
Skin tightening in Zurich

Tur­ning back the signs of time? Modern skin tigh­tening makes it pos­si­ble – all wit­hout sur­gery and wit­hout scars. With tre­at­ments like the CO2 laser, che­mi­cal peels, or mini­mal­ly inva­si­ve methods.


At the Swiss Der­ma Cli­nic in Zurich, we spe­cia­li­ze in all pro­ce­du­res around out­pa­ti­ent cos­me­tic tre­at­ments. Our spe­cia­lists regu­lar­ly under­go fur­ther trai­ning and are pro­fi­ci­ent in inno­va­ti­ve tre­at­ments.


For exam­p­le, facial reju­ve­na­ti­on with MD Codes or injec­tions with effec­ti­ve bio­sti­mu­la­tors like poly­nu­cleo­ti­des. We are also up-to-date in are­as like meso­lift, eye­brow lif­ting, thread lif­ting with PDO threads, lipo­ly­sis with the “fat-dis­sol­ving injec­tion,” and many other aes­the­tic treatments.


Tigh­tening sag­gy skin, redu­cing wrink­les, and giving your face a more youthful expres­si­on – the­se are the goals of aes­the­tic skin tigh­tening. In a rela­xed and stress-free cli­nic atmo­sphe­re, with detail­ed and com­pe­tent con­sul­ta­ti­on and wit­hout long downtimes.


Book your appoint­ment now for indi­vi­du­al con­sul­ta­ti­on on skin tigh­tening methods. Sim­ply use our online boo­king.


Skin Tigh­tenings for Every Need – and Almost Every Age

In their youth, most peo­p­le have well-defi­ned facial con­tours befo­re the drea­ded sag­ging effect sets in around the age of 40. The con­nec­ti­ve tis­sue loo­sens, and facial pro­por­ti­ons “slide” down­wards. The face loses volu­me and firm­ness, appearing slack and tired.


The solu­ti­on? Pre­cis­e­ly pla­ced skin tigh­tenings. Often, tiny inter­ven­ti­ons are suf­fi­ci­ent. For ins­tance, eye­brow lif­ting not only makes the eye area appear more open and lively – the enti­re expres­si­on chan­ges posi­tively. Ano­ther exam­p­le is lif­ting sag­ging mouth cor­ners. The fine injec­tions we per­form with par­ti­cu­lar­ly deli­ca­te can­nu­las last no lon­ger than a few seconds. Here too, the appearance imme­dia­te­ly looks more rela­xed and youn­ger. Simi­lar­ly effec­ti­ve are tigh­tening the dou­ble chin, the so-cal­led sag­gy cheeks, or the gent­le mode­ling of the chin con­tour. A shar­per accen­tua­ted facial con­tour in a soft V‑shape or mas­cu­li­ne-mark­ed L‑shape imme­dia­te­ly makes the per­son appear more attrac­ti­ve and dynamic.


Methods for Skin Tigh­tening in Zurich:




What is a minimally invasive skin tightening?

Minimally invasive skin tightening procedures include injecting wrinkles with hyaluronic fillers or muscle-relaxing active ingredients such as botulinum toxin. Thread lifting and mesotherapy are also used. In all minimally invasive procedures, the skin is only slightly damaged by the very fine injections.


Unlike cosmetic surgery, minimally invasive skin tightening has fewer side effects. As with all aesthetic treatments, side effects and risks cannot be ruled out. In order to minimise these, we adapt all treatments individually. We will be happy to advise you in detail at our practice in Zurich.

Which is the most effective treatment for skin tightening?

Our specialists have years of expertise and various methods for skin tightening and wrinkle treatment. Ranging from CO2 lasers to diverse cosmetic applications (chemical peels, OXYGENEO) to highly effective injections.


Which treatment is most effective cannot be answered universally. It always depends on the patient's skin structure and their personal wishes and expectations. For this reason, we consult and treat each patient individually in our clinic in Zurich. In many cases, we recommend combination treatments, as these are particularly effective. Especially if you desire a comprehensive facial rejuvenation.

How do biostimulators like polynucleotides work in skin tightening?

Biostimulators are substances that stimulate the growth of new collagen fibers and can thus improve skin structure. They promote the natural regeneration of connective tissue and provide a gradual skin tightening and rejuvenation “from the inside out.”


Other effects include the binding of moisture and the antioxidative effect against free radicals. Aesthetic treatment with polynucleotides is one of the most innovative methods, as it can slow down the aging process of the skin overall.


Skin tightenings with polynucleotides are suitable for the face, neck, décolleté, hands (back of the hands), and different body areas with slack skin. The results usually last up to several months. With regular use, even significantly longer. For an immediately visible skin tightening, we can combine the treatment with fillers.

Can I book an individual consultation for skin tightening at the Swiss Derma Clinic?

Yes, we offer each patient a detailed consultation. In this way, we learn about your needs and expectations of the aesthetic treatment and assess the condition of your skin. And we take time for your questions and to explain the treatment procedures.

How does eyebrow lifting work (skin tightening in the eye and forehead area)?

The eyebrow lift is a medical treatment in which the eyebrows are subtly lifted and tightened to achieve a more open look. Strictly speaking, this is not a lift, but a gentle form of skin tightening.


Here too, we customise the treatment precisely to the skin and the expectations of our patients - and therefore use several effective methods. For example, targeted injections with a special hyaluronic acid or thread lifting. In some cases, asymmetries can also be corrected in this way.

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