Permanent Hair Removal of the Legs with Laser in Zurich

Are you tired of regu­lar­ly shaving or waxing? Remo­ving unwan­ted body hair on your legs is time-con­sum­ing and also a strain on your skin. Many of our pati­ents suf­fer from razor bumps and irri­ta­ted skin due to regu­lar epi­la­ti­on. Laser hair rem­oval can per­ma­nent­ly redu­ce annoy­ing hair growth and free you from bother­so­me stub­ble in the long term.


At Swiss Der­ma Cli­nic in Zurich, we use the Sopra­no Ice Pla­ti­num Laser for effec­ti­ve and gent­le hair rem­oval on the legs. This inno­va­ti­ve laser com­bi­nes three dif­fe­rent wave­lengths and ensu­res a pain­less tre­at­ment. The laser’s heat ener­gy pene­tra­tes deep into the hair fol­lic­les and effec­tively des­troys them wit­hout dama­ging the sur­roun­ding skin. The tre­at­ment is sui­ta­ble for all skin types and even for light hair.

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Advantages of the Treatment

  • Painless, skin-friendly application
  • Suitable for all skin types
  • Effective even on light hair
  • Quick and effective results
  • Permanent hair removal


Treatment Procedure:

  1. Consultation: Before starting the laser treatment for the legs, a detailed consultation takes place where we discuss your individual expectations as well as all the advantages and disadvantages.
  2. Preparation: The skin areas to be treated are cleaned and disinfected and, if necessary, further pre-treated to ensure optimal effectiveness of the laser.
  3. Laser Treatment: The laser is gently moved over the skin. You lie in a comfortable position on a treatment couch and can relax during the procedure.
  4. Aftercare: After the application, the skin can be treated with cooling products to further minimize any possible irritation.


Do you want to get rid of leg hair permanently without the skin irritation of constant shaving and epilation? Then book your appointment at Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich right here.


Smooth Legs in a Few Sessions

Many people associate smooth and hair-free legs with attractiveness and well-being. Constant shaving, waxing, or epilating takes a lot of time, is uncomfortable to painful, and the results are only short-lived. Laser hair removal ensures permanently smooth legs in just a few sessions. A positive side effect: The quality of the skin improves!


The Ice Laser

In our practice in Zurich, we work with the latest technology. The Soprano Ice Platinum, also known as the ice laser, is one of the most powerful lasers for permanent hair removal. The skin-friendly procedure is suitable for hair removal on the legs and other body parts such as the bikini area, face, or armpits. The combination of three wavelengths (755 nm, 810 nm, 1050 nm) allows for highly effective treatment of all skin and hair structures.


The special effect of the laser is based on the targeted destruction of the hair follicle, which is responsible for hair growth. The energy delivered by the laser heats the melanin in the hair root area and inhibits hair growth. During the treatment, the skin is cooled to avoid irritation and redness.


For the first time, we can effectively remove blonde and reddish hair with the ice laser!


permanente haarentfernung an den beinen in zürich


permanente haarentfernung an den beinen in zürich

What is the special advantage of the different wavelengths of the ice laser?

The ice laser we use features the combination of three different wavelengths, each offering specific advantages:

  1. 755 nm Wavelength: This range is ideal for treating very fine hair, small areas, and light and sensitive skin.
  2. 810 nm Wavelength: The laser beam reaches deeper hair follicles and is effective on medium and coarse hair structures.
  3. 1050 nm Wavelength: This setting targets deep hair roots and thick, dark hair, stopping hair growth permanently!

This unique combination of the three wavelengths allows us at Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich to provide customized treatment for all skin and hair types – and achieve particularly intensive effects.

How many sessions are needed for permanent laser hair removal of the legs?

Multiple treatment sessions are always necessary because our hair is in different growth phases at any given time. We typically need about 5 to 8 sessions at intervals of a few weeks. We tailor the exact intervals to your skin and discuss them during your appointment in Zurich.


Is laser hair removal painful?

Laser hair removal with the ice laser is almost painless. The tissue is continuously cooled by an integrated cooling system, ensuring it is protected from overheating and irritation. You may feel a slight burning sensation, but it is very tolerable.


Does laser hair removal work on darker skin types?

The laser we use is suitable for all skin types and hair colors. The combination of three different wavelengths allows for particularly effective treatment.


Are there any restrictions after the treatment?

You should avoid direct sun exposure and intense heat for several weeks after your appointment. We recommend not peeling the treated skin areas or using aggressive skincare products for some time.


How long does laser hair removal of the legs take?

The duration of a session at Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich depends on the size of the area to be treated and usually takes between 30 minutes and an hour. The application is quick and uncomplicated, allowing you to continue your daily routine without restrictions afterward.


Are the results truly permanent?

Yes, laser hair removal of the legs can lead to long-lasting results. By specifically destroying the hair follicle, hair growth is permanently stopped. However, some hairs may appear to regrow after some time due to the hair cycle's resting phases. In such cases, refresh treatments may be required.


Is laser hair removal of the legs safe?

Lasers have been used for many years for hair removal on the face and body. Modern systems are very safe when used correctly. Before each treatment, a comprehensive skin analysis is carried out to identify possible risks and customize the treatment. The laser systems used at Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich have the appropriate FDA approval.

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Hair Removal
Cosmetic Soprano Permanent Hair Removal 1 Zone 30min
Cosmetic Soprano Permanent Hair Removal 2 Zones 45min