
Exosome therapy in Zurich

Exo­so­mes for Skin Reju­ve­na­ti­on and Hair Loss

What if we could not only halt skin aging but actual­ly reju­ve­na­te our skin? With exo­so­mes for skin reju­ve­na­ti­on, we come clo­ser to this dream. Exo­so­mes are con­side­red a game-chan­ger in anti-aging medi­ci­ne: the­se acti­ve-rich pro­ducts are deri­ved from rose stem cells – they are purely plant-based and high­ly effec­ti­ve. Both in skin reju­ve­na­ti­on and in hair loss treatment!


Com­bi­ned with modern radio­fre­quen­cy micro­need­ling (Geni­us link), the Der­ma­pen 4 MD, or laser the­ra­py (skin resur­fa­cing), exo­so­mes can pro­mo­te the pro­duc­tion of the skin’s own pro­te­ins and lipids and actively coun­ter­act cell aging – for fewer wrink­les, tigh­ter skin, and den­ser hair growth.

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Exosome therapy is brand new! At Swiss Derma Clinic, we provide detailed consultations on this. Book your personal appointment with our specialists in Zurich now.


What are Exosomes?

Exosomes are vesicles produced by our cells. Tiny active substances packed with lipids, proteins, nucleic acids, growth factors, and many other active substances. They promote cell-to-cell communication and play a significant role in skin renewal and the quality of skin and hair structure. At Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich, we use plant-derived exosomes for the treatment of wrinkles, sagging tissue, and uneven skin tone. Also for acne scars, pigmentation spots, and hair loss.


Exosomes from rose stem cells can penetrate particularly well into the skin and the hair follicle area, working precisely where needed. Techniques like radiofrequency, microneedling with the Dermapen, and laser therapy further strengthen the tissue and enhance results: the tissue becomes stronger, can intensively absorb active ingredients, and binds more moisture.


Using exosomes can effectively support hair growth, especially in the early stages of hair loss and with thinning or sparse hair.


Radiofrequency Microneedling & Exosomes

Active ingredients are more effective when they can penetrate the tissue deeply. The combination of microneedling with radiofrequency promotes the absorption of substances into deep skin layers. We recommend starting with several sessions spaced a few weeks apart, with follow-ups as needed. Skin rejuvenation with exosomes can be well combined with other methods like fillers, biostimulators, or PRP. Another option is to combine it with the CO2 laser.


More about radiofrequency microneedling


Laser & Exosomes

At Swiss Derma Clinic, we also combine laser therapy with exosomes depending on the skin condition. In skin resurfacing, we adjust the laser energy to the skin and treat various skin layers similar to radiofrequency. The laser is particularly useful for improving overall skin quality, such as for acne, large pores, or fine lines.


More about skin resurfacing with laser


Dermapen & Exosomes for Hair Loss

The combination of Dermapen 4 MD and exosomes is a promising approach in hair loss therapy. With advanced microneedling, we can stimulate the activity of hair follicles and deliver active serums deep into the scalp. Important: For a successful treatment, some active hair roots should still be present.


More about treatment with Dermapen 4 MD



  • Skin rejuvenation for wrinkles and sagging skin
  • Regeneration and skin repair
  • Hair loss
  • Brightening pigmentation spots and redness
  • Inflammations and blemished skin
  • Wounds and acne scars


The treatment is gentle and takes about an hour. Suitable for the face, neck, décolleté, and scalp.

Exosome Behandlung


Exosome Behandlung

How does skin rejuvenation with exosomes work?

Exosomes are tiny vesicles derived from rose stem cells that regulate communication between skin cells. This improved communication helps the skin regulate itself and adapt to environmental changes. The tissue is enabled to repair and rejuvenate itself, improving collagen production, firmness, elasticity, and reducing lines, wrinkles, pigmentation spots, scars, and inflammation.

What is the treatment process?

The skin rejuvenation treatment consists of three components: medical microneedling, radiofrequency, and the application of exosomes.


Through microscopic fine punctures, we stimulate cell renewal and target active ingredient concentrates (cosmeceuticals) with exosomes into the tissue. The additional radiofrequency creates a thermal effect, which stimulates the production of collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid in the skin. At the same time, we influence firming proteins and make the tissue receptive to active ingredients. The tissue structure becomes firmer and plumper.


Other options include laser therapy or treatment with the Dermapen MD for scalp applications.

How many sessions are typically needed?

We recommend a series of about three to five treatments spaced a few weeks apart.

How much time should I plan for skin rejuvenation with exosomes?

Depending on the area treated, plan for about one to two hours for your appointment in Zurich. This time includes pre- and post-treatment.

What should I consider before the treatment?

If possible, avoid retinols and chemical peels in the weeks leading up to your treatment, as these can excessively irritate the tissue. Laser and filler treatments or injections with muscle relaxants should be done at least 14 days prior.


For exosome treatment for hair loss with the Dermapen: Avoid irritating the scalp in the days leading up to the treatment. Haircuts or hair coloring should be done at least two weeks prior.

What should I consider after the treatment?

Due to microneedling, the skin is especially receptive to all kinds of substances. Therefore, avoid using concealers, peels, or powders for about 48 hours. Also, ensure no dirt particles get on or into the skin.


Do not cleanse the skin on the day of the treatment to allow the active ingredients to continue working. Avoid intense sun exposure for a few days. Similarly, avoid strenuous activities, sauna, or solarium for one to two weeks. Support your skin’s self-regeneration by drinking plenty of water or tea, about two to three liters per day is recommended.

Can exosomes also help with hair problems?

Yes, exosome treatment is an innovative approach for treating thinning or sparse hair. Combined with microneedling with the Dermapen 4 MD (Dermapen link) and depending on the cause of hair loss, exosomes can support the revitalization of hair follicles, improve hair quality, and potentially reduce hair loss.

How does exosome treatment for hair loss work?

For hair loss treatment, the scalp is pre-treated with the Dermapen. The Dermapen 4 MD is the gold standard in medical microneedling and is considered particularly effective. The skin is more receptive to active ingredient concentrates after the treatment. Exosomes are rich in growth factors and proteins and can vitalize the hair roots and actively stimulate hair growth.

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