
Clogged sebaceous glands and pores: Treatment at the Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich

Clog­ged sebace­ous glands are pri­ma­ri­ly an aes­the­tic con­cern. The skin sur­face beco­mes uneven and pro­ne to inflamm­a­ti­on, pimp­les, and black­heads (come­do­nes). In some cases, clog­ged sebace­ous glands can also con­tri­bu­te to skin con­di­ti­ons such as acne, rosacea, or sebor­rhea. In such ins­tances, see­king medi­cal advice is advi­sa­ble. At the Swiss Der­ma Cli­nic in Zurich, we assist you in achie­ving clea­rer and healt­hi­er skin with modern methods ran­ging from light the­ra­py to micro­need­ling — always tail­o­red to the under­ly­ing cau­se and your skin type. Sche­du­le your per­so­nal con­sul­ta­ti­on here.

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What are Sebaceous Glands and What Role Do They Play in Skin Health?

Sebaceous glands play a crucial role in maintaining our skin's health. They produce sebum, an oily substance that keeps the skin surface smooth and protects it from drying out and harmful environmental factors. Together with sweat, sebum forms the hydrolipid film—a protective barrier against environmental pollutants. If sebaceous glands produce too much oil or if the pores become clogged with dead skin cells or impurities, they can become inflamed, sometimes persistently. We recommend treatment as soon as blackheads start to form.


Causes and Triggers of Clogged Sebaceous Glands

  • Hormonal Fluctuations: Particularly during puberty, pregnancy, or when taking certain hormones.
  • Excessive Sebum Production: This can be due to genetics or triggered by stress and diet.
  • Inappropriate Cosmetics: Heavy, oily, and comedogenic creams, makeup, and oils further clog the pores.
  • Contact with Oils and Dirt through Certain Occupational Activities.
  • Symptoms
  • Blackheads (Open Comedones): Small dark skin lesions.
  • Milia (also known as whiteheads): Firm, tiny bumps, usually without signs of inflammation or redness.
  • Acne: Pimples and pustules typically caused by the additional influence of certain bacteria (Propionibacterium acnes).
  • Large Pores and Oily Skin Areas: Predominantly on the forehead, nose, and chin.


Your Treatment at the Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich

The Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich is a welcoming practice with spacious treatment rooms and its own cosmetic department. All our specialists are experts in their respective fields and provide support in medical, aesthetic, and cosmetic areas. You are in good hands with us. Our treatment options for clogged sebaceous glands include:

  • Chemical Peels and TCA (Trichloroacetic Acid): Intensive peels for skin renewal and deep pore cleansing.
  • Laser Therapy (CO2 Laser): Fractional laser treatment to target deeper skin layers, stimulate collagen production, and promote skin renewal.
  • Microneedling: To improve skin texture, pore size, and acne scars.
  • Ultrasound Treatment: Enhances the absorption of active ingredients and serums and promotes deep cleansing.
  • Mesotherapy: Injection of vitamins, enzymes, and hormones to refine the skin's appearance.
  • PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma): Uses your own blood plasma for skin rejuvenation and improvement of skin texture.


These and other treatments can specifically improve and enhance your skin condition. Contact us for a personal consultation.

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How do clogged sebaceous glands develop?

Clogged sebaceous glands occur when sebum, the natural oil of the skin, combines with dead skin cells in the pores. This can be influenced by hormonal fluctuations, excessive sebum production, the use of comedogenic skincare products, or inadequate skin cleansing. Environmental factors like high humidity and pollution can also play a role.


What symptoms are typical of clogged sebaceous glands?

Typical symptoms include blackheads (open comedones), milia (white skin bumps), and in some cases, inflamed acne lesions. These symptoms are especially common in areas with a high density of sebaceous glands, such as the face, back, and chest.

What is the difference between a chemical peel and laser therapy?

Chemical peels use acids to exfoliate the outermost skin layer and open the pores. Laser therapy, on the other hand, uses light energy to reach deeper skin layers, activating skin regeneration, reducing inflammation, and improving overall skin appearance. The appropriate treatment for you depends on your individual skin type and the causes of your clogged sebaceous glands.

How can I prevent my sebaceous glands from clogging again?

The prevention strategy depends on the triggers, which are individual and can range from cosmetics to mechanical or thermal irritants. Sometimes, it’s a matter of trial and error. General tips include:


  • Use appropriate cosmetics and mild cleansing products.
  • Avoid ingredients that are pore-clogging (comedogenic).
  • Depending on your skin type, exfoliating products like scrubs may help remove scales and dead skin cells.
  • If certain foods cause clogged pores, try to avoid them.


Further and personalized advice is available during your appointment at the Swiss Derma Clinic in Zurich.

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