
Fruit acid peeling in Zurich

Fruit acid peels are incre­asing­ly used for cos­me­tic pur­po­ses. They are most­ly a natu­ral­ly occur­ring sub­s­tance, e.g. lac­tic acid, citric acid, malic acid or tar­ta­ric acid. The effect varies depen­ding on the acid con­cen­tra­ti­on and pH value. Depen­ding on the skin con­di­ti­on, a cour­se of tre­at­ment con­sists of six to twel­ve ses­si­ons at inter­vals of one to four weeks. We recom­mend this tre­at­ment method espe­ci­al­ly in autumn and winter.

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For an optimal peeling result, a 2- to 4-week preparation at home is important. This preparatory, regular skin cleansing and care accustoms your skin to low pH values and increases its tolerance for the peeling. This can optimise the peeling effect to achieve an even skin texture. Our aftercare treatment, tailored to your individual skin type, ensures that the good results are maintained in the long term.




What is a fruit acid peel?

Fruit acid peelings have been around for a long time. For the cosmetic treatment of the skin and especially for medical skin care, they have been further optimised in recent years. The active ingredients are more intensive, the dosage can be easily adapted to the skin and the individual sensitivity. Modern fruit acids include glycolic acids, fruit acids (citric or malic acid) and the hydroxycarboxylic acids found in plants. Most fruit acid peelings used in the medical field contain glycolic acid from sugar cane or grapes. Often they are also biochemically produced variants.

Fruit acids have the property of penetrating very deeply into the skin layers in a very short time. The top layer of skin is slightly exfoliated by the gentle acid. The skin is intensively stimulated to renew itself. The production of collagen and elastin increases. In addition, the skin binds more moisture. The result is a finer, fresher complexion. Wrinkles or scars, for example acne scars, can be treated well with a medical fruit acid peeling. Fruit acids can also reduce pigmentation marks and promote the healing of acne.

The fruit acid peel is suitable for the following applications:


  • acne, acne scars, blackheads
  • horny, scaly skin
  • sagging atrophic skin (skin of the elderly)
  • pigmentation disorders such as age spots
  • large-pored skin


A fruit acid peel is usually carried out as a treatment therapy. This requires several sessions at intervals of a few weeks.

How does the fruit acid peeling work and how does the treatment proceed?

Fruit acid peelings are used in lower dosages in cosmetics and in higher concentrations in medical cosmetics. As a rule, the skin is first pre-treated with a light fruit acid cream or gel. This usually already contains a small amount of fruit acids. The skin can slowly get used to the active ingredient and to low pH values. The pre-treatment should last two to four weeks. After the pre-treatment, we can optimally dose your peeling. In this way we achieve the best possible results and a significantly finer skin structure. At the Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich we work with the most effective products currently available in this field.


The peeling itself is increased in concentration from session to session. In this way we avoid excessive skin reactions and undesirable side effects. The treatment lasts between 30 and 60 minutes, depending on the treatment package. The fruit acid itself only remains on the skin for a few minutes. Beforehand, an intensive pre-treatment including skin cleansing takes place. After the peeling, moisturising lotions, a cooling mask or a skin gel can soothe the redness and warm feeling that has developed.


At the Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich, we use fruit acid peeling in our cosmetic department for a wide variety of skin problems. We will advise you in detail on the tolerability of the fruit acids used and draw up an individual treatment plan for you.

How does a fruit acid peel help with acne and how often should the treatment be repeated?

Fruit acids dissolve the keratinised top skin cells. In this way, skin renewal is stimulated. Clogged and enlarged pores become visibly finer after a few sessions. Over time, fewer new pimples and comedones (blackheads) appear.


How many sessions are necessary depends on the individual skin condition and the severity of the acne. Deep acne scars often require several sessions at shorter intervals (one to two weeks). In addition, the sensitivity of the skin, the application time, the pH value and the respective concentration of the active ingredient play a role.

What side effects can be expected with a fruit acid peel?

Immediately after the fruit acid peel, your skin may be red. Flaking is also possible in the days after the treatment. These are normal side effects that disappear after a few days. In order to additionally calm the skin and in case of stronger redness, you can apply cooling and moisturising face masks. Ask our cosmetics department for advice on which products are suitable and which ingredients you should pay attention to.


Avoid using fragrances or essential oils on your skin for a few days, as these can irritate your skin even more. You should also not apply make-up or powder directly after the session. Avoid further peels (even mild peels), self-tanning lotions and swimming pool visits for a few days. Remember that your skin will be more sensitive to the sun for some time. Apply an appropriately high sun protection factor.


To prevent excessive skin irritation during and after the peel, avoid solarium visits, laser treatments and intensive sun exposure in the weeks before the treatment. Also avoid other peeling products or shaving the skin shortly before the first fruit acid peel. Prepare your skin for the first session with the appropriate care products. Apply these daily. We will advise you on this in detail at the Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich.

What are the costs of a peeling treatment?

The cost of the fruit acid peel depends on the frequency of the sessions. These vary greatly depending on the skin condition. In the case of very horny and scarred skin, several treatments are recommended in order to achieve the desired results such as a reduction in scars and a finer skin texture.

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Cosmetic Fruit Acid Peeling 1 Zone 30min
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Cosmetic Fruit Acid Peeling 1 Zone 30min