
Treating pigmentation spots with Cyspera

Cys­pe­ra is an effec­ti­ve 3‑step pig­ment cor­rec­tion tre­at­ment that you can easi­ly per­form at home after a con­sul­ta­ti­on at our cli­nic in Zurich. As a gent­le alter­na­ti­ve to hydro­qui­no­ne, this tre­at­ment is sui­ta­ble for sen­si­ti­ve skin and even lar­ge are­as of hyper­pig­men­ta­ti­on. Its key ingre­di­ent is cys­team­i­ne, a powerful anti­oxi­dant with brigh­tening effects.

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Your Benefits

  • Cyspera is suitable for long-term use
  • Unlike conventional bleaching agents, it doesn’t make the skin photosensitive
  • Initial results can often be seen after just 4 weeks
  • Suitable for (almost) all skin types


Is your skin uneven or blotchy, and are you looking for a gentle pigmentation treatment? Without chemical peels, lasers, or minimally invasive procedures? Then book your personal consultation at Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich today.


What is Cyspera?

Cyspera is an innovative dermo-cosmetic product with a unique combination of active ingredients. The treatment system consists of Cyspera Intense (pigment correction), Cyspera Neutralize, and Cyspera Boost: three serums that can seamlessly be integrated into your daily skincare routine. Each application takes no longer than 20 minutes.

Note: The active ingredient, cysteamine, reduces melanin, the pigment responsible for skin darkening. Cyspera is the result of years of research and careful formulation—and can positively impact your skin health in the long term. This always requires a thorough medical consultation and examination.

At Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich, we use Cyspera to treat:

➔ Brown pigmentation spots like melasma

➔ Lentigines Solaris (age spots)

➔ Hyperpigmented scars

➔ Skin smoothing

➔ Irritation reduction

How Does Cyspera Work?

Cyspera inhibits tyrosinase, the key enzyme in melanin production. About four weeks after starting the treatment, dark spots gradually lighten, and skin tone becomes more even. There is typically no peeling or irritation, meaning no downtime. You can think of Cyspera as a cosmetic treatment—but with much more intense effects.


The treatment is applied in 3 steps:

1. Step – Pigment Correction

Apply a thin layer of the Intense serum to dry skin, either on the entire face or just the affected areas. Do not cleanse your skin beforehand! If you need to remove makeup or dirt, make sure to do so at least one hour before applying the serum. The exposure time is 5 to 15 minutes, depending on your skin condition! We will discuss the exact procedure with you during your consultation in Zurich.


2. Step – The Neutralizer

Neutralize the treated area with Cyspera Neutralize. This product balances the pH and soothes your skin. Rinse thoroughly with plenty of water afterward.


3. Step – The Booster

Cyspera Boost can be applied several times a day, depending on the pigmentation. The product stays on the skin and enhances the pigment-lightening effect.


Combination Treatments at Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich

Depending on your skin’s condition, we may also combine Cyspera with laser therapy or chemical peels. In some cases, this can help increase the treatment’s effectiveness. Book a non-binding consultation appointment here.

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