
Polynucleotides - the revolution in wrinkle treatment

Smooth, firm, and radi­ant skin thanks to a new bio­sti­mu­la­tor? Swiss Der­ma Cli­nic is the first insti­tu­te in Zurich to offer inno­va­ti­ve wrink­le tre­at­ment with high­ly com­pa­ti­ble poly­nu­cleo­ti­de gel. By injec­ting poly­nu­cleo­ti­des, your skin not only reta­ins mois­tu­re inten­se­ly but also gains signi­fi­cant ela­s­ti­ci­ty and firm­ness. And this hap­pens in a com­ple­te­ly natu­ral way – the bio­sti­mu­la­tor acti­va­tes skin rene­wal (foun­tain of youth effect).

The aes­the­tic tre­at­ment with poly­nu­cleo­ti­des is sui­ta­ble for sen­si­ti­ve skin, pre­ma­tu­re aging, scars, and over­all sag­ging skin. Wrink­le tre­at­ment with poly­nu­cleo­ti­des has alre­a­dy been prac­ti­ced in the Asi­an regi­on and in Euro­pean count­ries for seve­ral years, with impres­si­ve lif­ting effects. Poly­nu­cleo­ti­des are also used in der­ma­to­lo­gy for trea­ting inflamm­a­ti­on, bes­i­des wrink­le treatment.

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Our specialist doctor, Mrs. Georgouli, is an expert in the field of aesthetic wrinkle treatment. She injects the fine polynucleotide gel directly under the skin to stimulate cell regeneration. Depending on your skin type and desired effect, we use polynucleotides in various strengths, such as the "strong version" or the "medium version." At Swiss Derma Clinic, we use the biostimulator on the face, décolleté, neck, and back of the hands. The effects include:


  • Skin rejuvenation
  • Hydration (moisturization)
  • Refinement of skin texture
  • Firmer facial contours
  • Reduction of scars (including acne scars)
  • Glow (fresh, youthful radiance)
  • Reduction of inflammation (acne, irritated skin)


Wrinkle treatment with polynucleotides is ideal for combinations with botulinum toxin, thread lifting, or fillers like hyaluronic acid. The right treatment depends on your skin type, the severity of the wrinkles, and the desired treatment outcome. Get advice from Swiss Derma Clinic - without obligation and competent!

polynukleotide unterspritzung zuerich


polynukleotide unterspritzung zuerich

What are polynucleotides (PDRN)?

Polynucleotides are special proteins (protein compounds) that naturally occur in our body. The proteins used for wrinkle treatment are mainly derived from marine substances. Since the structure of these polynucleotides is significantly different from human proteins, we can largely exclude allergies and intolerances.


Polynucleotides are powerful biostimulators and increase moisture in the skin. The skin becomes gradually firmer and more elastic in the days and weeks after the treatment. Biostimulators (polynucleotides) are also used to treat inflammation and scars.

How do biostimulators with polynucleotides (PDRN) work?

Hyaluronic acid can bind several times its own weight in moisture - because of this property, it has become an indispensable component of medical cosmetics, wrinkle treatments, and dermatology.

Facial skin loses its elasticity and fullness as we age, becoming increasingly dry and thin. Cheeks hollow out, contours around the cheekbones and chin become blurred and less defined than before. Deep wrinkles and lines begin to appear. Initially, creams and serums can still mitigate light lines and provide moisture to dry skin. The slacker the skin and the deeper the wrinkles become, the less effective these treatments are. The solution is delicate injections to fill in wrinkles and give facial skin volume and contour. With special hyaluronic acid fillers, we can also tighten and rejuvenate large areas of skin or soften deep wrinkles such as frown lines. You will see the results immediately after the application. Our dermatologist, Ms. Georgouli, is a recognized specialist in the field of medical wrinkle treatment - you can rely on optimal results.

How do biostimulators with polynucleotides (PDRN) work?

Polynucleotide biostimulators stimulate skin renewal, resulting in an overall improvement in skin structure. Polynucleotides are water-binding and provide effective protection against free radicals (oxygen compounds that are known to promote skin aging). By injecting the gel under the skin, we stimulate the renewal of connective tissue cells. The skin produces more collagen and elastin and remodels itself (fountain of youth effect) - becoming visibly and noticeably more elastic and smoother within a few weeks.

How does wrinkle treatment with polynucleotides work?

Swiss Derma Clinic is the first practice in the Zurich area to offer the Polynucleotide wrinkle treatment. The method is performed on an outpatient basis and there is usually no downtime. You can immediately return to your daily activities after the injection. The entire treatment takes between 20 and 40 minutes, depending on the area to be treated. Our specialist, Dr. Georgouli, selects the elastic and colorless gel that matches your skin type (strong or medium) and injects it directly into the areas that are affected by creases, deeper wrinkles, or sagging skin.

We use extremely thin needles, and the treatment is generally not painful. Upon request, we apply a mild numbing cream to the injection sites. Biostimulators (polynucleotides) also provide excellent results for acne scars and dry, calloused skin. Depending on the skin type, one or more treatments may be required at intervals of approximately two to four weeks.

What are the possible side effects of a treatment with biostimulators?

Just like with all skin booster treatments, your skin may become slightly red or swollen around the injection sites. These side effects are usually mild and will disappear on their own within a few days. You can cool your skin as needed. Avoid sports and visits to the sauna or tanning beds for a few days.

Translation: Biostimulators and polynucleotides for which skin type?

The treatment with biostimulators (polynucleotides) is suitable for younger skin starting from the age of 30. It can effectively treat initial signs of aging or large pores. At the same time, the overall skin structure improves. Polynucleotides are effective antioxidants, which can prevent premature skin aging at an early stage.


In mature patients with sagging skin and deep wrinkles, especially in the area of the cheeks and chin (marionette lines), biostimulators also achieve excellent results. The skin looks rejuvenated and fresher after just a few days. The skin structure becomes firmer, even in the facial contours. This effect further improves over the next few weeks. Depending on the treatment goal and skin condition, the treatment can be repeated two to three times at intervals of a few weeks.


If you are unsure whether a wrinkle treatment with biostimulators is suitable for you, please contact Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich for a non-binding consultation. We look forward to hearing from you!

Which wrinkle treatments can be combined with polynucleotide treatments?

The choice of beauty treatments depends on individual skin type and desired effects. For example, if very pronounced wrinkles are to be reduced, a combination with botulinum toxin, hyaluronic acid, or other biostimulators such as PRP or the vampire lift may make sense on a case-by-case basis. At the Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich, we provide individual consultation before your wrinkle treatment and recommend a "treatment package" that meets your expectations.

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