
Smoker's line treatment in Zurich

Smoker’s lines, also known as accor­di­on lines, are the small lines and wrink­les that appear around the mouth. They can signi­fi­cant­ly affect our appearance and self-esteem. Many of our pati­ents desi­re to get rid of the­se bother­so­me wrink­les. Do you feel the same? If so, you’­ve come to the right place.


At the Swiss Der­ma Cli­nic in Zurich, we tre­at smoker’s lines using various methods, inclu­ding injec­tions with hyalu­ro­nic acid or bio­sti­mu­la­tors and laser the­ra­py (CO2 laser). We app­ly the­se tre­at­ments spe­ci­fi­cal­ly to smooth wrink­les while pre­ser­ving the natu­ral look of the face. Our spe­cia­lists, Dr. Geor­gouli and Dr. Hat­zi­pou­f­lis, employ the latest tech­ni­ques and devices to ensu­re your tre­at­ment is safe and pro­fes­sio­nal – right in the heart of Zurich.

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Do you want your radiant smile back? Our experienced team is happy to provide more information during a personal consultation about treating smoker's lines. Book your appointment right here or give us a call at: 0041 44 739 9000


Your Benefits at Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich

We value personal care and tailored treatments for our patients. We take time for your consultation and education – because we want to ensure you feel comfortable during your visit to our clinic. You should understand the advantages and disadvantages of different treatments for smoker's lines. Our goal: To achieve the best possible result together with you, for a youthful and fresh complexion.


How Your Treatment Proceeds:

There are different approaches. Typically, we inject smoker's lines with hyaluronic acid or similar fillers or opt for laser treatment.


➔ Injecting Smoker's Lines with Fillers:

First, the areas to be treated are disinfected. Then, hyaluronic acid is injected beneath the skin using a fine needle. Hyaluronic acid is a substance naturally found in the body, which helps to retain moisture and thus enhances the skin's appearance.


The injection process is relatively painless and quick. Some swelling and redness may occur after the session. Over the following months, the filler is naturally broken down by the body, allowing for repeated treatments.


The benefits of filler use include immediate wrinkle smoothing, no downtime, and minimal strain on the body.


➔ Treating Smoker's Lines with Laser:

The CO2 laser also delivers effective results. It removes the top layer of skin to stimulate collagen and new skin cell production. This process allows the body to naturally fill in the fine lines around the lips. Several sessions spaced a few weeks apart are necessary. Expect a few days of downtime after each session, as the treated area will be significantly reddened for about 5 days.

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What are smoker's lines and how do they form?

Often found around the mouth, especially along the upper lip, these vertical lines between the nose and mouth are known as smoker's lines. They can also appear on non-smokers as a normal sign of skin aging. Other causes include decreased skin elasticity, sun exposure, or repetitive facial expressions like pursing the lips.


Initially, these lines only appear when the mouth muscles are contracted but will deepen over time. For women, this can be particularly troubling as makeup and lipstick may settle into these lines, making them more noticeable.


While it's impossible to completely prevent smoker's or accordion lines, moisturizing products can be beneficial if the wrinkles are not too pronounced, or regular ultrasound or peeling treatments. For persistent visibility, aesthetic medical treatments like filler injections or laser applications are the only effective solutions.

What treatment options are available for smoker's lines in Zurich?

The most well-known method is the injection of hyaluronic acid. Using a thin needle, the hyaluronic filler is introduced into the tissue and evenly distributed. This fills in the fine lines, resulting in a smoother overall appearance of the skin area. Sometimes, it may be beneficial to also correct the lips, which can help reduce smoker's lines. This treatment is usually performed with the upper lip numbed using a mild anesthetic cream. Another option is laser treatment.

How does the laser treatment for smoker's lines work?

Before treating your smoker's lines, you will have a personal consultation with our specialists to determine whether the procedure is suitable for your skin and desired outcome. The CO2 laser treatment has proven effective for smoker's lines and is gaining popularity, especially for mild to moderate wrinkles. Unlike traditional laser treatments, it is relatively painless and requires short downtime. Generally, two to three sessions are necessary.


During the procedure, you may feel a slight prickling sensation, which is typically bearable. Afterwards, the treated area will feel warm and appear reddened. Tiny, dot-like crusts form on the treated spots and will flake off after a few days. Since skin regeneration and collagen production take time, the final results are visible after about 5 months. Expect a downtime of 5 to 7 days, although you can usually conceal the redness with suitable makeup starting on the fourth day. Also, remember to use adequate sun protection for several weeks following the procedure.

How can I schedule a consultation?

You can reach us either by phone or through our online contact form. Our experienced physicians will provide individualized advice and help you develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to your needs.

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