
Hollywood Laser Peel in Zurich

The Hol­ly­wood Laser Peel is a tren­ding tre­at­ment. On Insta­gram, it’s hard to find an influen­cer who does­n’t swear by this laser-based pee­ling. Unli­ke „nor­mal“ mecha­ni­cal pee­ling and more inten­se than a fruit acid or che­mi­cal peel, the laser light also affects pro­ces­ses in deeper skin lay­ers, acti­vat­ing skin rene­wal and col­la­gen pro­duc­tion. At the Swiss Der­ma Cli­nic in Zurich, we use a spe­cial laser for this pur­po­se. It is adjus­ted so that it does not inju­re the skin sur­face. The­r­e­fo­re, the­re are usual­ly no down­ti­me peri­ods. The skin beco­mes gent­ly tigh­ter and more radi­ant – an ide­al method if you wish for a quick and effec­ti­ve revi­ta­liza­ti­on of your skin.


Do you have ques­ti­ons about the gent­le Hol­ly­wood Laser Peel? Call us or sche­du­le your con­sul­ta­ti­on with one of our spe­cia­list doctors.

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Laser Peel with the Harmony XL Pro

At the Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich, we use the most modern equipment and treatments from the field of aesthetic medicine. This includes powerful laser technologies like the Harmony XL Pro laser, which we use to treat skin issues such as pigmentation spots (including melasma), scars, and acne. The fractional laser delivers heat in a focused and precise manner into the skin, thereby promoting the production of skin-tightening and strengthening collagen and elastin fibers. What's special about this treatment: The tissue surface remains intact, so you can immediately return to your daily activities after the treatment. Typically, three to five sessions are required to achieve the desired result. The effects:


  • Reduction of fine lines
  • Reduction of redness
  • Reduction of couperose, spider veins, hemangiomas
  • Skin tightening
  • Reduction of pigmentation spots
  • Improvement of skin texture
  • Reduction of acne scars


Treatment Process

Your treatment begins with a thorough cleansing of the skin, followed by disinfection of the areas to be treated. This is followed by the laser application. Afterwards, if necessary, the facial skin can be cooled for a few minutes. Depending on your skin condition, we recommend a suitable care cream that additionally soothes the skin.


Do you want to improve your skin texture? Gently, without longer downtime, and effectively? Through the skin-friendly application of the special laser, we target skin problems without injuring the skin. Schedule your appointment in our practice in Zurich now.

Hollywood Laser Peel


Hollywood Laser Peel

What is a Hollywood Laser Peel?

The Hollywood Laser Peel treatment is a non-invasive method for skin rejuvenation. A special laser is used for this purpose, which stimulates skin renewal in deeper layers. Through this very gentle laser application, the skin structure can be strengthened, scars and pigmentation spots or fine lines can be reduced, and the tissue tightened. The fractional laser creates microscopically tiny channels in the skin, thus activating the formation of a stable collagen framework.

How long does a Hollywood Laser Peel treatment in Zurich take?

The treatment with the laser usually takes about 30 minutes. Plan a little extra time for the pre-treatment, consultation, and post-treatment, for example, with a cooling mask.

What results can I expect from a Laser Peel?

The results depend on your individual skin condition, skin thickness, and elasticity, as well as on the severity of pigmentation spots like melasma, acne scars, or wrinkles. Most often, you will see an improvement in skin texture and a finer skin relief after just a few sessions. The treatment results are not immediately visible – the skin regenerates over several weeks, gaining firmness and tightness during this time.

Is the Hollywood Laser Peel treatment painful, and should I expect any side effects and risks?

In most cases, the treatment is pain-free, but it may cause a slight tingling, a sensation of warmth, or a burning sensation. Typical side effects that may occur after the session include skin redness and slight swelling – in most cases, these subside within a few hours. Crusting, as with conventional laser treatments, generally does not occur with Laser Peel.

How many treatments do I need, and can I immediately return to my normal activities?

Usually, between three and five sessions are required, spaced two or four weeks apart. In the days and weeks after the laser treatment, you should protect your skin from direct sunlight and stress from mechanical peelings or irritating cosmetics. Talk to our team about suitable sun protection.

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