
Facial hair laser treatment in Zurich

Unwan­ted facial hair can affect self-con­fi­dence. Tra­di­tio­nal methods often pro­vi­de only tem­po­ra­ry results and can be pain­ful. With inno­va­ti­ve laser the­ra­py, we remo­ve hair per­ma­nent­ly, quick­ly, and almost pain-free! At the Swiss Der­ma Cli­nic in Zurich, we use the latest devices for suc­cessful hair rem­oval on both the face and body.


The Sopra­no Ice Pla­ti­num laser, also known as the „Ice Laser,“ has pro­ven to be espe­ci­al­ly effec­ti­ve for facial hair rem­oval. The high-ener­gy laser light tar­gets the hair fol­lic­les pre­cis­e­ly wit­hout dama­ging the sur­roun­ding skin. This pro­cess per­ma­nent­ly des­troys the hair roots, pre­ven­ting regrowth. We use the laser on all affec­ted are­as of the face, such as the upper lip, chin, cheeks, fore­head, and neck. For opti­mal results, mul­ti­ple ses­si­ons at inter­vals of a few weeks are neces­sa­ry. Unli­ke older laser sys­tems, we can also effec­tively tre­at very light and fine hair and tan­ned skin!

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The advantages of facial laser hair removal are numerous:

  • Long-lasting results
  • Gentle method with minimal skin irritation
  • No more unsightly stubble
  • Quick treatment duration
  • Suitable for all hair and skin types

Want to get rid of your unwanted facial hair effectively and long-lasting? Consult and treat with our experienced medical team at Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich. Book your appointment here.


Gentle Hair Removal with the Soprano Ice Platinum Laser

At the Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich, we use advanced technology to provide our patients with convenient and effective hair removal for both face and body. Compared to traditional laser therapies, the Ice Laser stands out with remarkable advantages: A significant difference is the painless procedure. Thanks to its ICE™ technology, the skin in the treated area is cooled over time. This minimizes side effects such as redness, overheating, or unsightly skin spots.

During the application, the area is continuously warmed – but not abruptly heated.

The laser combines three different wavelengths (Alexandrite, Diode, and YAG wavelengths). This allows the treatment of different hair structures, hair colors, and skin tones – and very deep hair roots. The treatment is much faster than other devices due to the relatively large surface area of the handpiece.


Unwanted Hair Growth: A Problem for Both Women and Men

Hair growth can occur all over the face – predominantly in the chin area, on the sides of the cheeks, on the neck, or on the upper lip. For women, this can be especially emotionally distressing as it is hard to conceal. Hormonal influences or genetic predisposition can make this hair darker, denser, or coarser. Men may also struggle with issues in the beard contour or sideburns that extend beyond the desired area. We are here to provide detailed information on facial hair removal and offer you a tailored solution.

We also treat any body area with the laser, such as the armpits, bikini zone, arms, legs, chest, back, or shoulders.

Gesicht Haare entfernen mit Laser


Gesicht Haare entfernen mit Laser

Why is hair removal with the Soprano Platinum laser considered particularly effective?

Unlike most laser systems, the laser we use at the Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich covers three of the most effective wavelengths for long-lasting hair removal:


  • 755 nm (Alexandrite laser)
  • 810 nm (Diode laser)
  • 1,064 nm (Nd:YAG laser)


By combining these wavelengths, we can target deeper hair roots and different hair structures. Cooling the skin during treatment makes it virtually painless and reduces side effects.

What is more effective – hair removal with IPL or laser?

Both methods are generally suitable for removing unwanted hair. Overall, laser hair removal is considered more effective and faster. We are happy to provide detailed advice on permanent hair removal for the face and body at the Swiss Derma Clinic.

What are the advantages of the Ice Laser?

An Ice Laser cools the skin area during treatment. The cooling effect acts similarly to anesthesia, protecting the skin and preventing side effects like red spots or local burns. Additionally, the Ice Laser allows us to treat a larger skin area while the laser heats continuously and gently.

How does the process of facial hair removal with a laser work?

At the Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich, we always start with a consultation. Here, we thoroughly explain the possibilities of permanent hair removal and examine your skin and individual hair growth. Right before the session, a cooling gel is applied to the treatment area – enhancing conductivity and simultaneously relaxing the skin.

Is the result permanent?

The laser system used in our Zurich clinic has a very high success rate (between 80% and 95%). In these cases, the results are permanent. The laser's effectiveness in each case depends on hair structure and individual hormone levels. In most cases, the hair does not grow back after epilation. Note: The laser only targets hairs in the growth phase during each session. Therefore, several treatments spaced a few weeks apart are necessary.

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