
Dermapen 4 MD for Beautiful Skin in Zurich: The Gold Standard in Medical Microneedling

At Swiss Der­ma Cli­nic in Zurich, we uti­li­ze medi­cal micro­need­ling with the Der­ma­pen to impro­ve skin tex­tu­re and sti­mu­la­te hair growth on the scalp. This method is known for being espe­ci­al­ly gent­le and comfortable.


The Der­ma­pen 4 MD is one of the latest devices in the micro­need­ling field. Ori­gi­na­ting from Aus­tra­lia, this method reli­es on the prin­ci­ple of natu­ral skin rene­wal. It works wit­hout sur­gery and with mini­mal side effects. The tis­sue is inten­se­ly sti­mu­la­ted to repair its­elf. The tre­at­ment goal: reju­ve­n­a­ted and revi­ta­li­zed skin. The tre­at­ment is sui­ta­ble for the face, scalp, and even hard-to-reach are­as like around the eyes, the naso­la­bi­al fold, or the mouth area.

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At Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich, we use the Dermapen to treat hair loss with active ingredients from rose stem cells (exosomes) or PRP plasma. When applied directly to the scalp, skin’s own growth factors are released, which can promote hair growth. The treatment is nearly painless and typically has no downtime.


Applications of Dermapen 4 MD in Zurich:

  • Signs of skin aging (wrinkles, sagging tissue)
  • Pigmentation spots like age spots
  • Acne and acne scars
  • Stretch marks
  • Hair loss


Are you looking for a more even skin tone or interested in Dermapen treatment? Then schedule a consultation with our experienced doctors quickly and easily at Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich.


How Dermapen Microneedling Works:

To achieve the desired effects, such as strengthening the skin structure or tightening and smoothing the skin, we create tiny microchannels in the tissue using ultra-thin needles (pens). With maximum precision and safety. Through the microchannels, the skin can absorb up to 80% more active ingredients.


Additionally, we activate the body’s own collagen synthesis. This natural process is used by the skin to repair itself. Beneficial active ingredients can include amino acids, certain vitamins, plant-based growth factors, and modern exosomes. Due to the high injection depth of up to 3 millimeters, even acne scars and wrinkles can be improved.


Special Features of Modern Microneedling:

The Dermapen 4 MD has 16 delicate needles that can move into the skin up to 120 times per second. This is about twice as fast as traditional needling. This creates 1,920 microchannels per second, making the treatment extremely effective and shortening the session duration. Combined with the adjustable penetration depth, this method is unique in the field of aesthetic medicine.

Dermapen Behandlung


Dermapen Behandlung

What is special about the Dermapen 4 MD and how does modern microneedling work?

The Dermapen treatment is considered the gold standard in microneedling, especially medical needling. With this modern device, we can improve skin structure, infuse active ingredients into the skin, and stimulate hair growth. Using a special pen with 16 thin (33G) needles, microchannels are created in the skin. This activates the body’s production of fibroblasts, growth hormones, hyaluronic acid, and collagen. The skin undergoes intensive self-regeneration. Generally, there is no downtime and only minimal side effects. Another special feature is the application depth of up to 3 millimeters in the medical field.


The treatment with our Dermapen is generally well-tolerated and significantly faster than microneedling with older devices.

Where is Dermapen 4 MD used?

At Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich, we use the Dermapen 4 MD for facial treatments aimed at skin rejuvenation, in combination with wrinkle-reducing and skin-tightening active ingredients, with PRP lifting, or treatment with exosomes for skin and hair. Another application area is treating hair loss. Using the Dermapen 4 MD, the scalp is specifically stimulated, blood circulation is enhanced to the hair follicle area, and combined with growth-stimulating active ingredients.

Are there any side effects with Dermapen 4 MD microneedling?

As with any cosmetic, aesthetic, or medical treatment, side effects can occur with microneedling using the modern Dermapen. However, these are generally mild and temporary. Possible side effects include redness in the treatment area, swelling, and a feeling of warmth or burning on the skin.

How long does a treatment with the Dermapen 4 MD take?

The treatment typically lasts between half an hour to an hour. It depends on the size of the skin areas to be treated, the combination of active ingredients, and other individual factors. If necessary, a numbing cream can also be applied, which should take effect for at least 20 minutes before starting microneedling.

How quickly can you see results after a treatment?

Most of our patients report seeing initial improvements after the first application. However, multiple sessions are usually needed to achieve long-term and sustainable effects. This is especially true if the Dermapen 4 MD microneedling is used to stimulate hair growth or reduce age spots, wrinkles, and scars. Other influencing factors include the individual skin condition, age, and the intensity of pigmentation or hair loss.

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