
Laser Hair Removal on the Back in Zurich

Inten­se back hair is com­mon among men. If you suf­fer from exces­si­ve hair growth on your back, you’­re not alo­ne! Hair rem­oval is one of the most com­mon aes­the­tic tre­at­ments. Exces­si­ve body hair is more than just an aes­the­tic issue; it often cau­ses dis­com­fort and inse­cu­ri­ty, espe­ci­al­ly in situa­tions like swim­ming or sports. Tra­di­tio­nal methods like shaving or waxing are time-con­sum­ing, often pain­ful, and do not pro­vi­de a per­ma­nent solu­ti­on. Howe­ver, modern laser the­ra­py is dif­fe­rent: it is effec­ti­ve, often per­ma­nent, and one of our spe­cial­ties at Swiss Der­ma Cli­nic in Zurich.

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How does laser hair removal work?

The laser targets hair follicles specifically. With innovative laser devices, we can offer you an effective treatment with high comfort and minimal side effects. It is particularly efficient on dark and coarse hair, which often appears on the back. Using the Ice Laser, one of the latest generations of lasers, we can also effectively treat lighter and thinner hair. The treatment is gentle on the skin, quick, and precise – ideal for men with heavy back hair.


Your Benefits

  • Long-lasting results: Long-term reduction of hair growth and smooth skin.
  • Gentle and safe: A minimally invasive method with low skin stress.
  • Quick and comfortable: No more regular shaving or painful waxing.


Treatment Process

Initial Consultation and Skin Analysis: At Swiss Derma Clinic, we take the time to understand your wishes and expectations. Based on a thorough skin and hair analysis, we create your individual treatment plan.


Preparation of the Treatment Area: Before the laser treatment, you should shave the hair on your back. If the hair is too long, the laser beam can be absorbed before it reaches the hair follicles, increasing the risk of skin irritation.


Performing the Laser Treatment: During the treatment, the laser beam is directed at the hair follicles. The melanin pigments in the hair absorb the laser energy, deactivating the hair roots. The treatment is quick and mostly painless. A slight burning or warming sensation may occur but is generally well-tolerated.


Follow-up Treatments: Since hair grows in different phases, multiple sessions are necessary. Typically, 7-8 sessions are required at intervals of 4-5 weeks.



After laser treatment, it is normal for your skin to be slightly red. This redness usually subsides quickly. Our team will provide you with detailed aftercare instructions to support your skin at home optimally. We recommend avoiding direct sun exposure and physical activities like sports or swimming for a few days after the treatment.

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Haarentfernung Rücken

How does laser hair removal on the back work?

Laser hair removal is based on selective photothermolysis. The laser's light energy is absorbed by the pigments in the hair and converted into heat, preventing hair regrowth. This method targets only the hair and does not damage the surrounding tissue. Multiple sessions are required to reach all hair follicles in their different phases.

How does the Ice Laser differ from conventional lasers?

At Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich, we use the Ice Laser. This technique is especially gentle on the skin as it is cooled during the application. This minimizes heat exposure and increases treatment comfort. Skin irritations are less frequent, and the laser treatment is suitable even for sensitive skin.

Is laser hair removal on the back effective for light and thin hair?

The effectiveness of the treatment also depends on the color and thickness of the hair. Dark hair contains more melanin and can absorb more laser energy, leading to better and faster results. However, modern diode lasers like the Ice Laser also show good success with light, red, and fine hair. In some cases, slightly more sessions are required.

How long do the results of back hair removal last?

The results are often permanent as the treated hair follicles are deactivated and do not produce new hair. Some patients may experience slight regrowth after months or years, but it is usually finer and less dense. If this occurs, we can perform a touch-up treatment.

What side effects and risks can occur?

When laser hair removal is performed by qualified personnel, side effects are usually minimal. Common side effects include slight redness, swelling, or a burning sensation of the treated skin areas, which typically subside within a few hours. Rarely, hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation (darker or lighter skin spots) can occur. To avoid this, you should protect your skin from sun exposure after treatment. We will provide you with detailed instructions before your treatment.


Do you have questions about permanent back hair removal? Our team is happy to assist you. Call us, write to us, or book your consultation appointment in Zurich now.

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Hair Removal
Cosmetic Soprano Permanent Hair Removal 1 Zone 30min
Cosmetic Soprano Permanent Hair Removal 2 Zones 45min