
Liquid facelift in Zurich

At Swiss Der­ma Cli­nic, you’ll be con­sul­ted and trea­ted by der­ma­to­lo­gist Dr Evan­ge­lia Geor­gouli, who was per­so­nal­ly trai­ned in this injec­tion method by the world-famous pla­s­tic sur­ge­on Dr Mau­ricio de Maio.


A cle­ar­ly visi­ble sign of the age­ing pro­cess in the face is loss of volu­me. Gra­vi­ty cau­ses excess skin around the cheeks and mouth to sag and wrink­le. Some pati­ents suf­fer from a rece­ding chin, a croo­ked chin line or sun­ken cheeks at a young age sim­ply due to gene­tic predisposition.

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To maximize the results of facial rejuvenation and beautification while preserving a natural appearance, hyaluronic acid is injected into key anatomical areas to restore the face’s symmetry, harmony and balance. The cheekbones, chin and jawline are accentuated, the nasolabial folds, marionette lines and rings under the eyes corrected, and the lips revitalized. This type of facelift can achieve results that are as good as a surgical facelift – or even better.

Liquid Facelifting Zürich


Liquid Facelifting Zürich

What is a Liquid Facelift?

With a liquid facelift, certain areas of the face are injected with hyaluronic acid filler (minimally invasive). The focus is on building up volume, for example in the cheek area, and emphasising the facial contour. Wrinkles, sagging skin and depressions are gently lifted and tightened by specifically placed hyaluronic acid fillers. The treatment is performed on an outpatient basis and is much gentler than a surgical lift - the results are quite comparable. The liquid facelift is also called a facelift without surgery.


The treatment is suitable for correcting a receding chin area, pronounced mouth and nasolabial folds or sunken cheeks. Asymmetrical facial features can be discreetly modelled. At the Swiss Derma Clinic, we recommend Liquid Facelifting for the correction of the cheek area and the area around the eyes and mouth, among other things. For male patients, the emphasis is often on the prominent chin line.

Which filler is used for the Liquid Facelift?

At the Swiss Derma Clinic we only use high-quality hyaluronic acid, which delivers maximum results with very good tolerance. Hyaluronic acid is one of the strongest natural moisture boosters. As a filler, it ensures intensive water binding within the skin barrier. The skin clearly gains tone and elasticity, the facial contour is gently modelled. Wrinkles and depressions are visibly reduced or disappear completely.

How does the treatment work and when will I see the first results?

At the Swiss Derma Clinic we advise you individually and plan your treatment together with you. The goal is a natural tightening that emphasises your facial features advantageously and harmoniously.


For this purpose, we inject high-quality hyaluron filler directly under the skin at anatomically decisive points (key points). Possible effects are:


  • the accentuation of cheekbones
  • the reduction of dark circles under the eyes
  • Filling the nasolabial folds
  • Lifting the corners of the mouth (marionette lines)
  • Emphasising the chin line
  • Building up the volume of the cheeks


If desired, we treat the skin areas with a light anaesthetic cream. To avoid swelling or redness, the areas around the incisions can be lightly cooled afterwards.


The treatment itself takes about 20 to 50 minutes. You do not need to plan for a recovery period. You will be fit for work and social life again immediately after the lifting.


The Liquid Facelift is performed on an outpatient basis. The results are visible immediately and last for several months. Depending on the individual constitution, the hyaluronic acid is slowly broken down by the body itself over a period of six to twelve months.

In some cases, a treatment over two or three sessions makes sense.

What are the advantages of the Liquid Facelift over a facelift with surgery?

The liquid facelift is particularly suitable for the first signs of ageing when the facial skin loses volume and elasticity. Problem areas arise especially in the cheek area under the cheekbone, in and on the nose, on the jawline and in the area of the corners of the mouth. The volume decreases, the facial regions slacken - the first wrinkles appear. Especially in cases of slight and moderate volume loss, Liquid Facelifting has clear advantages over a surgical lift:


  • You can get to grips with the treatment and try out only subtle changes at first.
  • Injections with high-quality hyaluronic acid are very well tolerated and carry little risk.
  • The smoothing effects can be seen immediately after the treatment.
  • Liquid Lifting is performed on an outpatient basis.


You remain socially acceptable throughout. Minor redness or swelling can be easily covered up.

Is a Liquid Facelift painful?

Depending on your sensitivity, the injections may hurt slightly. To make the treatment as painless and as comfortable as possible, we use very fine needles and apply an anaesthetic ointment as needed. You will then hardly notice the punctures. To avoid pain and swelling after massaging in the hyaluronic filler, the skin is moderately cooled immediately after the treatment. As a rule, you will be socially fit again immediately after the application.

What side effects should I expect?

Since we work with highly compatible hyaluron fillers at the Swiss Derma Clinic, the risks and side effects are very low.


Nevertheless, depending on your sensitivity, slight swelling or bruising may occur around the injection site. These can be covered with make-up. Slight itching is also possible in individual cases. All side effects are temporary and rarely last longer than one or two days. Moderate cooling of the skin areas after the injection usually prevents these effects. Allergic reactions are extremely rare.

What do I have to pay attention to before and after the Liquid Facelift?

If you are taking blood-thinning medication such as ASA, you should stop taking it a few days before the treatment, if possible, to avoid bruising. Discuss this with us and your family doctor in advance.


Avoid strong sun exposure and sauna visits for the first five days after the treatment. You should also avoid facial massages and excessive pressure in the treatment area during the first week.

How long do the effects last?

The exact duration of the lifting effect varies from person to person and depends, among other things, on metabolism and personal lifestyle. Basically, you can assume a duration of up to 12 months. Since the filler degrades slowly, we recommend refreshing it even before it has completely degraded, for example after six to eight months.


Combination treatments with laser, botulinum toxin or ultrasound are possible to enhance or prolong the results. We will be happy to advise you on the range of services available at the Swiss Derma Clinic.

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Hyaluronic Acid Liquid Facelifting
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Hyaluronic Acid Liquid Facelifting