
Fat lipolysis injection in Zurich

Injec­tion lipo­ly­sis isn’t limi­t­ed to the body. It can also be used on the face, for exam­p­le in order to remo­ve a dou­ble chin or sag­ging cheeks. Mind you, the­re are also a num­ber of are­as on the body whe­re stub­born fat depo­sits can at least be redu­ced in size by an injec­tion: in the abdo­men, buttocks and thighs, as well as on the back and chest in men.


The acti­ve ingre­di­ent phos­pha­ti­dyl­cho­li­ne is injec­ted direct­ly into the fat­ty tis­sue, dis­in­te­gra­ting both the fat cells and the fat mole­cu­les stored in them. The decom­po­si­ti­on pro­ducts are bro­ken down and excre­ted by the body. This pro­ce­du­re can be repea­ted two to four times at inter­vals of eight weeks. A las­ting effect is achie­ved after a few weeks.


Injec­tion lipo­ly­sis can also be used to deal with irre­gu­la­ri­ties resul­ting from pre­vious fat rem­oval pro­ce­du­res such as lipo­suc­tion and cryo­li­po­ly­sis (fat freezing).

fettweg spritze zürich


fettweg spritze zürich

What is a fat lipolysis injection and how does it work?

Fat removal injection is a minimally invasive method for removing unwanted fatty tissue. The advantage over classic liposuction is that it does not require any surgical intervention and therefore there is no scarring. The injection of a special active ingredient breaks down fat cells, which are then transported via the lymph vessels to the liver where they are metabolised. For this reason, this form of treatment is also called injection lipolysis. The active ingredient phosphatidylcholine, which is obtained from soybeans, is often used. The injection of the active ingredient causes inflammation in the corresponding areas of the body, which unfolds the fat-dissolving effect. The most effective way to use the fat-removal injection is when it is applied to small fat deposits on the face or body.

What side effects can occur with the fat lipolysis injection?

When done professionally, fat-blasting is basically a very sustainable and low-risk treatment. Common side effects can include swelling and sore muscles. In extremely rare cases, allergies to the active ingredient or fatty tissue necrosis can occur.

Is the injection of the fat lipolysis injection painful?

Before the treatment, we apply a strong anaesthetic cream for 15 to 20 minutes. This means that the injection is hardly painful.

How long does the lipolysis Injection last?

According to current knowledge, once fat cells are dissolved, they do not form again. Thus, it is possible to reduce fat deposits permanently as long as there is no weight gain.

How long does it take for the fat lipolysis injection to work?

Typically, two to three lipolysis treatments spaced six to eight weeks apart are necessary to achieve optimal results. These results become visible after the swelling from the last treatment subsides. In approximately 10% of cases, treatment with the fat-dissolving injection leads to no or not the desired result. The reasons for this can be a resistance to the combination of active ingredients or dietary errors.

What do I have to keep in mind after the fat lipolysis injection injection?

To stimulate the metabolism and thus accelerate the reduction of fat reserves, it is recommended to drink plenty of water and exercise a lot during the first days after the treatment. You should avoid massages and sauna visits for the first 3 days. For about 4 weeks, the treated areas should only be exposed to the sun with strong sun protection.

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Aesthetic Consultation
Fat Lipolysis Injection
Fat Lipolysis Injection Abdomen
Fat Lipolysis Injection Chest (Men)
Fat Lipolysis Injection Double Chin
Fat Lipolysis Injection Flanks
Fat Lipolysis Injection Jowls
Fat Lipolysis Injection Love Handles
Fat Lipolysis Injection Inner Thighs
Fat Lipolysis Injection Saddle Bags
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Aesthetic Consultation
Fat Lipolysis Injection
Fat Lipolysis Injection Abdomen
Fat Lipolysis Injection Chest (Men)
Fat Lipolysis Injection Double Chin
Fat Lipolysis Injection Flanks
Fat Lipolysis Injection Jowls
Fat Lipolysis Injection Love Handles
Fat Lipolysis Injection Inner Thighs
Fat Lipolysis Injection Saddle Bags