
Eyelid Tightening Without Surgery in Zurich

Are you dis­sa­tis­fied with your eye area and suf­fe­ring from dro­o­ping eyelids, wrink­les, and sag­ging skin around the eyes? Eyelid tigh­tening wit­hout sur­gery, a „Lif­ting-to-go,“ can be done during a lunch break and pro­mi­ses good effects. At Swiss Der­ma Cli­nic in Zurich, wrink­le tre­at­ments and mini­mal­ly inva­si­ve cos­me­tic pro­ce­du­res are our spe­cia­li­ties. Our spe­cia­list doc­tors con­ti­nuous­ly fur­ther their edu­ca­ti­on in this field and use the latest methods and technologies.

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Our Treatments Minimally invasive methods, such as injections with biostimulators, Radiesse, or hyaluronic acid, can gently smooth and tighten the eye area, as well as targeted laser applications. To achieve the results you desire, we can also combine various treatments, including:


  • CO2 Laser: This laser stimulates collagen production and tightens the skin around the eyes.
  • PRP Therapy: Known as PRP lifting, plasma is introduced into the tissue to promote regeneration and strengthen the skin structure.
  • Polynucleotides: Modern biostimulators enhance elasticity, promoting a more youthful appearance.
  • Radiesse: This filler tightens the tissue in specific areas and reduces wrinkles.
  • Hyaluron: Hyaluronic acid can plump and smooth the eye area.


Gentle Eyelid Tightenings – Your Benefits:

  • Experienced team of specialist doctors with years of experience in aesthetic medicine.
  • State-of-the-art technologies and high-quality products for optimal results.
  • Individual consultation and custom treatment plans.
  • Minimal downtime and quick recovery after treatment.
  • High patient satisfaction and proven success in wrinkle treatment. Would you like a change around your eye area? Then book your consultation or treatment at Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich today. Our specialist doctors are at your disposal and will answer your questions in detail.
Augenlidstraffung ohne OP


Augenlidstraffung ohne OP

What is eyelid tightening without surgery?

Eyelid tightening at the Swiss Derma Clinic is done on an outpatient basis and refers to non-invasive or minimally invasive treatments. These aim to tighten and smooth sagging or drooping eyelids without the need for additional surgical intervention. Small injections introduce fillers such as hyaluronic acid and strengthening skin boosters like polynucleotides directly into the connective tissue. These not only provide tightening but also can gently lift the area around the eyebrows and lids through precise injections. Depending on the skin structure, additional CO2 laser treatment, thread lifting, or PRP therapy may be appropriate. Speak personally with our doctors if you are considering eyelid tightening without surgery.

How does eyelid tightening without surgery work?

The connective and fat tissue in the area of the eyes, eyelids, and brows is especially thin and prone to wrinkles, sagging skin, drooping eyelids, or dark circles. With pinpoint injections and additional wrinkle treatments, we can smooth the entire area. The expression immediately appears fresher and more youthful. We specialize in particularly tissue-friendly applications at our practice in Zurich.

What is PRP therapy?

PRP therapy is suited, among other things, for wrinkle treatment and gentle eyelid tightening without surgery. Here, platelet-rich plasma from the patient's own blood is enriched with special vitamins, regenerative proteins, and amino acids. In the minimally invasive application, our specialist doctors inject the skin-strengthening cocktail into the tissue. Regeneration, blood circulation, and collagen production are activated – the skin becomes firmer and tighter overall. The application is also possible in the area of the eyes and eyebrows. PRP therapy has relatively few side effects. Temporary swelling and redness around the injection sites are possible and normal. Generally, you can resume your daily activities after one to two days.

How does treatment with Radiesse work, and how can it be used for eyelid tightening?

Radiesse is a filler consisting of tiny calcium hydroxylapatite spheres. The substance is introduced into the skin to activate the synthesis of elastin and collagen, thus tightening the tissue around the eyes and reducing wrinkles.

How does CO2 laser treatment work for eyelid tightening?

In CO2 laser treatment, also known as fractional laser treatment, the top layer of skin is removed in certain areas. This leads to intensive skin renewal through new, vital connective tissue and an increased collagen content, resulting in a significant tightening. The CO2 laser can treat both superficial fine lines and deeper wrinkles. The effect generally lasts for an extended period, as collagen production continues to be stimulated even after the treatment. Plan a few days for regeneration, as redness and crusts can form in the treated area in the days following the treatment. These generally heal without any problems.

Are the results permanent?

The results of the various treatments for eyelid tightening without surgery are not permanent, as natural skin aging continues. However, regular touch-up treatments or combinations can extend the results.

How long does it take for the first results to become visible?

Depending on the treatment method and individual skin condition, the results of the eyelid tightening vary. For example, immediate results can be achieved through hyaluronic acid injections. Tightening from a laser treatment may take several weeks but tends to last longer. In many cases, it makes sense to combine several applications.

Are there any risks or side effects?

As with all aesthetic treatments, risks and side effects can occur. These include redness, swelling, bruising, or allergic reactions. The treatment should only be performed by an experienced doctor.

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