Miss Universe Switzerland 2024 – A Glamorous Event with a Radiant Winner in Bern

On Sep­tem­ber 28, 2024 Lau­ra Bir­cher was crow­ned the new Miss Uni­ver­se Switz­er­land: Con­gra­tu­la­ti­ons, Laura!

Against the stun­ning back­drop of the Kur­saal in Bern and amidst the applau­se of an enthu­si­a­stic audi­ence, the char­ming 23-year-old from Nid­wal­den clai­med the cove­ted crown. She won our hearts instant­ly, and as proud par­ti­ci­pan­ts in this extra­or­di­na­ry event, we’re exci­ted to share our per­so­nal impres­si­ons with you. Lia Geor­gouli, our medi­cal direc­tor, repre­sen­ted Swiss Der­ma Cli­nic as a beau­ty expert on the jud­ging panel, play­ing a key role in sel­ec­ting this year’s Miss Uni­ver­se Switzerland.



Preparation of the finalists (Instant Glow in Zurich)

Swiss Der­ma Cli­nic hos­ted the final pre­pa­ra­ti­ons for the con­testants with exclu­si­ve glow-enhan­cing tre­at­ments—ide­al for pre­pa­ring their skin for such a grand event. Some tre­at­ments, like Meso­ject and Oxy­Ge­neo, deli­ver imme­dia­te­ly visi­ble results wit­hout irri­ta­ting the skin, while others take a few days to ful­ly reve­al their powerful effects. Here’s a glim­pse into our Instant Glow treatments:


  • Micro­need­ling with exo­so­mes: Inno­va­ti­on at its finest! Exo­so­mes, tiny vesic­les that trans­port growth fac­tors and pro­te­ins bet­ween cells, are con­side­red the “secret” to cel­lu­lar reju­ve­na­ti­on. This tre­at­ment boosts skin rene­wal, pro­vi­ding a fres­her look—perfect for con­testants hea­ding to the Miss Uni­ver­se stage.


  • Meso­ject for a beau­tiful glow: This need­le-free meso­the­ra­py uses a jet of air and serum to deep­ly hydra­te the skin with vit­amins, ami­no acids, and nut­ri­ents, lea­ving a fresh, radi­ant complexion.


  • Oxy­Ge­neo: A 3‑in‑1 super facial com­bi­ning exfo­li­a­ti­on, ultra­sound, and oxy­gena­ti­on to revi­ta­li­ze the skin, deli­ver a lumi­nous glow, and prepa­re for the spotlight.


  • Vit­amin C tre­at­ment: A fruit acid peel that sti­mu­la­tes col­la­gen pro­duc­tion, refi­nes the skin’s sur­face, and crea­tes a radi­ant appearance.


Each tre­at­ment has its uni­que bene­fits, and the choice depends on the indi­vi­du­al skin type and needs.

And of cour­se, no pre­pa­ra­ti­on for a major event would be com­ple­te wit­hout a manicure—perfect nails are a must for every finalist.


Want to try our tre­at­ments yours­elf? Then book an appoint­ment with us in Zurich right here.



An evening full of magic in Bern’s Kursaal

The atmo­sphe­re at the Kur­saal Bern was not­hing short of magi­cal, com­ple­men­ted by har­mo­nious music, exqui­si­te cui­sine, and a mix of joy, exci­te­ment, and ele­gan­ce. The high­light of the evening was undoub­ted­ly the dazz­ling pre­sen­ta­ti­on by the 18 fina­lists. Each young woman impres­sed with her style, grace, and com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on skills—radiating a pas­si­on that not only rea­ched but thril­led the audience.


Lau­ra Bir­cher cap­ti­va­ted with her cha­ris­ma, natu­ral beau­ty, and dedi­ca­ti­on to men­tal health awa­re­ness. Her heart­felt pro­ject will also be show­ca­sed on the inter­na­tio­nal stage at the Miss Uni­ver­se pageant in Mexi­co City on Novem­ber 16, 2024. We’re alre­a­dy crossing our fin­gers for her!



The Swiss Derma Clinic in the spotlight

A signi­fi­cant suc­cess for us was our booth in the foyer—a vibrant hub of inter­ac­tion and edu­ca­ti­on about skin health and aesthetics.


Curious for more behind-the-sce­nes moments? Fol­low us on Insta­gram for exclu­si­ve glim­p­ses from the event and insi­de our cli­nic in Zurich.



Our Takeaway

The Miss Uni­ver­se Switz­er­land 2024 con­test was much more than a beau­ty pageant; it was a cele­bra­ti­on of harm­o­ny, health, and per­so­nal dedi­ca­ti­on. We’re alre­a­dy loo­king for­ward to next year’s contest.


Fee­ling inspi­red? Visit us in Zurich to dis­co­ver how the right tre­at­ment can prepa­re you for your next big event. We can’t wait to wel­co­me you in person!



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