
Genius® Radiofrequency Microneedling in Zurich

New Powerful Com­bi­na­ti­on Tre­at­ment for Skin Rejuvenation

The Geni­us® Radio­fre­quen­cy Micro­need­ling is a brand new and revo­lu­tio­na­ry tre­at­ment for skin tigh­tening. This pro­ce­du­re com­bi­nes two methods: micro­need­ling and radio­fre­quen­cy. By deli­ve­ring pre­cise heat impul­ses, we can inten­se­ly sti­mu­la­te col­la­gen and elas­tin pro­duc­tion in various skin lay­ers, ther­eby sus­tain­ab­ly impro­ving skin structure.


At Swiss Der­ma Cli­nic in Zurich, we use Geni­us® RF Micro­need­ling for mouth wrink­les, neck wrink­les, sag­ging skin in the chin and cheek area, crow’s feet, and pig­men­ta­ti­on spots. Other tre­at­ment pos­si­bi­li­ties include acne scars, skin tigh­tening on the arms and legs, and depen­ding on the cau­se, hyper­hi­dro­sis (exces­si­ve sweating).

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  • Skin tightening on the face and body
  • Reduction of wrinkles
  • Refinement of acne scars
  • Reduction of stretch marks
  • Treatment of hyperhidrosis

Do you want to smooth and tighten your skin and improve your overall complexion? Book your consultation appointment at our practice in Zurich now and learn about all the advantages and disadvantages of radiofrequency microneedling.


Genius® at a Glance:

  • Location: Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich.
  • Treatment: Radiofrequency microneedling for skin tightening, wrinkles, and acne scars.
  • Device: Genius® by Lutronic, the first of its kind in Europe.
  • Method: Painless treatment with bi- and monopolar radiofrequency, where fine needles deliver heat impulses into the skin.
  • Advantages: Gentle and efficient application, with minimal skin injury and quick regeneration.
  • Mechanism: Stimulates new production of elastin and collagen, plumps the skin from within, and sustainably improves the complexion.
  • Treatment duration: 30 to 50 minutes, with a recommendation of 2-4 sessions at intervals of at least 4 weeks.
  • Indications: Suitable for wrinkle treatment, refining the complexion, tightening the tissue, and treating excessive sweating.
  • Note: All medical procedures can carry risks and side effects, and the information on the website does not replace a personal consultation.


Tighten Skin with Intelligent Radiofrequency

With radiofrequency microneedling, we treat the skin individually at three different depths. For example, to reach pigment-producing cells, stimulate collagen production, or reduce scars and wrinkles and “fill them in” from the inside out.

The Genius® system is a specialty in RF microneedling technology – it combines mechanical with thermal stimulation. This leads to the formation of skin-strengthening fibroblasts, as well as increased collagen, elastic fibers, and hyaluronic acid.

We can smooth and tighten various skin areas with intelligent radiofrequency in a targeted manner. The device continuously measures the skin resistance during the treatment and automatically adjusts the energy output. This way, neither too much nor too little frequency waves flow between the individual needles. The primary focus is on the middle skin layers, which protects the surface, resulting in fewer redness and skin injuries. The skin needs only about one to two days to regenerate.


Advantages of the Treatment

  • Gentle and efficient treatment
  • Short recovery time
  • Precise energy delivery
  • New production of collagen and elastin
  • Combination with exosome active treatment
Genius Behandlung in Zürich


Genius Behandlung in Zürich

What is special about RF needling?

Intelligent radiofrequency is a combination of powerful needling with 49 fine needles, allowing us to reach different skin layers and create micro-injuries. The radiofrequency is mainly delivered to the middle skin layer with precise dosing. In comparison, conventional radiofrequency devices work on the upper layers. Therefore, RF needling is much more effective. At the same time, the skin surface is hardly strained. Intelligent radiofrequency with microneedling is suitable for smoothing and tightening the skin on the face and body.

How does radiofrequency microneedling work?

On the so-called Dermapen, there are 49 fine gold-plated needles that are inserted into the skin at the push of a button. These impulses last only a few seconds and are almost painless. Simultaneously, a heat impulse is generated. The resistance in the tissue is measured via the needles – the energy output is then adjusted to this individual resistance.


The treatment goal: Improving porosity, pigmentation, skin tightening, and rejuvenation. At Swiss Derma Clinic, we combine Genius® radiofrequency with innovative exosome active treatments if needed.

Who is radiofrequency microneedling suitable for?

The treatment is suitable for patients who want a minimally invasive method for skin rejuvenation – without long downtime and with manageable risks. If you are interested in the treatment, you should first book a consultation at a qualified practice. At Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich, we provide detailed information about the treatment, possible supplements, and alternatives. You will receive a thorough assessment of the results you can expect from radiofrequency microneedling.

Is the Genius procedure painful?

Generally, the treatment is well-tolerated. The impulses are often described as a slight tingling or warming sensation. If desired, we can apply a light numbing cream before the treatment.

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