
PRP for Hair Loss in Zurich

PRP Hair Tre­at­ment – Effec­ti­ve for Hair Loss

PRP stands for Plate­let-Rich Plas­ma and is high­ly con­cen­tra­ted with growth fac­tors that can sti­mu­la­te the hair fol­lic­les and effec­tively pro­mo­te hair growth. This modern tre­at­ment has gai­ned signi­fi­cant popu­la­ri­ty as many dream of having full and healt­hy hair wit­hout major inter­ven­ti­ons or side effects.


At the Swiss Der­ma Cli­nic in Zurich, we offer PRP for hair loss, optio­nal­ly com­bi­ned with meso­the­ra­py (link to meso­the­ra­py for hair loss) to enhan­ce the effects.


Are you suf­fe­ring from hair loss, thin­ning, or patchy hair? Our spe­cia­lists can inform you about all the available tre­at­ment opti­ons. Book your per­so­nal con­sul­ta­ti­on at the Swiss Der­ma Cli­nic in Zurich now.

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PRP for Thin, Fine Hair and After Hair Transplants

In PRP treatment, your own blood plasma is processed and enriched with substances that promote growth. Injected directly into the scalp, the plasma can activate the regeneration of hair follicles and stimulate hair growth.


The injections are made with tiny, superficial pricks called micro-injections. The PRP treatment is relatively gentle and usually well-tolerated, as it uses substances from your own body. We particularly recommend it when vital hair roots are still present, but also as a supportive therapy after a hair transplant. Typical indications also include hereditary hair loss, diffuse thinning, or bald patches.

PRP is possible on the face, scalp, and other body areas and is suitable for (almost) every skin type.


Applications: PRP for Hair Loss

  • Hair loss on the scalp
  • Hair loss on facial areas (beard, eyebrows, eyelashes)
  • Hair loss on the body
  • Regeneration of hair follicles for thin, fine hair


Advantages of PRP Treatment in Zurich

  • Gentle treatment
  • High success rate with vital hair follicles
  • Generally suitable for sensitive scalps
  • Preventive for imminent hair loss
  • Outpatient treatment by an experienced team of specialists
PRP Behandlung gegen Haarausfall


PRP Behandlung gegen Haarausfall

What is PRP?

PRP stands for Platelet Rich Plasma. The plasma is derived from the patient's blood and specially prepared. The treatment is also known as autologous blood therapy for hair.


During preparation, the individual blood components are separated in a centrifuge to obtain PRP (plasma without red blood cells). The plasma is rich in growth factors, cytokines, and micronutrients and can improve cell regeneration (including hair follicles), significantly stimulate circulation, and provide essential nutrients for cell growth, aiding in follicle renewal.

Wie läuft die Behandlung ab?

Our specialists inject the prepared plasma directly into the areas to be treated. The procedure is minimally invasive—numbing is usually not necessary. Since we work only in the superficial skin area with very thin needles, you will hardly feel the treatment, except for a minimal pricking sensation.


There are no scars, and you can resume your social activities immediately after the session. Expect the treatment in the scalp area to take about an hour. Depending on the cause of the hair loss, the treatment consists of several individual sessions spaced a few weeks or months apart.


For even better results, we can combine PRP with mesotherapy. Both methods are available at the Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich.

How long does the PRP treatment take and how often should it be repeated?

An individual session lasts about half an hour to an hour, depending on the size of the area being treated. For long-term results, several sessions spaced a few weeks apart are usually required. We will coordinate the exact treatment plan with our patients in our Zurich practice.

Is the PRP treatment for hair loss painful?

Generally, our patients tolerate the treatment very well. If necessary, we can apply a local anesthetic before the procedure, but this is usually not needed. After the treatment, there may be slight swelling around the injection sites or tiny bruises, which typically subside within a few days.

How long does it take to see results after PRP?

Results vary from patient to patient. It usually takes a few weeks or months before initial improvements are visible. Hair growth can be slow and gradual and may continue to improve over time. How quickly the desired results appear also depends on the cause of the hair loss and whether the hair follicles are still vital.

How long do the results of PRP for hair loss last?

How long the success of the treatment lasts varies depending on several factors and is different for each case. The cause and the reason for treatment, such as hereditary hair loss, alopecia areata, post-hair transplant condition, or preventive (prophylactic) use, are particularly decisive.

Is PRP also suitable for preventing hair loss?

The treatment can also be used for the prevention of hair loss. PRP strengthens the activity of the hair follicles and improves the blood circulation of the scalp, thus helping to slow down hair loss and promote hair growth. At the same time, it can often strengthen existing hair, especially with regular treatments and occasional refreshments.

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