
Skinbooster in Zurich

UV light, fine dust, nico­ti­ne, or sim­ply indi­vi­du­al pre­dis­po­si­ti­on cau­se our skin to age pre­ma­tu­re­ly. The skin tone appears dull, with the for­ma­ti­on of fine lines and enlar­ged blood ves­sels. Addi­tio­nal­ly, facial skin loses its firm­ness and ela­s­ti­ci­ty, resul­ting in sun­ken cheeks and a sag­ging jaw­li­ne. This makes us look older than we are or feel. The good news: High-qua­li­ty skin boos­ters can achie­ve smooth and firm skin in just a few minu­tes. At the Swiss Der­ma Cli­nic in Zurich, we spe­cia­li­ze in aes­the­tic skin reju­ve­na­ti­on and use high­ly effec­ti­ve skin boos­ters such as hyalu­ro­nic acid or PRP plas­ma. Your skin will be inten­se­ly mois­tu­ri­zed and imme­dia­te­ly appear smoot­her, firm­er, and plumper.

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At the Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich, we use the most effective skin boosters available in the aesthetic medicine market. For sunken cheeks, sagging skin, chin wrinkles, or dark circles, we employ various cross-linked hyaluronic acids, among other treatments.


Skin boosters in Zurich - the results:


  • Intense skin hydration
  • Reduction of fine lines
  • Treatment of deep chin and mouth wrinkles
  • Filling of sunken cheeks
  • Balancing of dark eye circles (eye shadows)
  • Treatment of acne scars


At the Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich, we also use skin boosters to fill acne scars and refine the overall skin texture. By applying targeted skin boosters like polynucleotides (link), the skin function is activated and stimulated from within to produce collagen and elastin.


Firming combinations for a more beautiful skin texture:

Our specialist, Ms. Georgouli, will provide you with detailed information on the possibilities of a skin booster treatment and create an individual treatment plan for you. Depending on your skin condition, combinations with Botulinumtoxin, thread lifting, microneedling, or laser treatment may also be beneficial.


Skinbooster in Zürich für intensive Feuchtigkeit in Minuten

Die Skinbooster Anwendung dauert im Schnitt eine halbe Stunde mit Vor- und Nachbehandlung. Erste Effekte sehen Sie direkt nach der Behandlung. Ausfallzeiten brauchen Sie in der Regel nicht einzuplanen. Die meisten Patientinnen und Patienten können sofort wieder Ihren Alltagsaktivitäten nachgehen.

skinbooster behandlung zuerich


skinbooster behandlung zuerich

What is a skin booster?

Skin boosters are part of minimally invasive, non-surgical wrinkle treatments. For your wrinkle treatment in Zurich, we use various cross-linked hyaluronic acids and PRP plasma. This allows us to influence deep skin hydration and smooth the skin structure at the same time. Your facial skin will be noticeably revitalized, rejuvenated, and tightened. Intense hydration creates a subtle glow, making your entire appearance more radiant.

How does a skin booster work?

Skin boosters are injected into the deeper layers of the skin. At the Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich, we use the finest needles, making the injection barely noticeable. You will be socially presentable immediately after the treatment. You can have the injection during your lunch break, as it rarely takes longer than 30 minutes. The first firming results from intense hydration are visible instantly. Over the following days and weeks, the skin continues to smooth as the production of collagen and elastic fibers is stimulated.

For your skin booster treatment in Zurich, we use hyaluronic acid, PRP plasma, and polynucleotides. The best-suited active ingredient depends on the depth of your wrinkles, the skin areas to be treated (cheeks, eyes, or chin), and your skin structure. We exclusively use substances that are free of additives and highly compatible. Before the injection, our specialist Ms. Georgouli can apply a numbing cream to the skin areas upon request.

How long does the skin booster treatment in Zurich take?

The skin booster treatment takes an average of 20 to 30 minutes. If larger skin areas are treated, such as the jawline, the treatment time is extended. The injection is performed on an outpatient basis and without anesthesia. You can resume your usual activities immediately afterward. Mild redness or swelling is temporary and can typically be concealed with some makeup.

Which active ingredient is used for the skin booster treatment in Zurich?

For your skin booster application in Zurich, we use wrinkle-smoothing biostimulators such as autologous plasma, hyaluronic acid, or polynucleotides. The most well-known and widely used active ingredient is hyaluronic acid. This substance also occurs naturally in the skin layers and is primarily responsible for storing moisture in the cells and tissue. Hyaluronic acid replenishes the skin's moisture reservoirs, resulting in a firmer and more youthful complexion.

How long do the effects of the skin booster application last?

The duration of the skin booster application varies from patient to patient. The dosage is crucial, as is the individual constitution. In some patients, the body's metabolism breaks down the booster more quickly than in others. Generally, however, the results last between six months and one year. Regular touch-ups can help maintain the smoothing effects longer.

Is an injection with skin boosters safe?

Yes, the treatment with skin boosters is safe when performed by an experienced and qualified physician. As with any other medical and cosmetic application, there are certain risks, but these are manageable. Before your treatment in Zurich, we will inform you extensively about possible side effects, such as mild to moderate redness and swelling. Overall, it is a very safe and effective method for improving skin quality. Fine and even deeper lines and wrinkles can be reduced, and the elasticity and moisture of the skin can be increased.

What should I pay attention to after the skin booster treatment?

After your skin booster application in Zurich, you can gently cool the treated areas as needed. In the first few days after the treatment, try to avoid heat and prolonged sun exposure (tanning beds, sunbathing). Refrain from exfoliating or facial massages for one to two weeks – this also applies to cosmetic treatments.

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