At the Swiss Derma Clinic, laser epilation, or permanent hair removal with a laser, is performed exclusively by experienced users under medical supervision or by the dermatologist herself.
Thanks to the latest technology, unwanted hair on both the face and body can now be removed more effectively, quickly, gently and for a long time. Soprano Ice Platinum combines the benefits of three diode laser wavelengths and achieves better results; than either wavelength alone. Triple power with 755 nm, 810 nm and 1,064 nm
Your benefits of hair removal with the Soprano ICE Platinum medical laser:
the 755 nm of alexandrite - for the widest range of hair types and colors, the 810 nm of the diode laser halves the treatment time and the 1,064 nm of Nd:YAG -Lasers, the specialist for darker skin types. Each of these wavelengths targets different structures in the hair root, and superficial and deeper hair are optimally treated with just one handpiece. The intensive cooling system ensures maximum comfort during the treatment, which is therefore practically painless.
Laser therapy
First, our dermatologist E. Georgouli will look at the affected areas of skin. You will be told what success you can expect and approximately how many sessions are required. You should plan about one hour for your first laser hair removal, including pre- and post-treatment.
Before the first laser treatment, the skin areas to be treated are cleaned, disinfected and, if necessary, briefly cooled. The treatment itself only takes a few minutes and depends on the size of the skin area. For a full body treatment we need correspondingly more time. In contrast to conventional laser systems, treatment with the diode laser is largely painless and very gentle. The usual burning and hot sensation on the skin is almost completely absent. An integrated cooling system ensures that the treated areas are continuously cooled during the laser session. This also reduces after-effects such as reddening of the skin and swelling.
With a power of around 200 watts, the laser application in the Swiss Derma Clinic is very intensive and also effective on light and thin hair. The diode laser combines three wavelengths in a single handpiece. In this way, we also reach deep-seated hair follicles. The application is uncomplicated and short. We treat several skin depths simultaneously in a single pass.
Unlike conventional laser systems, treatment with the diode laser is suitable for any skin. The more pigmented the skin, the more light it absorbs. When treating with laser beams, this can lead to skin irritation. With hair colours, it is the other way round. Lighter hair contains less melanin than dark hair and is thus less easily reached by the laser impulses.
With the diode laser, permanent hair removal is possible on all skin types, even on more tanned skin. Since we work with three combined wavelengths, we can also reach deep hair roots. Areas that are difficult to reach, for example the nose, ears, intimate and underarm areas can also be treated well.
At the Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich, we use laser hair removal on the face and body. With 200 watts, our laser is one of the most powerful currently available on the permanent hair removal market. Your advantages: you need significantly fewer treatments with better performance at the same time.
At the Swiss Derma Clinic we use state-of-the-art laser technology. With the diode laser, a gentle and at the same time effective permanent removal of unwanted hair is possible. Unlike a conventional laser, the diode laser contains three wavelengths. This allows us to reach different tissue depths at the same time. Within a few seconds, we treat a large part of the hair roots of an area of skin.
The diode laser Soprano ICE Platinum contains a continuous cooling system for very gentle application on the skin. The typical heat development and burning sensation are almost completely eliminated. As a rule, no additional cooling packs are necessary after the treatment.
Your advantages of hair removal with the diode laser:
Depending on the hair and skin type, between four and eight treatments are useful. Since only the active hair roots can be removed during the growth phase, several sessions are always necessary. The optimal interval between the individual laser treatments is between 4 and 8 weeks. This time interval corresponds to the natural cycle of hair growth.
The thickness of the hair, the colour of the hair and the pigmentation of the skin also affect the number of treatments. In addition, hormonal fluctuations influence hair growth.
With the diode laser, unlike with other systems, we can also completely remove light and very thin hairs.
For larger areas, you should also plan for several treatments. The duration of the individual laser sessions ranges from 20 minutes for small areas of skin to up to one hour for treatment on the entire body.
Die Kosten sind abhängig vom Hautareal und von der Menge der Sitzungen. Für Laserbehandlungen im Gesicht beginnen die Preise bei 150 CHF pro Behandlung, für eine komplette Rückenbehandlung sollten Sie mindestens 650 CHF einplanen.
Before your permanent hair removal, our specialist Ms Evangelia Georgouli will advise you in detail. An analysis of your skin and hair type is necessary so that the laser can be adjusted to the exact strength.
Before the laser treatment, you should refrain from sunbathing and from taking certain medications. After each session, you should take it easy on your skin. Avoid perfumes and certain skin care products for a few days. Please consult us about this. Salt water or water containing chlorine can also irritate your skin in the days following the laser treatment.
Laser hair removal with the diode laser is currently considered the most innovative method for permanent hair removal. It is often possible to remove the unwanted hair after only four to six sessions. Laser treatment is very targeted, gentle on the skin and painless. Since we work with three wavelengths at the same time, different structures of the hair follicle are covered, including very deep hair roots and hard-to-reach areas.
On the day of treatment:
Shave the areas to be treated the evening before the laser treatment. Please do not apply deodorant, body lotion or make-up on the day of treatment.
If possible, inform us in advance of the laser treatment if you are taking medication or food supplements that make your skin sensitive to light. This may be the case, for example, if you are taking St. John's wort.
Dark pigmentation spots and moles contain melanin and absorb the the laser light as well as the hair roots. Prior to a laser treatment our dermatologist will examine your skin.
Our practitioner will get instructions from the doctor how to cover visible moles and pigmentation spots.
Do you have any questions about laser hair removal in Zurich? Then contact us and let us advise you without obligation.
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