
Chin Wrinkle Injections in Zurich

A fresh and attrac­ti­ve appearance is important to many of our pati­ents. It gives them more con­fi­dence – both pro­fes­sio­nal­ly and pri­va­te­ly. Unfort­u­na­te­ly, no one is immu­ne to wrink­les. When the chin is affec­ted, it can make us look older. Chin wrink­les can be pro­no­un­ced and cau­se the facial fea­tures to appear „dro­o­ping.“ This can some­ti­mes give a some­what grim expres­si­on. The typi­cal grid-like and scar-like wrink­les, also known as straw­ber­ry chin or cob­ble­s­tone chin, are feared. The­se are hard­ly con­ce­alable with pow­der or make­up, and creams do not help either.


At the Swiss Der­ma Cli­nic in Zurich, we effec­tively tre­at chin wrink­les using mini­mal­ly inva­si­ve methods with high­ly cross-lin­ked hyalu­ro­nic acid. This ensu­res a posi­ti­ve and soft facial expression.

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Do you have questions about “chin wrinkle injections” in Zurich? Then simply give us a call or schedule your consultation appointment with our specialists Dr. Georgouli and Dr. Hatzipouflis. Click here and choose your preferred appointment.

Your Chin Wrinkle Treatment in 3 Steps:

  • Schedule an appointment online or by phone
  • Examination & consultation by an experienced specialist
  • Treatment in a comfortable and relaxed atmosphere


A Positive and Attractive Facial Expression

The treatment at our clinic offers several advantages: you receive individual advice and a treatment tailored to your desires and skin condition. We use generous time slots and the highest quality products available in the field of cosmetic medicine. Our dermatologists prioritize aesthetic and natural results. After the injection of chin wrinkles, you will look younger and more attractive – but unchanged!


Here’s How It Works: Chin Wrinkle Injections at Swiss Derma Clinic:

Deep chin wrinkles can be effectively filled with highly cross-linked hyaluronic acid. The skin smoothing is immediately visible! This works particularly well with horizontal chin wrinkles and scar-like indentations. Combining this with other wrinkle treatments like laser or biostimulators yields excellent results.


“Chin wrinkle injections” can be combined, upon your request and depending on your skin type, with skin boosters, PRP lifting, thread lifting, mesotherapy, and other aesthetic procedures.

Kinnfalten unterspritzen


Kinnfalten unterspritzen

What Treatment for Chin Wrinkles?

Chin wrinkles affect everyone – some earlier, some later. Depending on how much we tense our chin muscles, horizontal or scar-like wrinkles form.


Filler injections are highly effective treatments. In most cases, wrinkles can be significantly reduced or removed in just one session. As with all minimally invasive procedures, the results fade after a few months – the treatment then needs to be repeated. Since there are no downtime, major risks, or side effects, you can refresh the treatment as you wish.


Depending on the individual skin condition, laser treatment or microneedling might also be considered.


Note: Make sure that the practitioner is well versed in the method, brings years of experience, and values a natural result. At Swiss Derma Clinic, we specialize in aesthetic treatments like injecting chin wrinkles. Schedule a non-binding consultation with our specialists Dr. Georgouli and Dr. Hatzipouflis.

How Does the Treatment Proceed?

Your chin wrinkle treatment in Zurich begins with a detailed consultation and a professional skin analysis by our experienced specialists. You can ask all your questions and find out exactly what is possible and which methods are suitable for you, with all their pros and cons.


On the day of treatment, if possible, come to us without makeup. Since every cleaning is another mild irritation for the skin – and this should be avoided. If you wish, we apply a light numbing cream to the areas to be treated. You will hardly feel the injections. However, since we use very thin Japanese needles, this is usually not necessary. The actual injection with hyaluronic acid or biostimulators does not take long – at most, for large areas, 10 minutes. Afterwards, you can resume your usual activities. You can even have the chin wrinkles injected during your lunch break.

What are the costs of injecting chin wrinkles?

The costs for injecting chin wrinkles vary depending on the patient and start at 350 CHF. If the wrinkles are pronounced and particularly deep, more material and time are needed. Accordingly, the financial expenditure is also higher. Talk to us; we are happy to provide you with an individual offer.

How Do Chin Wrinkles Form?

The reasons for chin wrinkles include unconscious facial expressions, individual lifestyle, sun exposure, and decreasing skin elasticity. The chin muscle reacts strongly to stress and tenses unconsciously, leading to lines and unattractive wrinkle reliefs over time. Chin wrinkles appear as horizontal lines directly below the lip or as a so-called cobblestone chin with a grid-like structure.

What should I consider before and After treating chin wrinkles?

Avoid visiting a solarium for a few days before your appointment at our clinic in Zurich and do not have any chemical peels or other skin-irritating treatments done. You can gently cool the skin immediately after the treatment. This way, you reduce the risk of redness, bruises at the injection sites, and swelling. And if these do occur, you can camouflage them with a tinted day cream or concealer.


And in the days after? Avoid sweaty sports and do not visit the sauna for a few days. If you have further questions, please feel free to contact our clinic directly in Zurich.

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