
Laser Hair Removal on Arms in Zurich

Exces­si­ve arm hair or stub­ble from shaving or pain­ful waxing can make many women feel uncom­for­ta­ble and rest­ric­ted. Tra­di­tio­nal methods like waxing, epi­la­ti­on, or even blea­ching do not offer a per­ma­nent solu­ti­on. On the con­tra­ry, the skin often reacts with red­ness, itching, and increased sensitivity.

At Swiss Der­ma Cli­nic in Zurich, we under­stand the­se pro­blems and offer a per­ma­nent solu­ti­on for arm hair rem­oval with laser tech­no­lo­gy. Modern diode lasers pro­vi­de gent­le tre­at­ment and fast results. After a few ses­si­ons, the­se results are often per­ma­nent! Book your appoint­ment here!

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How does permanent hair removal with laser work?

In our practice in Zurich, we use advanced laser technology, including for arm hair removal. With innovative laser systems like the Ice Laser (Soprano ICE Platinum), we target hair roots precisely without stressing the surrounding tissue.

This method is particularly effective for dark hair but also shows very good results for lighter hair tones after a few sessions. The laser combines the benefits of three wavelengths and reaches hair follicles in different skin layers, making the treatment faster and more effective. Most hair removal sessions only take a few minutes, with minimal risk of irritation. This is especially optimal for exposed body areas like arms or hands.


Your Benefits

  • Long-lasting: Once treated, the laser can reduce hair growth on the arms for a long period.
  • Gentle on skin: The laser application is gentle and causes minimal irritation compared to other methods like waxing or epilation.
  • Time-saving and convenient: No more shaving or painful waxing – instead, a long-term solution.


Treatment Process

Individual Consultation: First, we conduct a detailed consultation with you. It is important that we understand your wishes, expectations, and your skin before the permanent hair removal.


Preparation: As with other laser hair removals, you should shave the hair before the session.


The Treatment: Our specialists perform the laser treatment tailored specifically to your hair type and skin. The application is usually painless, and you can immediately continue with your daily routine after each hair removal session.


Aftercare and Follow-up Appointments: For complete removal of arm hair, multiple treatments are needed. We schedule these at specific intervals based on hair growth phases.


Notes: After each laser application, there may be slight redness, which usually subsides quickly. We recommend avoiding direct sunlight for a few days and not using irritating chemical products. Our team will provide you with individual aftercare instructions after each hair removal session.


Haare an den Armen entfernen


Haare an den Armen entfernen

How many sessions are needed?

The number depends on hair density, hair color, and skin condition. Generally, we need between 5 and 8 treatments.

How long does a single treatment session take?

A treatment of the arms usually takes between 10 and 30 minutes, depending on hair density and the area to be treated.

What preparations are necessary before the first treatment?

You should shave your arms and avoid direct sunlight and irritating cosmetics or deodorants in the days before the first session. Also, avoid waxing or plucking for at least two weeks as these procedures unnecessarily irritate the tissue.

Can permanent hair removal be performed on tanned skin?

We recommend not performing the treatment on tanned skin, as the risk of unwanted reactions is higher. Ideally, you should avoid intensive tanning methods two to four weeks before and after the application, including self-tanners.

How does laser treatment affect existing tattoos?

The laser can affect tattoos. The tissue in these areas is more prone to irritation from the laser, and colors may change. To avoid this, we either exclude these areas during arm hair removal or protect them specifically.

What cosmetic products should be used after arm hair removal?

For a few days, only use gentle and fragrance-free products, avoiding irritating ingredients like alcohol or fragrances. At Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich, our team will provide you with tips for sensible skin care for your arms and hands if desired.

Is the treatment painful?

Most of our patients find the laser treatment relatively comfortable due to the combined cooling of the Ice Laser. You may feel a slight tingling or burning sensation, but this quickly subsides.

What distinguishes the Ice Laser from other types of lasers?

The Ice Laser cools during the application, providing additional comfort and protecting the tissue. This makes it ideal for sensitive skin on the arms, hands, or armpits.

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Cosmetic Soprano Permanent Hair Removal 1 Zone 30min
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Hair Removal
Cosmetic Soprano Permanent Hair Removal 1 Zone 30min
Cosmetic Soprano Permanent Hair Removal 2 Zones 45min