may be beneficial, as new vessels can form due to factors like genetics, skin type, or other contributing conditions.

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