
Facial Rejuvenation MD Codes

Wrink­le Tre­at­ment and Facial Mode­ling with MD Codes

The method was deve­lo­ped by the pla­s­tic sur­ge­on Dr. Mau­ricio de Maio. Unli­ke typi­cal wrink­le tre­at­ments, this method takes into account the spe­ci­fic needs and mus­cle move­ments of each indi­vi­du­al facial area, ensu­ring a very natu­ral appearance.


Per­fect wrink­le injec­tions and face con­tou­ring? MD Codes make it pos­si­ble! And, of cour­se, a wealth of expe­ri­ence in aes­the­tic medi­ci­ne. Our der­ma­to­lo­gists bring both, offe­ring you a uni­que qua­li­ty guarantee.


With MD Codes, every face can be indi­vi­du­al­ly reju­ve­n­a­ted, achie­ving very natu­ral results com­ple­te­ly wit­hout sur­gery. In our cli­nic in Zurich, we use high-qua­li­ty hyalu­ro­nic acid, injec­ted with pin­point accu­ra­cy. This way, wrink­les can be smooth­ly iro­ned out, and facial con­tours fine­ly mode­led. The lif­ting effects last seve­ral months and can be refres­hed at any time if needed.

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What are MD Codes:

MD Codes identify areas of the face and 75 possible injection points, considering the type and amount of filler, the precise injection technique, and the form of the injection needle (sharp or blunt cannula). This technique has significant advantages compared to "normal" or conventional injections:

  • Precise injections
  • Natural volume enhancement
  • Long-lasting lifting effects
  • Consideration of individual facial features and expressions
  • No surgery
  • Scar-free treatment
  • Minimal to no downtime
  • Immediate effects


With MD Codes, we treat in Zurich, for example:

  • Volume enhancement of chin, cheeks, and temples
  • Correction of lips and eye circles
  • Modeling of chin contour (Jawline)
  • Treatment of deep wrinkles
  • Refinement of skin texture in case of saggy skin and crease wrinkles


Injections according to MD Codes require high qualification in the field of aesthetic medicine and regular training. Our specialists, Ms. Georgouli and Ms. Hatzipouflis, are experts in this method and are always up-to-date through continuous training.


The method was developed by plastic surgeon Dr. Mauricio de Maio. Unlike typical wrinkle treatments, the specific needs and muscle movements of each individual facial area are considered, for a very natural appearance.


Do you desire natural lifting effects without surgical intervention? Facial rejuvenation according to MD Codes is the most reliable and aesthetic method available in aesthetic cosmetics (without surgery). Be convinced and book your appointment – or a non-binding consultation with our specialists at the Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich. Link to the appointment or contact page.

md mode zuerich


md mode zuerich

Which fillers are used for MD Codes?

At the Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich, we work with highly concentrated hyaluronic acid fillers. Different concentrations allow us to treat individual facial areas and wrinkles very specifically. The combination of several hyaluronic fillers also has the advantage that we can smooth the skin down to its deep layers – and thus treat crease wrinkles and pronounced wrinkles from the "inside out".

How is the treatment according to MD Codes carried out?

First, our specialists analyze the unique anatomy of your face and determine the individual injection points. The filler is not injected directly under the wrinkles but into the areas responsible for volume enhancement. This way, the skin area smoothens extraordinarily naturally – and your individual expression is attractively emphasized. Facial areas such as the tear trough (responsible for eye circles), the cheekbone, the nasolabial fold, the corners of the mouth, the jawline, and the tissue of the cheek area are included.


The treatment is low-risk and has minimal side effects, and you are immediately operational after your wrinkle treatment. The results last up to 1.5 years due to the injections into deeper skin layers.

Is the treatment according to MD Codes painful?

To make the treatment as comfortable as possible, we pre-treat the respective areas with a mild anesthetic cream. Since we work with very fine cannulas, we can minimize bruises and swellings. So, you can attend your appointment in our clinic in Zurich with a secure and reassured feeling.

What should I pay attention to after the treatment according to MD Codes?

After your injection, you can cool the treated skin areas lightly. Please make sure not to press too intensively and not to cool the skin excessively. Even if smaller swellings or bruises can occur depending on the sensitivity of your skin – these usually disappear on their own after a few hours. You can cover lighter bruises with concealer if needed.

What is special about the treatment according to MD Codes?

The filler treatment according to MD Codes is the premium class of wrinkle treatment without surgery. Doctors performing this treatment are specially qualified and need proven experience in this area. Every face, every patient, and every expression is individual. With facial rejuvenation according to MD Codes, the natural facial expression is preserved and aesthetically highlighted. The signs of aging are thus turned back many years.


In conventional methods, each wrinkle is treated separately. The injection often occurs directly beneath the indentation. This fills the wrinkles but does not necessarily provide long-lasting and attractive results. Instead, injecting into adjacent or even more distant skin areas often yields much better and more sustainable results.


Our specialists at the Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich are experts in the field of aesthetic medicine and regularly continue their education in the area of MD Codes. So, you can rely on excellent quality. And on a pleasant treatment in an atmosphere that invites you to feel good. Convince yourself and arrange your appointment.

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