Dermatologische Behandlungen in Zürich, Schweiz



Our skin, tog­e­ther with our hair and nails, is lar­ge­ly respon­si­ble for our exter­nal appearance.
Hard­ly any­thing pro­vi­des as much infor­ma­ti­on about our life­style and gene­ral well-being as the appearance of our skin.
Due to the clo­se con­nec­tion with our inter­nal organs, inter­nal health pro­blems can also be reflec­ted and reco­gni­zed by the appearance of our skin. 

At our spe­cia­list der­ma­to­lo­gy cli­nic, the focus is on you, your appearance and the res­to­ra­ti­on and main­ten­an­ce of your skin health.
Pre­cise dia­gno­stics, sen­si­ble pre­ven­ti­on and per­so­na­li­zed the­ra­pies put us on a com­mon path to iden­ti­fy­ing, trea­ting and final­ly resol­ving your concerns. 

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Alle Termine

24.12.24 bis 27.12.24 keine Dermatologie Sprechstunde und Ästehtik.

23.12.+30.12.+31.12.24 Dermatologie Sprechstunde


24.12.+27.12.+28.12.24 Kosmetik Behandlungen

20.12.+31.12.24 Kosmetik Behandlungen

01.01.25 bis 02.01.2025 keine Kosmetik und keine Dermatologie

All dates

December 24, 2024, to December 27, 2024: No dermatology consultations or aesthetic treatments.

December 23, 2024, December 30, 2024, and December 31, 2024: Dermatology consultations available.

December 24, 2024, December 27, 2024, and December 28, 2024: Cosmetic treatments available.

December 20, 2024, and December 31, 2024: Cosmetic treatments available.

January 1, 2025, to January 2, 2025: No cosmetic treatments or dermatology consultations.