
Skin Resurfacing in Zurich

Skin Resur­fa­cing in Zurich Tigh­ten Skin with Laser – Wit­hout Surgery

Thanks to cut­ting-edge laser tech­no­lo­gy, we can effec­tively tre­at wrink­les and sag­ging skin at our cli­nic in Zurich – wit­hout sur­gery and with mini­mal down­ti­me. For skin resur­fa­cing, we offer effec­ti­ve tre­at­ments using the Pixel CO2 laser (frac­tion­al laser), Harm­o­ny XL Pro laser, and Harm­o­ny QS-ND Yag laser. A broad spec­trum that allows com­pre­hen­si­ve tre­at­ment of wrink­les, age spots, acne, and acne scars.


Do you have ques­ti­ons about skin reju­ve­na­ti­on and laser skin resur­fa­cing? Sche­du­le your con­sul­ta­ti­on in Zurich today. Our expe­ri­en­ced spe­cia­lists will pro­vi­de com­pre­hen­si­ve advice and crea­te a per­so­na­li­zed tre­at­ment plan.

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Laser skin resurfacing is one of the most effective methods to improve skin texture and elasticity. Targeted laser beams can either remove the outermost layer of skin to stimulate skin renewal or stimulate the production of collagen and elastin.


Treatment of Wrinkles and Pigmentation

The effects of laser treatment (skin resurfacing) are impressive. Our doctors can precisely adjust the intensity of the laser to your skin to reduce wrinkles, minimize scars, and lighten pigmentation such as melasma and age spots. The result is radiant and younger-looking skin.

Skin resurfacing is an outpatient treatment, meaning you can resume your usual activities within a few days.


Advantages of Laser Skin Resurfacing in Zurich:

  • Improved skin texture: Sagging skin becomes smoother, and wrinkles or scars are reduced. The complexion appears more even.
  • Reduction of pigmentation: Pigmentations such as sunspots or age spots are gently lightened – the skin tone becomes more uniform.
  • Skin rejuvenation: By activating collagen production, the skin becomes tighter and appears more youthful.
  • Scar treatment: Particularly mild or acne scars can be improved – the skin surface becomes finer.
  • Experienced doctors: Our specialists are highly qualified and have extensive knowledge in laser therapy.
Skin resurfacing


Skin resurfacing

What is laser skin resurfacing?

Laser skin resurfacing is a relatively gentle aesthetic treatment that can sustainably improve skin texture, surface, and firmness. It is not about instant effects like those from a booster treatment with hyaluronic acid but about continuous skin renewal, lasting several weeks to several years.

By using laser beams, either broadly or fractionally (CO2 laser), skin cells are removed, and collagen production is stimulated. The result is smoother and more vital skin. At the Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich, we use the latest laser technologies, such as the Harmony XL Pro laser for reducing spots, pigmentation disorders, telangiectasia, or acne, and the Pixel CO2 laser for treating wrinkles and scars.

What are the benefits of laser skin resurfacing?

  • Reduction of wrinkles and fine lines
  • Improvement of acne scars
  • Refinement of pore size
  • Lightening of pigmentation spots
  • Tightening and smoothing of the skin

How does a skin resurfacing treatment proceed?

In Zurich, we remove the top layer of skin with a specialized laser during skin resurfacing, stimulating intense and localized skin regeneration. A robust framework of collagen and elastin is formed. Depending on the laser used and the individual skin condition, the treatment varies. In the first few days after the session, there may be redness and slight swelling, which subside after a few days.

Is laser skin resurfacing painful?

Most of our patients at the Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich find the laser treatment tolerable and only slightly uncomfortable. If desired, and depending on the laser setting, we can apply a numbing cream before the application to minimize any discomfort.

How many treatments are necessary for optimal results?

The number of necessary treatments depends on the individual skin problems and the desired result. Generally, we recommend several sessions spaced a few weeks apart to achieve long-term and visible results.

Are there any risks and side effects with skin resurfacing?

Like any medical procedure and aesthetic treatment, there are certain risks with laser skin resurfacing, such as infections (in very rare cases) or temporary changes in pigmentation. We can minimize these risks through careful preliminary examinations, but not completely eliminate them. Talk to us if you have questions about the benefits and drawbacks of laser skin resurfacing.

Who is suitable for laser skin resurfacing?

The treatment is suitable for patients with fine lines, wrinkles, post-acne skin conditions, pigmentation disorders, or generally uneven skin relief. In a personal consultation, our specialists can assess whether laser skin resurfacing is the right treatment for you.

How long is the recovery time after a skin resurfacing treatment?

Recovery may vary depending on the intensity of the laser. In most cases, you should plan a few days to weeks for your skin to fully regenerate. During this time, sun exposure and strenuous physical activities should be avoided.

What does skin resurfacing cost in Zurich?

The cost of treatment depends on the treatment area, treatment wishes, and the condition of the skin. At the Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich, we discuss the costs and the entire treatment process during a personal consultation.

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